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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. Expecting realism in a COD game. ESPECIALLY on Advanced Warfare I lol'ed.
  2. The helper acts like a physical move. ANYONE with a counter move will cause that to happen. Confirmed it with Crazy Koopa's Ingrid and Mikita's ABK characters have their reflects act as if it was a physical attack when it's reflected. BTW, I want to confirm something. Is Gambit's super supposed to be unblockable?
  3. "K9999" "And Zhe Prime..." "Well, isn't this a wonderful family reunion. Really, all we need now is K' and his group and this reunion will be complete." "Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised if they get involved soon as well." "Hopefully, they'll stay away wherever they are." Herr Krizalid, Herr Zero. You two need to stop being distracted and get going. "Huh?" "That girl has given you a flight spell to use. Quickly use it to get to the ship. "Ugh, I'm not that fond of magic especially after having to deal with Marisa." "What about you and your group, Mycale? "We'll handle things on the ground and make sure none of the clones try to get you while you're going up. Kojuro!" "Yes, Lady Mycale?" "Your talents are best used supporting the assault team rather than these clones. I want you to go with them. We're more than capable of cleaning up this mess ourselves. "Understood." "Hey, what about our witch?" "After that powerful attack she just pulled, she would likely be exhausted." "You leave her to me, I'll make sure to make her retreat safely."
  4. The mercenaries and bosses proceed to quickly retreat. "Ha....seriously? What the hell kind of barrier is this that is able to withstand so much?" "That should do it. All this sheer power concentrated into that barrier. No defense could possibly withstand this." "The barrier should be down. Lady Mycale, we need to get in position before the enemy rebuilds their defenses." "Hold up. I know of the urgency, but I'm rather concerned on a few things." "You're picking a rather bad time to be overthinking." "And you're not thinking enough. The fact that it took such a tremendous amount of energy just to break that defense is already troubling. If it took us this much just to break the first line of their defense, can we really say that we're properly prepared for what's inside?" "I doubt we'll have to deal with another barrier like that inside, but he'll likely have more of those clones guarding, not to mention a few more "elite guards"." "Additionally, those that contributed in the destruction of that barrier would have expended quite a lot of energy and are bound to be exhausted. "We're fighting quite an uphill battle, gentlemen. Once we go inside, there's no going back until we finish our mission."
  5. "Ha! Do you think I'm bluffing? Because the reason I haven't shown you how a Final Master Spark SHOULD be is because I'm pretty sure Zero wants Igniz alive." Marisa remained silent for a while "Ah, what the hell. I'LL SHOW YOU ANYWAY!" At that moment, Marisa went into a fit of psychotic laughter !! "DID YOU JUST PROVOKE HER INTO-"
  6. "Herr Light, you might want to rethink your strategy. We know we have to get in, but that doesn't really tell us exactly how to do just that." "If that barrier can stop even Marisa's beams, it will also stop us from simply getting through by physical means." "Hang on. Won't it need to not have that barrier around it to drop reinforcements?" "Yes, that's correct. But the window to pass through is rather small and even then..." "It's a flying ship. We either have to learn to fly ourselves or find a way to ground it."
  7. "Haha, you want to turn this into our equivalent of a dick sizing competition? Because I don't care if you created the move when I've PERFECTED the move. If I REALLY wanted to, I could make it so you could see the beam FROM SPACE!"
  8. OOC: The problem is that it's not really contributing anything to the RP. Yea, the gundam fight is nice, but no one is really interacting with it and it's far too random to fit into the RP. By now, the remaining members had joined the fight. Zero and Mycale tried their best to listen to Lightflare. "Herr Light, speak quickly!"
  9. I fully endorse this person now becoming a part of this community.
  10. "You say that like I give a damn. All I care about right now is making sure you stop breathing. NOW DIE!" Ren proceeds to attack the clone only to get cut off by flames from another clone who arrives to support his partner. "What? Too much of a coward to fight your battles alone?" "You say that like we give a damn." "Touché. That's fine, I'll just kill you both at once." Robo Ky then proceeds to land next to Ren. "THANKS! I_NEEDED_A_VALID_REASON_TO_COME_HELP_WITHOUT_GETTING_YELLED_AT!" "Tch. Fine, just this once." "Tch. You call that a laser? Let me show you a REAL LASER" Marisa then concentrated magical energy into one large beam toward the ship. "MASTER SPARK!" "Those clones keep pouring out from that...flying..." "Just call it a ship, Kojuro. And I agree, we're severely outnumbered." "It gets worse, each individual clone has almost the same capabilities as the original and we're talking about someone that defeated Orochi when he reawakened among other feats." "To think that this project was supposed to have been terminated. I'm surprised Igniz was able to not only bring it back, but be capable of activating all of these clones in the first place." "Leave it to our megalomaniac former boss to have another way to gather the battle data necessary for their activation." "The odds are surely against us..."
