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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. The flames hits some of the fairies which proceed to burn and then explode spectacularly. "AH! Now they're making us be on fire!" "I know! Let's bop them in the head!" The remaining fairies have decided that dive bombing toward the girls is a much better plan than shooting danmaku at them. As YoyoMan would find out, using a GROUNDED energy wave is a very poor attack choice against FLYING targets. Additionally, one could question whether it's a good idea to fire an attack that can cut through metal near the proximity of metal made allies especially when the targets are so close to them. One of the fairies breaks from the group to shoot danmaku at YoyoMan while the rest continue to shoot Danmaku at TrinitroMan.
  2. The wave strikes a few fairies which spectacularly explode. "AIEEEEEEEEEE. It's attacking back! Quick, shoot more of them!" The remaining fairies continue to shoot more danmaku at them. They keep coming! *TrinitroMan conitnues spraying nitroglycerin at the faries* Please let me know, when they became fried enough. The nitroglycerin hits one of the fairies which lights up on fire before exploding spectacularly. "AIEEEEEEEEE. That weird stuff is taking us out! Shoot that one so he can stop using that weird thing!" The remaining fairies began to focus their danmaku on TrinitroMan completely ignoring the other robot masters.
  3. "Ooooh, almost got that one!" one of the fairies calls out. The fairies continue to shoot danmaku at them.
  4. The two would soon find out where the fireworks are coming from and some of the fairies began to shoot them with danmaku as well.
  5. Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine "Indeed, let us see which of us is going to prevail." The four stakes that are handled by Chaos appeared around Lilly. They spinned above her and then hit the ground, forming a square magic field below them. She held her hands, waiting the right time to move. Meanwhile, without a word, Yuuka pulled Maribel with her towards a distance really away from the fight. "Those are going to be the definitive blows. Let's not get even a little close." "OK." Suddenly, Maribel saw Meimu near the whole fight. And then, the next moment... the door disappeared... and the train hit Meimu from behind. It was truly point blank, and since she was out of time to open a gap, she was pushed away by the train. Necrox had jumped out of it before it would crash with her. When he looked, there were Yuuka, Time, Sasuke... and Maribel. He flew near them. "Didn't I told you to go back?!" "I-I was going to do that!! And what about your fight?!" "I hit her with that train over there. Talking about it..." Necrox snapped his fingers and the train exploded. It was a big explosion, that could be probably seen through most, if not all, of Gensokyo. Necrox would suddenly feel the unpleasant feeling of being kicked in the nads....on account that's exactly what just happened thanks to Meimu delivering a swift kick to them via gap. The gap youkai herself would gap near him and proceed to smack his head repeatedly with her gohei. "Maribel.....outside world.....NOW."
  6. Can you like not be an asshole and make disruptive stupid posts like that, please? Thanks.
  7. Noting the giant door coming from destroyed world, Meimu could easily tell who was coming from it. "Boy, he sure has it against me. I wonder if he even has permission from Eiki to use that thing. Then again, it might attract Yukari wanting to know who's summoning trains here that ain't hers or mine."
  8. Meimu easily dodged the scythe swipe. When Necrox tried fooling her wi his shadows, Meimu simply sighed and looked bored. "Oh, he actually believes this gimmick works on me." As Necrox summoned his train to Hell, Meimu simply shook her head. "I don't have the time or interest for this game. I should check that Maribel has returned to the outside world." Before she was hit, Meimu simply gapped herself back to Gensokyo.
  9. Having no interest in siting idly while Necrox took his time summoning his esper, Meimu opened up two large gaps on his sides as he was busy preparing himself. Once he was done, Meimu simply spoke a simple sentence. "I like trains." Immediately after, a train would proceed to come out one of the gaps and run toward the other gap. Since Meimu sandwhiched him between the gaps....
  10. "Oh, a Halfling. You say that like it would make a difference to me." Meimu then proceeds to open 5 gaps near her, all of them resembling eyes which stared toward Necrox. "Amusing...you honestly believe you have a chance against a boundary youkai outside of a spell card duel. Boy, you better put that thing away before you get seriously hurt." She then looked toward Maribel. "I'm surprised you haven't figured it out. The reason why your death would cause Gensokyo to cease to exist is because you're the one that created it in the first place. Do you now understand why you must return back to the outside world?" FARIES! *creates border out of nitroglycerin* It's not safe there anymore. We should better go check for a different place to observe. Got it! The generic fairies begin to give chase to the robot masters as they continue to fire more danmaku at them regardless of the border. They're fairies, they're stupid. "Shoot at the pretty colors!"
