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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. "Quite a way to go. but I suppose this was their fate." Krizalid simply follows Angel to support her attack on the Robo-Kys. Zero lifts his hand and clenches it, creating the same massive vortex to counter his clone's vortex. "Oh dear, you still haven't learned matters? After I came all this way for you. I had considered joining your little group before, but alas, it would have caused some unwanted attention and father isn't fond of me getting into fights. Now....aren't you going to introduce me to your friends, Asuka?" Mycale took a look toward Robo-Ky. "You're awfully well behaved right now and not asking her to be your wife." "I_HAVE_STANDARDS_TOO! SHE'S_UNDERAGE_AND_I_HAVE_REASON_TO_BELIEVE_SHE'S_ALSO_A_LESBIAN."
  2. Kojuro takes advantage and begins slashing at the remaining clones targeting the ones that prove to be more of a threat to Potemkin to keep them off until he can properly attack them. "Yea yea, thanks. Let's wrap this up already, I'm already getting real pissed off with these things." "You're right. Why should you believe me? On that matter, why should you believe Igniz? Why should you believe anyone? For all you know, I could be lying....but then again, so could Igniz. What makes you so sure that he wasn't the one that orchestrated the events that led to your amnesia? Basically....with no memories of anything, what can you believe? Who can you truly trust to be telling the truth and who can you claim is feeding you lies?" "Not ours." The limo stops nearby as the door in the back side opens up. The person stepping out could instantly be recognized as Emilie De Rochefort. "Oh pardon me for interrupting this lovely gathering of yours. Don't worry about me, I'm only interested in Asuka Kazama. Now where is she?"
  3. "This will do." With more space to move around, Kojuro proceeds an offensive assault on the clones using a combination of speed and precision to strike their weak points. "Strike them with your might while I disorient them. We should be able to finish them with one combined assault." As the Robots expel heat, Krizalid takes this brief moment to get up and proceeds to narrowly move out of the way. "Some help would be nice here. I know I'm pretty powerful, but there's too many of them for me to handle alone." "Saved you, you say? Allow me to give you an history lesson." Zero begins circling around Clone Zero "You're the result of one of NESTS' clone programs which would clone the highest rank executives of NESTS to further strengthen our cause. You were assigned to overlook Krizalid's operation with the Kyo clones. For some reason, you've decided to have a change of plans and sabotaged it, before beginning a strange crusade to betray your own team and rule the world by yourself. You were stopped and killed, but your actions had some lasting effects that gave us some problems. The next year, we were defeated and forced to disband. By some miracle, we survived the incident and a few years later we would be hired by another group. With their technology and ours, we were able to resurrect you in exchange for working with this new group. A simple job really, we were hired to deal with anything that was to be "disapproved". It wasn't NESTS, but I at least felt comfortable with our new position. However, the incidents requiring our services began to decline, it seems we've sent our message loud and clear. Not surprisingly, after a few years we've all went our separate ways." Zero stops in place. "Which brings me to my current point. After we've separated, we didn't communicate with each other. We've all went back to our individual lives and didn't think much of the rest of the group. I wonder if we were much of a group to begin with, but such is our fate. In truth, it would have been incredibly hard to determine what caused your case of amnesia. Perhaps Igniz did save you from something worse, but truthfully it was for selfish reasons, your amnesia provides a perfect cover. And I'm assuming you're the same clone I know and not a suddenly freshly made one with implanted memories." "While hard to believe, I do still have some loyalty to Igniz, the reason I stand against him is to save him from himself. This ambition of his is dangerous to all of us. He's the kind willing to do anything.....after all, it was by his hand that his own father died. My comrades did their best to hide this fact from me, knowing I would be devastated, but I've known for years." "Unlikely, if she hired her owns set of mercenaries, we would have picked it up by now. Not to mention that she can't risk spending so much at the moment with the condition Rochefort Industries is in. Besides, it seems her actions are either to help her father in some way, fuel her desire to fight or get Asuka's attention." "I'M_DETECTING_SOMETHING_COMING_THIS_WAY." Robo-Ky flies up to get a better look. "LOOKS_LIKE_A_CIVILIAN_LIMO. I_DON'T_THINK_IT'S_KURATA'S_OR_ONODERA'S_THOUGH." "Speak of the she devil." "SHOULD_WE_STOP_IT?" "We should." "WELL?" "I don't think that vehicle will be much of an issue."
