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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. [Unless Agni has a good reason and told you guys, you might as well borrow his characters until he comes back proper or find a way around it without them. Light did took over mine when I was forced into an extended vacation and I'm sure some of you want to continue. And from what I see, it's already been more than long enough.]
  2. Time to play catch up Just in case you didn't see my status update.
  3. I suggest you get comfortable we have almost 2 years of catch up to do. Those that kept up during my...vacation, thanks. Those that haven't, well....let me show you kids how it's done There's a few more in between these, but I didn't want to overwhelm you.
  4. Apologies in advance for the next set of videos and a few upcoming ones. They're going to be rather BORING.
  5. Yea, just cause it's custom doesn't mean you may have made some terrible mistakes when doing your custom work. Just so we're clear on this. I got a buddy who plays Rouga in source and he's checking it right now.
  6. I know because I've done it. She's broken.
  7. Oh cool, it's nice to see someone else use Mai.... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's Easy Mode MvC2 Mai...
  8. Grapple hook is going to be a dedicated playlist.
  9. Oh yea, don't worry about Crimson Alive and Angel Star Road. I have those covered already.
  10. Which games? Also, I would strongly suggest you have the DLs per character instead of per game. DLing all those sprites at once when you only want of one or two characters specifically is really annoying.
  11. Characters that reply to threads that had no activity in 2 years.
  12. Darkflare


    Tell her she has shit taste in anime.
  13. Tekken has taught me that this does not actually work.
  14. Darkflare


    .... "I do some traveling from time to time. I don't stay inside the base all the time barking orders to the other members."
  15. Only for close associates of mine.
  16. I believe in free speech too. I also believe in consequences regarding your use of free speech.
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