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Used to be lurker of sorts for a long time.

You may also know me by obscure MKP Compilation called "Mortal Kombat Revolt", there are still assets cycling around the net. (Pinklet, made by dude named psyno debuted there)

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6 hours ago, ZanZanryu said:

I also looking for a friendly community too. I'm new to the site, just haven't interact as much... 

But, I like to welcome you too! 

I hope you enjoy much with mugen and here. 

Welcome to MugenFreeForAll ZanZanryu, I've seen your Neo Geo Pocket game, its pretty impressive.


Keep up the good work and good luck to you.

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Greetings, I am HYXCO, I am 20 years old, I live in Mexico and I am writing from the translator.
A few years ago I started playing mugen, and it seemed like a totally great idea, and I also had the hope of one day starting to edit, this year I started learning on the fly, and the truth is that it is something totally different from what I thought However, I like the idea of making the characters do what I wanted them to do.
I am working on the project that someone else left in oblivion or else that is rather disappeared.
It's OMEGAPSYCHO's The Powerpuff Girls 15th Anniversary project. The first character I started with is blossom, there are still little details missing and I hope they help solve them.
Thank you for reading.


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Greetings and salutations, friends🙂🙂(got that from YouTuber Arch Warhammer)


How are we doing, Mugenites? I am a single 51-year-old man who is in between jobs and who likes anime. I also like reading, writing, science fiction and photography. I look forward to contributing

a lot to this forum. Take care, Godspeed and, as Ron Burgundy says, "Stay classy, Mugenites."😎

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So well. I'm Danmark. Long story short, I was playing in earlier times Mugen games (Mortal Kombat Projects and KOF Anthology).


I was fascinated to create own games. Unfortunately I started my adventure with MA (I haven't any intel, that site is considered the worst one by everyone). At beginning I was thinking that everything is fine, unless I hit the bandwidth limit, and then to unlock it I had to make posts...


And instead unlock the access to unlimited download, admin reported random post of mine, and I get -2000 reputation points out of nowhere, with getting locked downloads and stuff.


I wasn't even thinking that most of the content there is stolen (like MK Edits, or even GTA ones)


I hope that I will have there good time, and it will be nice adventure here with discovering new Mugen things :D

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Some of you may already know or have heard of me from the Mugen Archive website, but for those who don't, I'll enlighten you right quick.

The name's Rusher. I myself have made a few characters based off the Mortal Kombat series, like Skarlet, Mileena, and just last year, Nitara. A lot came up in my life including losing my WIP screenpack and my progress on a new cartoon Mortal Kombat character, so I took a long break after finishing Nitara. I took the break that I needed, and I plan on making more characters for Mugen.


With all that said, I think I'll also touch base here like I mainly do on MA. Hope we can all have some good vibes. 👌

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ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- LOL! I'm Ten Days Late For This But... I Finally Reached 6 Years Since I Joined All Of You Awesome Peeps Here On MFFA! As Always, To Everyone Here, Oldcomers And Newcomers, I Want To Give You A Big Thank You For Being Awesome And Helping Each Other Here On The Forum! I Also Want To Give A Big Thank You To The Rest Of The MUGEN Communities On This Vast World Of The Internet! I've Always Wondered... If You Past The Five Year Mark In Any Thing, Does That Make You An OG? No...Ehh...I Don't Know...But I Sure Love MUGEN! But When It Really Comes Down To It...Most Importantly... I Love Meeting And Seeing People's Creations And Their Love For The Medium Itself! I'm Happy To Have Met All Of You Awesome Mugenites Out There And I Don't Care Where You Come Come From Or Who You Represent! At The End Of The Day It's All About Community In This Dis MUGEN Game, Youknowwhatimsayin!? Even If You Feel Like You're Alone... The CoolAnimeHustler Will Still Be Cheering You On! I'll Keep On Making Awesome MUGEN Stuff For All Of You Awesome MUGEN Fans! For The Good Times And Hard Times, I Tell Everyone To Keep Your Head Up, Help Others, And More Importantly...Keep Learning And Have Fun, Yo! LOL! Much Love From The CAH (¯)! Everyone Have A Safe And Happy Thanksgiving! Peace, Yo! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”


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Leecher? What's this, 2007? But now seriously, hey there.


Lasombra Demon, Argentinian, psychologist, 37. Been around since... 2000? 2001? Did a couple stages back then. A fullgame project that was never released.


More than anything in MUGEN, I always wanted stage interactivity... Which was impossible back then without hacking and patching and breaking stuff in the process. The old engine could only go so far.


So, when IKEMEN's AttachedChar feature came out, I started. Took other people's stages and developed the interactives that were missing. All of them are done thinking of a universal scenario, not a closed fullgame. Play them in Simul 4v4 using Sub Zero and Super Mario and Goku and Ryu verus KFM and Terry and Zero and whatever you want, they should work.


All World Heroes deathmatch stages, which were my main motivation to start this in the first place. Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct and Eternal Champions stage fatalities. Street Fighter 2, Fatal Fury and Fighter's History barrels and breakable stuff. A Geese stage with a whole cutscene transition from the tower to the street fight. Interactive cameos and crowds that cheer when someone is knocked down. Three referees and that one guy from Samurai Shodown that throws items into the ring. The whole batch of Neo Geo Double Dragon stages. Stages that change lighting and music when you've reached certain amounts of damage. Traps that damage you, bridges that break and make you fall. Stages with secret fatalities.



All in all it's over 100 interactives, and I don't plan to stop soon.


I've now done collaborations with a ton awesome stage creators, and made some new friends along the way.


I'm glad to be here.

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