  11. I remember this. Basically, it was something that looked like the real thing with a legit looking portrait. But once you got into the match, you had an ms-paint like sprite of Blaque for a few seconds before it went into popscare random images seizure have a nice day mode. And a few days later, XCB received some KARMIC JUSTICE by having the actual real Blaque leaked.
  12. "Oh, she still must return to the outside world, but at least I didn't intend to utterly destroy her spirit in the process. And while I admit that I'm still not as capable as Yukari in boundary manipulation, I assure you that I'm more than capable of dealing with a mere human like you. So I would advise that you think twice before you write a check your ass can't cash."
  13. "Are you two just about done crushing her dreams and spirit? You both speak as if her future is already written in stone when the truth is that you're both only speaking of a mere possibility." Meimu looked over toward Hikari "Yukari in your universe may have lost control of her abilities but what makes you so sure that THIS Yukari will repeat the same mistake?"
  14. Just then, a group of unimportant generic fairies begin to fly near the robot masters. "Hey, what are those things?" "I don't know, but they have pretty colors!" The fairies then proceeded to shoot danmaku at them "A fascinating story..." Meimu popped out from a gap having chased them both. "But that's not the complete story, is it?"
  15. "That lady has no authority here and besides...that no longer is an option and obviously being a nice youkai isn't working." Meimu she reached into her gap and pulled out what seemed to be a few cards. "Fine then, a youkai is supposed to attack a human anyway. So if you won't leave quitely then that means you're willing to fight for your right to stay."
  16. "You idiots have no idea what you're doing." Meimu took a brief moment to choose her next words. She had to be careful not to give away anything that would make the situation worse. "I don't want to be the bad guy here, but I was given orders by Yu-....the mistress herself to escort Maribel back to the outside world. Under normal circumstances we wouldn't really mind an outsider to visit, but these are not ordinary circumstances. I already explained to SOME OF YOU why she is not allowed here. Meimu looked towad Maribel "Maribel Hearn....you are to be escorted to the outside world immediatly for your sake.....and the sake of the dream world you seek."
  17. "On the contrary, Hakurei. This is not your call to make and no spellcard duel is going to change that, so don't even bother. Besides..." Meimu reaches into a gap and pulls out a fan which she uses to cover her mouth. "A human like her wouldn't last long in this world beyond the shrine. For her safety, she must be escorted back to the outside world." (....I'm acting like her. I must say this is rather disturbing.)
  18. "Just beat her and make her your friend through violence. That's how your current track record has worked anyway. With that said, I'll be taking Maribel now and escorting her back to the outside world."
  19. "Oh good, you can ask them to help you find out where Maribel wandered off to." "Perhaps, but I must admit that you've made me curious. After all, what could have possibly possessed you to claim that you're related to Yukari of all people?" "Stay out of this, Hakurei.....and if you must know, Yukari created me."
  20. Meimu proceeded to gap warp toward the group. "A tracking seal? Really, if you weren't capable of keeping Maribel busy like I told you to, you could have at least used that on her to keep an eye on her position especially after I told you that she's a walking time paradox." Meimu takes note of Hikari "As for you, that claim that you're Yukari's cousin has put her in a foul mood. She's even asked me to personally deal with you once Maribel is safely back in the outside world."
  21. Krizalid reaches for his cell and calls Zero "i've made contact with Kusanagi." "I trust there were no issues? Did you see any of the clones?" "Negative. Actually, I can't shake the feeling they've seen me talk with Kusanagi and not get into a fight with him. This damn club is too big and makes it too easy for them to blend in." "I understand. However, we'll be staying in the city to keep an eye on our "friends". I hope it is not too much trouble to stay at a hotel for the night." "Understood. I just hope you don't put us in a really cheap one." Meanwhile, at the hakurei shrine. A gap opens up as Meimu comes out of it. "Ugh, did I really procastinate this? I hope I don't develop Yukari's lazyness habits..." She proceeds to look around "Please tell me she didn't went far. I really don't want to have to deal with this for too long."
  22. People still watch that kind of stuff? It's far more interesting when there is some human control that isn't just putting Mugen in watch mode.
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