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About gui0007

  • Birthday 06/21/1991

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  1. Rin got updated few days ago (10/19) - Turn and walk back animations fixed.
  2. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD http://factoryns.webcrow.jp/ INFO So aokmaniac13's sprites rip got some great treatment. Rin plays absolutely amazing and accurate from the original game. NS did so damn well again.
  3. SUB-ZERO + SCORPION RELEASED!! Another surprise and double release! Details and download link in the first post. Special Thanks to SeanAltly for the amazing previous work on their Capcom vs. The World versions, Tay for the great LV3 portraits and Mistaabushido for the Sound Fix.
  4. Meldo, Basara and some others are doing great on the collection stuff but yeah, since last five months still (slowly, very slowly... :v) on not only updating the collections i already did but also working on new ones. With this whole messed up that happened i'm gonna get deeper into the Collection stuff like when the section started. Will not rush out things, but i'll do my best.
  5. Updated links of Mature4evr's stuff.
  6. LIU KANG RELEASED!! Surprise Release! :v Few months ago Nexus Gaming released a previous version of Liu Kang in this style but with the sprites by Fabry Taz which for me doesn't fit well for a POTS Style character. But now Gouki Machine attempted to change Liu Kang sprites for the ones made by Chuchoryu which are way better. Despite i'm still working on other characters i've decided to help Gouki Machine on this and here's the result. Download link in the first post. Character Log <09/30/21> - gui0007's update/fixes * Fixes in some misaligned sprites * Added/fixed new big portrait (Fabry's original) * Added new LV3 portrait by Tay * Bicycle Kick command changed to be like in the original MK2/MK3 * Power Charge and Taunt animations fixed/changed * Zero Counter rearranged <08/06/21> - Gouki Machine's edit * Sprites changed to Chuchoryu's ones <05/13/21> - Nexus Gaming's original version release (with Fabry sprites)
  7. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD https://onedrive.live.com/?id=6E75371007E5D7F9!517&cid=6E75371007E5D7F9 INFO Here's the newest release by Ohgaki! The badass belly dancer (and waifu :3) Arabian Moon from Superior Soldiers in KOF Style! As usual from Ohgaki, all Arabian Moon sprites were made from the scratch and yeah, the character even in the original game is suggestive like that. :v Her gameplay in KOF Style is solid and great, mostly based on KOF '98 mechanics.
  8. DOWNLOAD https://www.andersonkenya1.net/files/file/16835-mg-kratos-pots-by-rce-akir-edit-by-mallboro-gamesmagno-césar/ https://www.mediafire.com/file/xhep9ikh1g1bb4b/MG_Kratos.rar/file INFO Kratos now in POTS/Infinite Style! Another great edit by Magno/Mallboro Games. RACE AKIRA's stuff used as base. Original sprites by LegendofSebas and Eddywardster. I believe it works only on 1.1 MOVELIST <SPECIAL> Bow of Apollo (EX) - D, DF, F, p Maul of Hades (EX) - D, DB, B, p Blade of Olympus (EX) - D, DF, F, k Nemean Cestus (EX) - D, DB, B, k <SUPER> Arrow Strike (MAX) - D, DF, F (2x), p Tormented Souls (MAX) - D, DB, B (2x), p Olympus Might (MAX) - D, DF, F (2x), k Iron Fist Sequence (MAX) - D, DB, B (2x), k <LEVEL 3 SUPER> Blades of Hades - D, DF, F (2x), LP+LK Kratos Fury - D, DF, F (2x), MP+MK
  9. Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/dvlic6d2errmq49/MKP_mugen.rar/file Few months ago Bigpimp released his edit of Mortal Kombat Project. Here's my showcase of the game in this Mortal MUGEN Week! Bigpimp, the same fella that worked on Dr. Octopus char for MUGEN, edited the MKP Season 2 Final by borg117 and MKP Team with some great changes on the aesthetics, specially in the character select that if you're into MKP you'll surely remember of the old MKP 5.1 version. Also some new sprites and animations were inserted in many of the characters, specially the sub-bosses. Overall a great and interesting edit of MKP.
  10. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/file/aeqmbvth5vz3bbb/Dr_Octopus_Bigpimp-EditUp_by_DC_VS_MARVEL.rar/file INFO DC VS MARVEL shared an update for Bigpimp's Doc Ock. - Fix palette issue so now can use any pallete fine - Fix Time Lose so now he doesnt disappear also add extra sprites - Add Taunt with new sprites - Add Throw with new sprites - Fix tentacle sprite 250 was missing part of the tentacle - Add sparks and fix spark pos at some hit def - Remove walking forward hit def - Change HIT_GETUP sound with shorter - New palettes
  11. UPDATE! - Added Naga and La Fa (both Beta) by Cesar Sombra - Added Hungry Cave by Jewel men10 - Added new link for Makaryudo by Dxwho
  12. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD 1.0 Conversion > https://www.mediafire.com/file/b0dkxu52s6pxs85/K99+New+MvC+Chars+(1.0+Conversion).rar/file MUGEN 1.1 Only Versions Carnage > https://www.mediafire.com/file/v1bbmbpn6vun9d4/CarnageMVC.rar/file Athena > https://www.mediafire.com/file/9j5vg27tkkh19kr/AthenaMvC.zip/file Dr. Doom > https://www.mediafire.com/file/p2ikcmkxq16q3tt/DoomMvC.zip/file K' > https://www.mediafire.com/file/5i920i6uvmgdur6/KMvC.zip/file INFO In behalf of Kenshiro99, here's his newest commissioned MvC style characters. Since they're working only in 1.1, i decided to converted them to 1.0 Credits Carnage > theFuTuR3 and T.O.P.S Athena > Hero and DivineWolf Dr. Doom > Infinite K' > K.O.D and Infinite
  13. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/file/mwyohkoxcorql44/Spider-Gwen.rar/file INFO Pilgrim released an unfinished Spider-Gwen for people continue to work on her. JARRO77 and Candido159 decided to work and release Spider-Gwen, with a lot of additions and new features. Also Somm made a new Hyper Portrait for her.
  14. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/file/71gladewxtvxojd/Akira+Kazama+Update.rar/file INFO Nexus Words
  15. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/file/yy55kt95h0z8jtq/Spider-Woman.rar/file INFO Zox/Blade did this version of Jessica Drew a time ago. Now YoitsmeJayP, with the additions and updates previously made by SSonic, did a new update on her with the addition of the Flight ability, a new dive kick, more fixes in the sprites and animations.
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