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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. Darkflare


    I want to punch you in the face for that comment now.
  2. Actually, she's supposed to be the Reimu before Reimu.
  3. Yea, I think after 10 years, you really should start considering replacing your relic with a new one.
  4. I hope you realize that Quarter Circle moves are standard fare for fighting games in general...
  5. No, I don't know, because the game isn't even out and there is no reasonable way to determine whether it's good or not. And since you want to play that way...
  6. Early beta, she only has her normals and nothing else. Her forward dash has a significant amount of recovery frames to the point that you might as well not use it since I can assure you that you WILL get hit for running towards your opponent.
  7. Boy, you must be fun at parties with your optimism.
  8. Might as well edit out the Dante/Raidou/Demifiend one as well, since that crossover actually did happen.
  9. - He does way too much damage. Seriously needs a damage dampener - Flat 500 damage for a level 2? - Too much on hit frame advantage for his attacks - He can throw on hitstun, possibly even on blockstun.
  10. TOO BAD IT SUCKS LOL Let me just throw in a few more things. - It should be obvious, but I'll say it anyway. The big reason for the stupid infinites regarding pushing a button while holding forward are due to the ridiculous amount of frame advantage she gets on hit (+21 on heavy). She gets a ridiculous frame advantage on block as well, but she's pushed back a lot when her attack is blocked which prevents her from doing a blockstun infinite. - I don't know why you would even bother with her supers(excluding stupid infinite). The damage they do is so laughably pathetic you might as well ignore that she even has them. The special variant of Super 1 only does 2 damage less than the actual super so might as well use that for free instead of using meter. - The damage scaling kicks in so late and is so minimal, it might as well be non-existent. - And the kicker to all this? All of her attacks have infinite priority in them. Was any care taken into account to this? There's so many things wrong with this, that I believe this was just made to be a "me-first" character with PotS styled tacked onto it because "OMG PotS STYLE IS BEST STYLE".
  11. Waku Waku 7 was made by Sunsoft though.
  12. I got a link right here
  13. KO sounds are sorta hard coded into the engine. They use sound 11,0 I know you can like make it so it uses a rNdom KO sound by adding a code in -2 or -3(can't remember which) I know some of PotS characters do that.
  14. Darkflare


    Oh don't be such a coward. It can't possibly be as bad as he cla-... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHlPBUIFXi0
  15. Yea, it isn't hard to make something better than the original version of this character, but that ain't really saying much. "That was an improvement, but it ain't hard to improve on garbage." Mind you, this is the same COTM that had Infinite's Doom and Race's Yamazaki win. Wlanmania trying to get his buddies' characters nominated is only the first step to turning it into a complete joke.
  16. From Omegabros and Beanfan? Hell no, nowhere near close to decent. BTW, take the nominations in Guild's COTM thing with a grain of salt ESPECIALLY when the one doing the first vote for nomination is WlanmaniaX who is in cahoots with those kids as well as being a child himself.
  17. How hilarious. His combos show an obvious glaring flaw this thing has and some of you still eat it up. A simple combo like that that does 45ish% damage and requires no meter is a big problem and shows that the character is OP.
  18. This place has a steam group? Quick, let's form a TF2 team and have only 4 people be good at it.
  19. Kojuro use Potemkin as a stepping stool to propel himself into the air, his blade generating lightning as he swiftly slashes at every clone in the air with him. "Give me a damn break." Krizalid dashes in and grabs two Robo Ky at once dragging them toward the nearest wall to proceed wailing on them with rapid punches. "I'll crush you all with my bare hands!" Zero simply increases the power of his own vortex to match his clone's "It's futile. Your vortex abilities are nowhere near as refined as mine. You won't be able to beat me." "What is this machine blabbing about? Figures you would hang around such a rowdy bunch, Asuka." "I_CALL_EM_LIKE_MY_ANALYSIS_CALLS_EM." "Is that so? Perhaps someone ought to program some manners into you as well." "We've tried." "WHAT? WHAT_DO_YOU_MEAN_WE'VE_TRIED? WHEN_DID_YOU_TRY_TO_REPROGRAM_ME? WAIT... ARE_YOU_EVEN_CAPABLE_OF_WORKING_ON_ADVANCE_ROBOTICS_SUCH_AS_MYSELF?" "Well....no. That's why I had Kohaku try to "fix" you instead." "W-W-WHAT? STOP_SENDING_ME_TO_THAT_CRAZY_MAID!" "Well unfortunately for you, she's actually the best candidate for your maintenance. You can't rely on Maria all the time."
  20. I dunno. I think his aggression is justified considering that exact rule was just posted by Ryoucchi.
  21. If we're really doing this, I would put my money on Glacius.
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