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New Admin and G.Moderator


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1 hour ago, Ryon said:

Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with honor that I introduce to you, your new Admin's and Global Moderator.

@RobotMonkeyHead and @Galvatron.


Robot and Galva are both paying for MFFA (Hosting and IPB) now.

I will no longer be here, My visits will be very infrequent and eventually stop.


Please welcome both of these 2 with open arms.

If you do not like the fact that there is suddenly a new admin then tough cookies, He is paying for it.

The same way everyone respects me as the owner you have to respect these 2 the same.


I'm still in the means of transferring hosting and licensing over to RobotMonkeyHead but it will be done soon.



I can not fix it right now, MonkeyHead has contacted Invision Power Board regarding the issue. Please bare with it for a bit longer.

thanks Ryon, I will patiently wait for a new Golden Era of MUGEN

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Thanks everyone! :-)


Me, RoboMonkeyHead, and the rest of MFFA Staff well be sure to keep this site running. We are a community and we need to respect each other no matter if anyone is memebers of MFFA, MFG, IMT, MMV,and other forums. Ryon Has build this awesome forum and we'll keep it this way for years to come.




MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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3 hours ago, Galvatron said:

Thanks everyone! :-)


Me, RoboMonkeyHead, and the rest of MFFA Staff well be sure to keep this site running. We are a community and we need to respect each other no matter if anyone is memebers of MFFA, MFG, IMT, MMV,and other forums. Ryon Has build this awesome forum and we'll keep it this way for years to come.



Mr Galvatron, I take my hat in front of you, your name's green now, few people are that lucky, like @ShinzakiK @Ryoucchi and @Ricepigeon, on a lesser note, when will chat be fixed? I'm dying to know, on a side-note to a side-note, will you plan on adding Multi-PM to MFFA chat?

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2 hours ago, OxyontheWolf said:

Mr Galvatron, I take my hat in front of you, your name's green now, few people are that lucky, like @ShinzakiK @Ryoucchi and @Ricepigeon, on a lesser note, when will chat be fixed? I'm dying to know, on a side-note to a side-note, will you plan on adding Multi-PM to MFFA chat?

While I'm still lingering (part of the spirit still lives on) I'm glad to see such a warm welcoming.


Basically what happened was in the instance of transfering my IPB License over to RobotMonkey, something went haywire and he did get the license but the license is not linked to the mugenfreeforall.com URL address. Thus the chatroom stoped, because while the forum needs a active license to work, The license also allows the chatroom to work.

and In the future NO. With this chatroom there will be no plug ins or add on's. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm saying this because this chat room IS Provided by IPB. If they don't add functionality to it, No one can.

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