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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. "My large friend, I understand that you have a vendetta against this individual, but be wary that the enemy will take advantage of your anger if you're unable to control it."
  2. The bosses and Kojuro joined in on destroying the remaining clones. With their combined strength and Ack of any resistance, it is doubtful that they would take long.
  3. "The damage we've sustained was minimal at most. We should be good to go." "We ought to destroy the clones in this room as well. My attempt at doing so didn't quite do the job."
  4. Kojuro and Krizalid proceed to yell a battle cry as they combine their assault on the weakened Robo-Tempkin.
  5. Kojuro and Krizalid proceed to dodge the energy balls coming their way as Zero calmly swings his blades to reflect the energy ball to it's sender.
  6. "Crow must have underestimated me if he programmed you into thinking that will work on me. Besides..." "You alone are no match for us." The two bosses proceed to attack the Robo-tempkin together.
  7. "He's mine." Zero proceeds to wave his blades to intercept the Robo-tempkin's attack.
  8. "I got this!" Krizalid manages to catch the Robo Tempkin as he drags it toward a wall and begins to wail on him "And the finish!" He pulls out his arms creating an explosion on the robot. "We should check for the damage these clones managed to cause to the city. No doubt the city will need to do some rebuilding."
  9. "I figured the big guy had a lot of power, but damn, even I felt that one." "Allow me to assist." Kojuro proceeds to point his sword to discharge a lightning beam in unison of Lightflare's beam cannon "Herr Kusanagi has defeated their Elite. With their numbers continuing to dwindle, their morale is surely at an all time low."
  10. There's a zombie bonus round in the last map of Survival. - Completing the campaign and getting the upgrade points to upgrade your SP exo suit will give you the Atlas Campaign customization items. - Unlocking the map tiers and maxing out Exo stats in survival will give the Zombie customization items. The actual zombie character is unlocked by completing Riot survival. - They give you customization items after reaching certain level milestones in Multiplayer - You may get random customization items through supply drops which you get around every 45 minutes of gameplay(roughly every 5 matches). Zombies mode is just Round 11 in Riot and is not much of a zombies mode. Survive for a while then get to a point to clear it. It takes a while to get because unlocking Riot Survival is time consuming as hell. But you can get it quicker if you have someone host the map for you.
  11. What are you trying to pull, kid? Just cause I can't smack you over the head on your end doesn't mean I still can't deliver a verbal smackdown. Like we said, if you don't have the time to make something of quality, don't even bother making it.
  12. That's Ghosts. More specifically, Ghosts took scenes from MW2 and re-used them for it's campaign(You can even look up a YT video showing comparisons. The new IW was very lazy.)AW's story is significantly different from MW2's. Also, we're not going to talk about "Press button to Pay respects" Yea, this is true. I even mentioned it earlier. But they're definitely working on it. in fact, I had smooth matches yesterday. Still not perfect, but far better than the slideshow it was before. Never understood why they never made dedicated servers for COD. It's always been P2P. This is also the reason why it's known for it's host disadvantage since the game is programmed to make the host's actions be slightly delayed in an attempt to make it fair which screws over whoever is host more than making host vs everyone else fair. As for the hackers, I don't doubt they exist, but I haven't seen one Post-MW2. If it's the Titanfall thing, I'm calling BS.TF was revealed last year. It's likely that Sledgehammer had been developing AW before TF's reveal(If they are to be believed, at least 1 year before Respawn revealed their game) While I agree that games should try to be innovative, there really isn't that much you can change for a shooter. In COD's case, they really can't change the formula that much or it stops being COD altogether. Advance Warfare's Exo-suits are already pushing it and was the main reason why people were saying AW was not like Call of Duty. Besides, COD has a clear influence among shooters. Very few shooters nowadays don't have a loadout system with perks in their multiplayer, for example.