  11. I'll see what I can do regarding the hitspark not being correct during crossup. That light attack spark might be off, so I'll check that too.
  12. Ren simply gave a psychotic smile, as she proceeded to counter his assault with the same Dragon punch move the Kusanagi and Yagami clans used. Meanwhile... "One clone against all of us? Zero, this is..." "A trap! And we're headed right into it!"
  13. Symphony of the night and later. Anything earlier and you better be used to Nintendo Hard.
  14. "No....confront Yukari. This is a fight I must do on my own." "HAHAHA! So you finally grow a spine?" Ren dashes toward the clone in respond ready and willing to clash with him.
  15. "This isn't right..." Yukari's apprentice, if what that girl said is true then she will be responsible for Gensokyo being a shithole in the future as well as for Yukari's death. If she really has the capabilities to be able to kill Yukari, I really don't have a chance. However, it doesn't seem like she's become that powerful just yet. "I don't know exactly what Yukari did to you, but if you're so easily swayed to become like this by her, then perhaps you aren't much of a doorguard to begin with." So this is how it is... I have to stop her now while she's barely tapped into whatever it is Yukari has done. I never thought I would be forced to interfere with one of yukari's shenanigans.
  16. Ren continues to fight off the flames with her own with an expression of joy....perhaps too much enjoyment. She looks for an opening to go through to attempt to grab the clone and drag him toward the nearest wall. At the same time, Robo-Ky begins to catch up to the two and begins to descend and reattach himself. "OH_MAN, THIS_IS_QUITE_A_DILEMMA. IF_I_HELP_HER_NOW, CRAZY'S_GOING_TO_YELL_AT_ME_FOR_IT. AND_IF_I_DON'T, FLATTY'S_GOING_TO_YELL_AT_ME. I_DON'T_KNOW_WHO'S_WORSE! "Good work, Potemkin. I suspect Onodera may be pressuring the clone enough to get him to be so desperate like this, we should be able to catch up soon if she manages to keep it up." "Hm. I must say, I'm rather surprised we haven't run into an ambush yet. I suspect the clone may be leading us somewhere that would prove much more advantageous to him." "I had a feeling he was leading us, but I'm not sure where exactly." "Then maybe you should have sent that tin can of yours to scout further ahead rather than help your friend." "And leave one of my team members alone against a possible ambush?" "Look, I'm saying we need some eyes in the sky so we know what Igniz has for us. Fortunately, I do happen to be able to do just that." ".....very well. Fly ahead and see if you can find where exactly that clone is heading to. When you do, report back to us immediately." "Hey Marisa. Don't think they won't look up. Don't get too overconfident and get shot down. "Aww, you care for me, Krizzy. Don't worry, I'm pretty familiar at being shot at while flying." Marisa jumped out, got on her broom and proceeded to fly ahead.
  17. Ren moved often as she dodged the debris and used her own flames to counter. "Yes, that's it....fight me. The hunt is always more fun when the prey fights back if only to delay the inevitable." "This is a problem. If this keeps up, no doubt we'll have some casualties." "Herr Light, use your projectiles to knock any debris that could potentially hit civilians. Herr Giant, knock any debris that comes OUR way."
  18. "Mycale." "I know. She'll be too hell bent on her target to suspect an ambush. I'm confident she can handle it herself for a while but... Robot." "EH?" "Your weighing our vehicle down. Go ahead and support Onodera." "BUT_SHE'S_CRAZY!" "That's an order. Now do it before I have you scrapped. "FIIIIIIIINEEEEEEEEEEE" Robo-Ky proceeded to split itself and fly off toward Ren
  19. Ingrid simply watched. "I suppose there's no need to interfere after all." Hearing Shinki's mention of apprentice, Ingrid couldn't help but chuckle. "Apprentice? How can you be the apprentice of yourself?"
  20. "THERE!" Robo Ky points in the direction of the retreating clone. "He's mine" Ren proceeded to chase after the clone.
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