  4. That's not how Rising Force works.
  5. Now that I think about it, Dengeki and UNIB's sprite styles are incredibly similar.
  6. Kojuro keeps mobile, making the clones have to work to hit with their projectiles despite all the angles they fire from. (The robots are changing targets and all these projectiles are making it hard to approach the clones.) "We need to beat these clones quickly. Potemkin, if you can clear a path for me for even a brief moment, I will be able to strike at these clones." Krizalid clashes with the Robo-Ky's Sacred edges. However, he is quickly overwhelmed by their combined power and knocked back from the blow. "You fool..." Zero takes advantage of his clone's aggression and proceeds to dodge before hitting him again with the barrier attack. "Hmph. You're so angry at me that you don't even think before you act. If you can't keep your cool then this fight's over." "Information is critical to have, especially when you intend to influence history the way we did back in Gessellschaft. It's an important skill to possess when you're in the line of work that I do." Mycale turned to face Asuka. "By the way, Asuka, this battle we just had has no doubt managed to attract media attention. I wouldn't be surprised if a particular annoying rival of yours may have noticed you and might be thinking of coming here to "greet" you."
  7. Kojuro was pleased with the result of his plan. With the enemy crippled, Kojuro gave a smirk to the clone. "As you wish. I will gladly show you why they call me "The right eye of the dragon"." His sword began to be engulfed in lightning as he proceeded to dash toward the weakened group and begin attacking them with quick slashes. Krizalid continues his assault, confident that he was powerful enough to get through anything they planned to throw at him. Zero forms a barrier of ring shaped energy in front of him designed to knock his clone far away as he struck it with his cape blade. "I hope you didn't think it would be that easy." "That's fine. I'm not into your type either. Besides, don't you have a significant other already? Or so I've heard. I believe her name was Yuki. Hmph, it would be a shame if she were to find that you're cheating on her."
  8. Ya, you're going to have to elaborate on that one. Being able tomstore 5 bars by itself isn't cheap.
  9. (Checkmate.) At the last possible moment, Kojuro would quickly hop back and away from the incoming group hoping their attacks would hit each other instead. "HA! YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT YOUR LITTLE LIGHT SHOW?" Still engulfed in the flames, Krizalid proceeds to attempt to go right through the spheres toward their originators. Caught off-guard by this move, Zero falls down. Although surprised, he couldn't help but begin to chuckle. "Hahaha...it seems I've been out of the game for too long." Zero begins to struggle to fight off the gravitational effect. "Heh, Igniz must not have had any faith in you if he decided to give you these fancy new tricks just to fight me. And when you're done with me, then what?" "I hope you don't believe that it's an easy decision for me. I stand to lose a lot as well, should we be forced to do such a drastic action. however, someone like Igniz must be stopped at all costs." Mycale simply stared at REBIRTH for a moment. "To survive quite the explosion, a fall from such a height and the time it would take to find them without medical assistance. You must have quite a great deal of faith in your friend if you honestly think he would be able to survive such an extreme condition. However, my biggest concern is that Igniz may decide to do that himself as a desperate action to take his enemies with him. History has a tendency to repeat after all." The witch proceeds to pull out a cell, beginning to call back to HQ. "Hisui, I require you to get in touch with your sister units. We may require them for a sudden rescue operation."
  10. Kojuro gives a slight nod toward Potemkin before proceeding to position himself in between the clones and the robots. "You certainly are stronger than the last group of clones we've fought, but truth be told you're just as easy to dispatch as they were." With that taunt, Kojuro hoped that the clones would recklessly try to attack him as he dodged, catching the robots in the crossfire. "Don't just stand there! They're getting desperate for a reason!" Krizalid engulfed himself in flames and proceeded to run toward the nearest group to strike them with a powerful flaming charge. Zero gets caught off guard by the sudden aggression of the combined attacks of the clone and his mirror images. He struggles to keep up before being forced to retreat. "Well well, so it seems that you've been upgraded since last I saw you. Interesting, looks like I'll be withdrawing my previous statement." "Looks like we're both going to be figuring out who's the strongest one of us." With those words, Zero ran toward his clone going on the offense as he began to attack him with his cape blades more aggressively.
