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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. "I don't think that Crow would leave such an obvious weakness in them." Meanwhile, Krizalid engaged a few clones and dodged their attacks, almost as if he knew what they were going to do... "Heh, I suppose I should be glad that I kept Kusanagi's battle data. Just a few changes and they're no problem to me." A Robo-Ky would shoot a missile at Krizalid, forcing him to move out of the way. "These robots on the other hand..." "I would advise making these machines a priority target." Kojuro blocks a slash from a Robo-Ky "They're constantly analysing our movements and styles. If they're not defeated quickly, we wil surely lose this battle."
  2. How about no? I don't ease up for anyone. And we certainly don't need Galvatron or anyone else telling others that he's going to get on anyone that decides to give feedback on this. I like to pretend people have the capacity to back up what they say, so we don't need anyone backing up anyone. I've been here long enough for people to figure out how I work.
  3. "These clones....they're pretty much perfect." "No kidding, he really dedicated himself to perfecting this particular set. If Marisa were here she would ask why doesn't he just dump Misty and go marry Kusanagi instead." "These Robo-Ky are just as much of a threat, they don't seem to have the same "flaws" as the one I work with. I suppose at least Miss Angel and Miss Garnet will appreciate...how do you say...."not being hit on." by them"
  4. Can you not make foolish comments like this? Thanks.
  5. The only thing we've established is that you're not much different from certain other individuals.
  6. You know you've hit rock bottom when Neo fire sonic calls you stupid,
  7. Zero looked toward his teammates with a subtle nod before taking a step forward and bowing down. "Master Igniz. I have served you and your father for years. Even when we reunited under a different banner, I continued to serve you. In truth, I have no regrets for serving NESTS. However..." Zero stood up. "I'm afraid your ambitions have crossed a line that I myself am not willing to cross. I have accepted that our glory days as NESTS have ended. Additionally, while I admit our society is not exactly perfect, I have reason to believe that it will never function under the iron rule of any one person, including yours." Krizalid silently stepped next to Zero crossing his arms. "To think, that one day I would be standing against you."
  8. Very Story-centric video. Skip to 3:03 if you only care for the fight
  9. "Zhe Prime..." "Give me a break. We really don't need to deal with some of our projects taking revenge on us." "I do not think that will be a problem. We have the same common goals after all." "Hmph. I really don't want to deal with our past right now." "Krizalid..." "Yes sir?" "After all these years, you're still acting? I know you've had some desires to turn on NESTS as well." "WHAT? Zero, why are you accu-" "After reviving you from my clone's betrayal, I could tell. You began to question NESTS, no doubt thanks to K' and Maxima's actions." "Bull! Zero, I followed your orders without question." "Your loyaly was to me, not to NESTS. Besides..." Zero faced the steel door that led to Igniz "No matter how we explain it, no matter how much we justify it, the truth of the matter is that we're nothing more but monsters. I do not regret my time as NESTS executive, but there is no doubt in my mind that we were monsters. Perhaps Lord NESTS had a reason for all of these actions, unfortunately that answer is something that he took to his grave." "I can't believe I'm hearing this from you, Zero." "I've known for some time. I merely followed orders because I was loyal. Perhaps I believed there was something more at the end. Doesn't matter. NESTS shouldn't exist anymore. Igniz is letting his ambition get to his head." "Sounds like you've got a lot of regrets. More than you're willing to admit. Let's just deal with this now and your inner demons later." "Don't worry about me. I know our mission right now is to stop Igniz at all costs."
  10. "Indeed I do. I'm also sensing a few others coming our way. They're not clones, but..." "It seems Zhe Prime is here as well."
  11. What a bloody hypocrite Your joke was terrible. Never do it again,
  12. Not when you have people going "Nice Char +1". At least the KOF characters are usually done right. although the excess of them and Capcom characters are why I don't pay much attention to Guild's releases. Their characters are well made, but there's so much lack of variety for me to care. The fact that authors like him have their threads become shitstorms is another reason to stop.
  13. If you truly believe bad authors like this don't hurt the community, then allow me to state outright that you're being ignorant. Additionally, when I mean the community, I mean the Mugen community as a whole. The community will never be looked bad because of bad Mugen stuff? News flash, the community has already been looking bad due to these bad creations. I've said it plenty of times before and I'll keep saying it again. Promoting bad creations motivates others to be bad as well. If we promote bad creations, we're basically saying that you don't need to do effort to be accepted. And when that happens, the quality of stuff made for Mugen drops. And at that point, I don't think I'll be looking forward to any new creations that drop.
  15. Best for business, my ass. Giving attention to hackjobs is terrible for the community. It makes us look bad and we're already pretty iffy as is. I would rather have creations that have work and care done to them take the spotlight rather than garbage like this. This guy ain't going to learn, let's not give him any more attention that he doesn't deserve. OH LOOK, THE WHITE KNIGHT DOWNVOTING MY POSTS YET AGAIN!
  16. Ok, I just have to toss this out there. Should we really continue to announce the releases of this guy? I think we all agree that he's Chuchonryu 3D edition. Rushjob work and not a single care in it.
  17. "I don't understand what's going on, but for now, let's do as he says. This is not our fight and we still have a mission to complete." "Agreed. Everyone, the control room is not far off. Let's focus on stopping Igniz."
  18. "I don't quite get it, but whatever. I ain't going to think about it too much." "Hang on....if you are who you claim to be, then perhaps you could provide an answer to the mystery of this world." Kojuro approached Oliver. "This world we're on right now...we call it mugenverse. A theoretically impossible universe with infinite possibilities. It is widely accepted that this world is a fusion of countless worlds. So my question is....what IS this world exactly? "Hey, I have to give you credit for wanting to solve some multi-universe mystery, but aside from the fact that this is a really shitty time to be looking for an answer to it, do you honestly think it would matter in the long run?"
  19. "And just who the hell do you think you are to have authority on the rest of us?" "Multiversal heaven?" "I knew this world of ours had such strange rules, but I've never heard of such a group."
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