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i'm not trying to say its was a perfect creation of a mugen game but at least Axseeker tryed. so I just to give him a little credit. However I understand it has alot of flaws in it especially with the infinites. but he gave it a shot.


Hey teacher, I couldn't finish my essay in time. In fact, I didn't write that much, BUT I TRIED.

Hey boss, you know those reports you told me to file. I could only do a few, BUT I TRIED.

Hey team, I know I couldn't contribute to our score nor really prevent our opponents from scoring, BUT I TRIED.

Do you understand why your mentality is bad or do I need more examples?

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Just a quick thing to say before someone here (save for a few, since they already tried it) actually decides to play the game (though this is mostly on the technical aspect): The sounds are somehow all (well not all of them) in a "sound\ .mp3" format, even though it's supposed to be a "sound/ .mp3", otherwise it wouldn't worked. And before you said either way is fine, I actually booted up the full game the first time around and loaded up a stage; which at first thought it had no music. Then I checked out the stage defs just in case, noticed they're all in that format, changed it up, and well: sound works.

Also, why is the vid config in the cfg file in 800x600, even though the standard is 640x480? (And asked, cause got an error message about that the first time I tried to boot it up. Had to change it to 640x480)

Oh and I forgot to mention.. it crashes whenever I exit a mode too (but at some times).

I didnt know that about the resolution. Good to know. Ill try and keep that in mind for future projects.

I will say that i did try, fullgames arent done in one day afterall. Its true as well in that i am not that good of a creator but im happy anyway in what i did because in the end i Have fun playing The game and ultimately that's my reward.

i appreciate everyones honesty, thank you for playing my game.


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Hey teacher, I couldn't finish my essay in time. In fact, I didn't write that much, BUT I TRIED.

Hey boss, you know those reports you told me to file. I could only do a few, BUT I TRIED.

Hey team, I know I couldn't contribute to our score nor really prevent our opponents from scoring, BUT I TRIED.

Do you understand why your mentality is bad or do I need more examples?



I really can't say Darkflare. Besides no ones is Perfect that goes the same with you and Laharl. Doe I do envy you two because you guys are able to learn about Mugen coding and spriting better then I and many others in which if I was younger or if I was back during my high-school years I would been more better. But Hey what can I say Life can be a B$%#@!!  I have no more to say to you.. >_>



[back-on topic]



I didnt know that about the resolution. Good to know. Ill try and keep that in mind for future projects.

I will say that i did try, fullgames arent done in one day afterall. Its true as well in that i am not that good of a creator but im happy anyway in what i did because in the end i Have fun playing The game and ultimately that's my reward.

i appreciate everyones honesty, thank you for playing my game.

Your welcome Axseeker, you just keep trying Man. Even though you not very good at creating characters at this time but you seem to have better creative ideas and try to learn more on your mistakes. Besides its  all about "trial n' Error" it may take time (month's or so) but eventrully you get better. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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...Axseeker... you seem to ... try to learn more on your mistakes. Besides its  all about "trial n' Error" it may take time (month's or so) but eventrully you get better. :goodmood:

Ehm... I would like to tell you something about this phrase (like the learning from errors which never happened in Ax's case)... but I'll stop here.



Ah, and by the way, I didn't even download the full game, I just looked the video in the first page. :=D:

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Well, I have plenty to say to you, because it's obvious to me that you didn't understand such a simple concept.

If your mentality is that trying is enough to get by in life, you're going to find yourself living under a bridge and begging people for money just to survive.

You can try all you want, as much as you want, but if you do a shitty job then you will never be successful. just trying will get you nowhere. 


You see, this kind of mentality is cancerous to the community and cancerous to life period. By saying this, you're basically saying that you accept rush jobs, low quality work and lacking any amount of actual effort just because the creator at least tried. If more people had this mentality, I can assure you that Mugen would devolve into a mess of absolute crap creations with little work done simply because people wouldn't give a damn about actual good stuff made for it. This is why we make fun of places like you know where that NICE CHAR +1 everything that comes to their attention.

I've already said what kind of person Ax is and I am not willing to repeat myself. You're wasting your time on him and I would GREATLY appreciate it, if you would be so kind as to stop encouraging his kind of behavior. It does not work in Mugen content creating. It does not work in life period.


^what he said

[off topic]


Like I said thats your guys opinions Its not like I did any wrong doings. The whole fact is i encourage people soo they won't give up and thats including in real life (hmph! I remember working two jobs now i working one full-time job that pays well which allows me to move into a better environment because I keep going  and did not give up myself). I'm trying to keep a positive attitude around MFFA so alot people don't get down hearted or discourage. Makes you wonder why guys like Borewood have to leave but at least he is still doing his mugen creations and moved on and i'm happy for him.


At this point I will not put this post off-topic anymore. If You Darkflare and Laharl have problems with me around Here In MFFA we all can talk to Ryon (boss) and settle it.


[...leaves topic for good..]


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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[off topic]


Like I said thats your guys opinions Its not like I did any wrong doings. The whole fact is i encourage people soo they won't give up and thats including in real life (hmph! I remember working two jobs now i working one full-time job that pays well which allows me to move into a better environment because I keep going  and did not give up myself). I'm trying to keep a positive attitude around MFFA so alot people don't get down hearted or discourage. Makes you wonder why guys like Borewood have to leave but at least he is still doing his mugen creations and moved on and i'm happy for him.

Go ahead and do everything in life by just trying and giving minimal effort. Then come back and tell me if what I just said is really opinion. I'm pretty sure that job you're flaunting right now took you quite some effort to get and keep.