  11. If it helps in searching, she's from Knuckle Heads.
  12. Well, looks like he decided to act all high and mighty and belittle everyone in the end. Because clearly, it's impossible to enjoy video games and have a productive life, amirite? Good friggin riddance in that case.
  13. "Well, if you wouldn't have gotten yourself in that situation, that wouldn't have happened to me." Krizalid proceeds to kick toward the group coming at him creating a whirlwind attack toward them. (Exactly what I was waiting for.) Zero steps away from the range of the move as he waits for Zero to become vulnerable again before attempting to attack with a punch to his gut. These Robo-Ky's...they have a fatal flaw. Heat. And what are the clone's main weapon? Fire. You see where I'm going with this?
  14. "The clones and the machines are combining? Well, at least I actually have to try now." Krizalid proceeds to rush toward the group attacking Angel. "Useless, it's so hard to find good help these days." "You're such a fool..." Zero would proceed to match his attack with a rising blade strike of his own. (Krizalid is quite clever...) Robo-Ky! Clones! Divide and Conquer! NOW_THE_FUN_BEGINS! HA_HA_HAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Time to turn up the heat... With that the Robo-Ky's and The clones split up. Now with each fighter having to deal with both fire and lighting, the stakes begin to rise. But Potemkin is a veteran of war...he begins to devise a plan as the Robo-Ky's collide with him and Kojuro. UUUHG! PERSISTENT LITTLE LIGHTING BUG! Potemkin buckles as several Robo-Ky's tackle him with their lighting charged Super Techniques!
  15. Not having much time to react, Kojuro quickly brings his sword to a defensive position and braces for impact. (As I suspected, their fighting style is completely different from our Robo-Ky's fighting style. But it seems they seem to possess the same overheating flaw as the other machines..." Zero hopped back for some distance before waving his bladed cape to clash with his clone's attacks. "For someone that doesn't remember anything, you sure put a lot of faith in Igniz and his words. He merely got to you first. Truthfully, can anyone be trusted in your position? Who's to say he's not taking advantage of you as well?" A clone leaps behind Krizalid striking him with a Flaming punch.
  16. As the clones shot flames at him, Krizalid leaped back narrowly avoiding the attack. (All right Zhe Prime, Strike them while they're distracted with me...) Kojuro positioned himself to aim at the Robo Kys surroundng Potemkin. He pointed his sword toward them as he gathered energy and proceeded to fire a lightning beam at them. "Are you all right, my large friend?" Zero waved his own blades clashing with his clone's blades. Assuming his clone didn't undergo any "upgrades", Zero figured he had a slight power advantage despite their similarities. However, he was also aware of a particular set of moves his clone possesed that he did not. He needed to be vigilant of them as they could be the moments where their stalemate would be broken.
  17. Are they really updated? Blog just have their dates as 2008.
  18. "Come on, you want to bash my face in and I want to bash all your faces in. Let's get this over with cause I don't have all day." (This is rather unusual...) "And you are convinced that Igniz isn't also telling you lies. I suppose it can't be helped. However, I will quickly disprove one of his claims. You see, I was always the stronger one."
  19. (They overheat much more easily than our Robo-Ky. Older models perhaps?) Kojuro ran up to the Robo-Ky and joined the assault on with his swordplay. With the Robo-Kys covered, Krizalid focused his attention to the Kyo clones. "Heh, you lot are certainly as strong as Kyo. Too bad for you that none of you are nowhere near as skilled as him." Zero stood his ground as his clone approached him. "So tell me, my "dear clone". When did you plan to betray Igniz and take his position as leader? I'm certain that you have your own ambitions much like last time. But I suppose Igniz wouldn't let his guard down so easily for you to quickly backstab him."
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