  13. Zero moves in with Potemkin and begins to attack them with his blades "STRIKE THEM NOW!" Krizalid moves around their fire and begins to attack them with wind slashes. Meanwhile, Kojuro moves swiftly through their attacks using hit and run tactics to strike them and quickly avoid their counter attack. "HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? THIS IS NO TIME TO SLACK OFF. FINISH THE ENEMY OFF! "Well, I do still have some fight in me." "Not you, fraulein. You are to stay behind the rest of us. "These guys have it covered. And I doubt they will be able to send more reinforcements with the others invading the ship directly." "A fair point. But I would prefer we eliminate the enemy now and not risk any surprises because we took too long." "If it worries you that much, I suppose I'll have a little more fun then." Ren runs toward Shingo to join him in taking care of the remaining clones. "Robot, survey the rest of the area for any stragglers as well as any enemies that may be hiding." "OKEY_DOKEY!"
  14. Please don't do that. A good creation takes time to do(whether it's a character or a stage). If you don't have time then you're better off not bothering.
  15. Let me guess. Single picture with no animation? Cybaster made his tool to create bases for stages, not to make actual stages.
  16. "I doubt these machines will be able to retreat once we're in full force." Interesting. Their cooldown method has been altered from Robo-Ky's. It doesn't seem like they can cooldown by expelling steam like he does. "Yea yea, I get ya. Although, I personally prefer to get more up close. "In that case, allow Potemkin and I to begin the assault. Once we've weakened their defenses the rest of you will move in." "THIS_IS_WORKING_OUT_EVEN_BETTER_THAN_CALCULATED. THE_CLONES_ARE_ALMOST_ALL_DEFEATED!" Ren walks next to Robo-Ky covered in the blood of the clones she's clearly killed while dragging the corpse of one with her. "Hmph, over already? I suppose all good things must come to an end. I'll even let the kid finish up the remaining ones." BOY_YOU_GET_EXCITED_EASILY. JUST_REMEMBER_TO_WASH_UP. "Planning to peek on me while I do so? If you dare to try that, I will crush you and make sure your circuitry is beyond repair. HEY_HEY_HEY! I_WASN'T_PLANNING_THAT! I_WAS_JUST_SAYING! "Hmph."
  17. This word is getting thrown around too often. I'm beginning to suspect people only use it to excuse their laziness and release rushjobs.
  18. Kojuro quickly rolls to the side and gets up taking a step back to set some distance. "There must be something we're missing. A weakness we have not discovered." "Shit. All that did was piss them off." "It did something. Concentrate and don't get caught in their attacks." "We do have a slight numbers advantage. Perhaps we can use that to take them down one by one. I doubt these robots will be able to handle two of us at once."
  19. Kojuro leaps into the air, his blade covered in lightning energy as he slices the robot in the air. "Damn, I was unable to intercept it." "Zero, we need to take care of these guys quickly. You better use THAT and strike them all at once." Zero nodded as he raised his right arm and began to gather energy. "Everyone, brace yourselves!" He then proceeded to use his black hole super attack to strike all the robots at once as well as the clones in the room.
  20. I don't see it like that. Saying Nice Char +1 to sloppy work means you're perfectly fine with the low quality work presented which in turn promotes authors to get sloppy since it's ok to have poor quality work as long as it's a character someone wanted. Everyone loses with a mentality like this.
  21. I'm sorry I don't sugarcoat my feedback. I'm sorry that you know where got a bad rep and made me really distrusting of anything that comes from there. I don't play nice, because I don't believe in playing nice. It doesn't work. It never has worked. If you don't know how to code something, either look it up in another character or ask in any respectable Mugen forum. There is no excuse. Making a character for the sake of having a certain character in Mugen is a bad excuse. It usually ends with the creator cutting corners for the sake of "making a character". I'm tired of stuff like that getting Nice Char +1 when there's obviously so many problems with it. Actually, I'm just tired of Nice Char +1 in general. It contributes nothing to no one. Here, read this http://shoryuken.com/2014/07/07/learn-how-to-play-fighting-games-with-our-free-beginners-guide-ebook/ This will help you understand the hows and whys of how a fighting game works.
  22. In your lifebar's fight.def file look for Win text and look for something like win.text = "%s Wins" Change "%s Wins" to whatever you want it to say. %s is for character name.
  23. Regarding the damage Fritz is doing http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz340/DarkflareEX/Private/Video%20games/Fritz5CcloseBackAttack_zps7013d2f8.png Edit: Because he got updated as I was fighting him...
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