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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. "So you've already met. Then it is safe to assume you'll be able to trust them as well." "Herr Dark has chosen to remain in a strictly command position. To be honest, he shouldn't have challenged you to a fight. His body can't take much more as is." Zero's cellphone begins to ring as he answers. "Zero......I see......thank you Avallone, this will be helpful to us." Zero hanged up and stored away his cell. "He's coming for us." "Hmph, I cannot possibly be the only one that feels that we're being watched." "I must agree. I believe our enemy has been spying on us this whole time." "Robot, make yourself useful and scan this area." "YES_MA'AM!" Robo-Ky proceeded to scan the surrounding for any others near them, in particular for the Kyo Clones spying on them.
  2. I think I broke my nose when I facepalmed so hard.
  3. Ingrid looked over at TrinitroMan "Oh, it knows me? I should stop doing things that bring attention to me at this rate."
  4. "Oh dear, this simply won't do." The sun goddess Ingrid made her presence known. "Normally, I'm nothing more than an observer, but it seems I'm being forced to interfere once again."
  5. "OH_MAN, SHOT_DOWN_AGAIN. HOWEVER, THE_FACT_THAT_I'M_NOT_GETTING_ATTACKED_DURING_THE_REJECTION_IS_A_WELCOME_CHANGE_OF_PACE." He turned toward Potemkin "REALLY? MY_REPORTS_SAID_THAT_YOU_WERE_EXTREMELY_LOYAL_TO_THEM, ESPECIALLY_TO_GABRIEL. BUT_YOU'RE_STILL_IN_GOOD_TERMS ,RIGHT? YOU_CAN_STILL_PUT_A_GOOD_WORD_OUT?" Not soon after, Zero would arrive with the group along with three of the mercenaries' members: Mycale, Kojuro and Ren. "Apologies, for being late. The robot went ahead of us." "No doubt in an attempt to hit on girls again. How fraulein Hisui manages to endure your behavior is a mystery I don't think I will ever solve." "HEY, I_NEED_A_PLAN_B_IN_CASE_THINGS_DON'T_WORK_OUT_WELL_WITH_HER." "And I assure you that your womanizing behavior will only result in her leaving you. I swear, if your combat capabilities weren't any good, I would have had you dismantled long ago." "AH? HEY_JUST_BECAUSE_YOU'RE_FLAT_DOESN'T_GIVE_YOU_THE_RIGHT_TO_TAKE_YOUR_FRUSTRAION_ON_ME!" "....I will mercifully forget that I heard those words just now for the sake of our mission." *sighs* "Lady Mycale does have a point however. Even Lady Hisui's patience will eventually run out if you continue these actions." "...hmph."
  7. None's Shadow Kouma is basically what you're looking for, but it uses moves from the other characters he has made instead of SF/MK.
  8. A few minutes pass as no sign of Zero or his reinforcements can be seen. Just then, a figure dropped from the sky landing near the group. It was none other than the famous Holy Knight's robotic double. He began to scan the group before talking. "OH_MAN, ARE_YOU_SERIOUS? I_GOT_TO_BE_WITH_A_SAUSAGE_FEST? I_WAS_HOPING_THERE_WOULD_BE_CHICKS_I_COULD_IMPRESS_WITH_MY_DEVILISH_CHARM." He quickly pointed toward Marisa. "EXCEPT_HER, SHE'S_CRAZY!"
  9. "Don't get smartass with me. We simply have a common goal, nothing more. I suggest you all make final preparations. When Zero arrives with the reinforcements, we're going to begin planning out our assault."
  10. "Is that right? You don't seem to be the type that deals with mercenaries."
  11. "Not really, unless you got MY invitation to the next KOF tournament. You ought to listen to your friend though, he seems to know what he's talking about." "A group we worked with one time. Well...almost. Their members have rotated since we worked together. If Igniz didn't know us so well, we wouldn't be getting outside help, but at least these guys have mantained a reputation for themselves."
  12. Not soon after, the group of heroes would be approached by Krizalid and Marisa. Strangely enough Zero doesn't seem to be with them. "Is this the entire group we have? I suppose this is acceptable." "Don't jump to conclusions just yet. Zero did say he was going to call up some reinforcements." "Oh right. I hope he doesn't take too long though, it's been so long since I saw Igniz and I can't wait to see him again."
  13. Meimu then proceeded to gap Yokuman into Misty Lake by easily telling the real one from the fake through her boundary powers. "Hm?" Meimu turns around to spot Meiling "This doesn't seem right..."
  14. Meimu then proceeded to gap Yokuman and drop him into Misty Lake "I don't have the patience to deal with these robots right now..."
  15. Meimu proceeded to resist Time's pull and looked at him rather annoyed. "I would think twice before messing with a gap youkai." She proceeded to push Time away and retract her arm back.
  16. Meimu reached into a gap and used it to cover Time's mouth shut with her hand. "Hakurei's issue is going to be the least of her problems if we don't do something about this place going to hell first." She turned her attention to Yukari. "Where's the doorguard now?"
  17. "Yukari!" "I'm not too late, am I?" "Whatever you're doing to the doorguard, you must stop immediately. This is something that's beyond even your control."
  18. Darkflare


    This is the internet. You can't detect sarcasm in it
  19. Darkflare


    Different places have different ways of handling bans.
  20. Darkflare


    Why do I get the feeling there's more to it than you say?
  21. Meimu took notice of Flandre running off. "I suppose she would know the mansion's layout well." She proceeded to follow Flandre still unaware of Time's presence.
  22. Her mind solely focusing on finding Yukari and the music playing in her earphones, Meimu wouldn't note of Time's presence,
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