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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. Darkflare


    How was your space trip, btw?
  2. Darkflare


    All right, bets are now open to how long until the reban
  3. "Is that right? If we're so easy to beat why not just beat us and get it over with?" Krizalid and Kojuro begin to get up and prepare themselves for attack. "Or perhaps you do not want to admit that we're more troublesome than you want us to know."
  4. Darkflare


    I can't wait for him to get unbanned, just so he can get rebanned just as quick.
  5. Darkflare


    That Ryu is a Spy!
  6. "Damn. It's bad enough that this clone was able to stop us so easily, but now we got this weird guy helping us?" "Given the circumstances, I wouldn't make complaints about who allies with us. Speaking of..." "I agree. He's not going to be able to stop my clone alone. We need to assist him."
  7. Darkflare


    Yea, god forbid that two authors version of THE EXACT SAME STAGE should have the exact same frames and very similar coding to each other. Accusing someone of stealing code.... What is this? 2007? Considering that you still use WinMugen, I'm inclined to believe that you still believe we're in the past.
  8. That's Pikachu MISHIMA to you, fine sir.
  9. Another successful operation for the NO FUN POLICE
  10. There is a critical flaw regarding this thread. The thread is "Last person to post wins". By technicality, when you post, you are the last person to post. Therefore, everyone that posts here wins. *drops mic, raises arms and flies away*
  11. "Now!" Krizalid and Kojuro immediatly begin rushing Clone Zero with Zero following behind the two.
  12. It's possible. I figure it's a matter of using variables to determine your character's current stance and thus which moves are available to it. Unfortunately, that's about all I can tell you, I don't know much more sbout this.
  13. The ending begins with a scene of a launch facility preparing to launch a rocket as the countdown begins. The camera then zooms in on Trini who begins to awaken only to find himself chained into the rocket about to launch. The camera then begins moving around the rocket to reveal that Neo fire sonic and Difflok are also chained up with him on the rocket. A quick shot of their horrified faces is shown before showing the countdown timer at 5 seconds. The screen then shows their faces again as they continue to struggle to get free, only for the rocket to begin launching as they begin to scream in horror. The scene then shows a far away view of the rocket launching, barely showing the presence of an observer of the event unfolding. The screen then changes to the binocular view of the observer, as he focuses on the expressions of the unfortunate victims. The screen then goes to a frontal view of the observer who is revealed to be Darkflare as he slowly puts down his binoculars and begins to laugh like a maniac.
  14. Darkflare


    I don't see why you're resorting to attention whoring when your shitposting as is already gets you a lot of attention.
  15. "Do as he says." "What?" "He's right. The only way we'll be able to beat him at this point is if we all strike together as one." Kojuro readies his sword as Zero and Krizalid get into fighting position. "We'll have only one chance at this. If we're even slightly off, he won't give us another opening to take advantage of."
  16. It's just one of those cheap edits that have a bunch of effects meant to burn the retinas out of your eyeballs while you have a seizure. There's nothing to give feedback on.
  17. Darkflare


    Trini posting something intelligent is like Big foot. Only a myth.
  18. Darkflare


    When even Trini can tell your posts are bad, it's time to begin reevaluating your entire life.
  19. Well you should. Cause right now you have the same mentality as the people that really like a certain set of comic book characters.
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