You want to encourage people? How about encouraging people that are actually worth encouraging? Ax just said that he's content being the lowest common denominator. People like him that put zero effort and are content with whatever result they get have absolutely no potential to succeed. You can encourage a person like that all you want and they will get nowhere until they start getting a better mentality and begin doing actual effort. Again, please stop encouraging his kind of behavior.

And Werewood left because he couldn't take the heat and couldn't get over his serious case of an inferiority complex.


At this point I will not put this post off-topic anymore. If You Darkflare and Laharl have problems with me around Here In MFFA we all can talk to Ryon (boss) and settle it.


[...leaves topic for good..]

Good luck with that.

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Let's not turn this into a Chucho-thread, please. The topic is Ax's Pokemon game, so let's stick to it.





Now seriously, this game is funny at all, but these damn infinites and bugs. :(


I hope that Ax or someone from MMV could fix this problems, and convert/edit the screenpack for 1.0 (maybe i'll doing this :P)

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Guys chill, it's not that serious, remember these are games, things for children to play with. A slight balance issue isn't the end of the world and it isn't worth causing an uproar. If you hate it, say it and leave it at that. If you like it, then say it and leave it at that. But no need to fight over little stuff like this.




I really enjoyed the video (not joking), I noticed the infinites weren't always a problem and the fights actually lasted a good length. I do see the cheapness at times though but I do marvel at them every now and then because it reminds me of a pokemon episode or battle where this kind of thing actually does take place, where you have 1 hit kills or same moves repeatedly used to defeat an opponent's endurance.


It would be best though that these issues were corrected as everyone has said and I hope they do get corrected someday by someone willing to help me one of these days.


BTW when your pokemon is disabled, that means he's flinching! LOL


Also Thunder has low accuracy, so it can miss sometimes.


Thank you for making a video about this game, wether good or bad in opinion, it's great to see your stuff.







Speaking of that, I've seen releases without bugs or infinites, perfect conversions even, getting ZERO replies and views. So even though I suck, I still have a smile on my face and a personal sense of accomplishment. XD


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Hey guys seriously chill out.


I tested the game and its not that bad.


What are you guys expecting a Miracle and by that Im not refering to axseeker, but rather the generalization of a GREAT mugen game.

Majority of mugen games are shitty compliations and or games that are broken in 1 form or another (my own including)


Ax made a very decent fighting game, for what its worth I actually enjoyed it.


My only gripes were.

1. its using WINMUGEN, WTF dude use 1.0

2. Its using that horrible filter hires = 2 setting. EW.


thats it, everything else was well made.


I loved how the trainers were at the bottom corners excellent idea.


but seriously everyone is allowed there opinion so why is everyone taking this shit to this extreme?



Hey teacher, I couldn't finish my essay in time. In fact, I didn't write that much, BUT I TRIED.


Darkflare, this is SERIOUSLY Unnecessary. Galvatron clearly stated that Axe tried and he acknowledges his short comings.

So WTF are you going on with this entire post up there?


You guys all have to remember END of the day.

We are all here to play the game for the fun.

Its not serious.

Its not business.

Its a unfinished Fighting Game Engine.


WHY are you all so serious about this.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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Darkflare, this is SERIOUSLY Unnecessary. Galvatron clearly stated that Axe tried and he acknowledges his short comings.

So WTF are you going on with this entire post up there?


You guys all have to remember END of the day.

We are all here to play the game for the fun.

Its not serious.

Its not business.

Its a unfinished Fighting Game Engine.


WHY are you all so serious about this.

I find it very necessary, especially given the examples I gave in that post.

Also, I only have fun when the content made is actually well made and can be clearly seen that a lot of effort was put into it. I'm not expecting perfection. Because I believe that if everyone's going to drop their standards and consider half baked rush jobs acceptable, then the Mugen community has died right there.

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Speaking of that, I've seen releases without bugs or infinites, perfect conversions even, getting ZERO replies and views. So even though I suck, I still have a smile on my face and a personal sense of accomplishment. XD

I'm curious to see which ones you're talking about now.


If you are not going to answer this one, I'm just going to consider you want to be against us for no reason at all other than to annoy us.

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  • 1 year later...
7 hours ago, YochiIsC00lest333 said:

I need this game because it's offline.

Sorry man, the DMCA took it offline because of copyright infringement. I have my copy still but it's a lot of stuff to upload again and i need to find a way to do it legally. Maybe mugen archive can host it for me? They got like an upload server service thing so they'll ahve to deal with copyright instead of me.


btw I was playing it last week and it's AWESOME!!!! XD




Sorry about that :P 


I'll try and make time to get it to you. I've gotten a few request lately for a few of my stuff thats been offline for awhile now.


I'm crossing my fingers that my PC doesn't explode and i lose all my mugen stuff permanently. O.O


I've been thinking about tuning up the game, removing the ryu stuff, adding a few more attacks in some characters and I'd still like to maybe add 2-3 new characters such as mew and nidoking!


Until then you'll have to watch dissidia's playthrough :P




Chill baby, it's all gooooood. The past can't haunt you, why just look at me for an example







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42 minutes ago, SSBK65 said:

You don't seem like a jerk at all to me, you're just telling people how you see it. Every time an average creator starts something, it turns into a big problem, if everyone could be reasonable, these arguments wouldn't happen.

thanks! its no big deal its past history anyways.... :-P



14 minutes ago, AxSeeker said:

Chill baby, it's all gooooood. The past can't haunt you, why just look at me for an example








MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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