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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. "..." "Zero, Do you know anything about this place? I mean, you were Igniz's second in command and I'm sure he was researching this place for a long time." "Unfortunately, I am just as stumped as you are. Also, I have a feeling that his power has improved far more than you think." "More importantly. Why are we being escorted outside? How can we be sure you're not just leading us to a trap?"
  2. Nah, it's just that ABK's reflect works fantastic against their AIs. Especially since I figured out more or less how and when they attack. As for Cless, It's on my mind. Haven't even studied his AI yet, but I'll get to it.
  3. Darkflare


    *Places chair and sits on it* Please... Explain this to me in detail.
  4. "I must admit, I never would have expected this. I take it you and Igniz have found a way to amplify your abilities in this place." "Oh bite me. You get a little power boost and suddenly you think you stand a chance. Last I checked you got a group here ready and willing to take you down and I'm pretty damn sure that all of us are pretty damn capable by ourselves." (He's right, but I fear that this boost isn't quite as small as Krizalid is making it out to be...) Back on Kalos City "Negative. It's like they suddenly disappeared. I assume that they've been teleported somewhere, but the question is where exactly? I have a feeling that they've been taken somewhere that isn't anywhere near our planet. If that's the case, I don't see how exactly we'll be able to reach them."
  5. If you guys are still punishing self reps, here's another one for Rep hell http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/user/6795-ryutaro/ He's already been warned about it.
  6. You should leave priority at 4 for all attacks except for grabs which should be 7. This system is not in any fighting game anyway since priority is determined by hitboxes.
  7. Just download all of Warusaki's CvS characters...
  8. Oh, you're back....and we're gettting back to that again. *gets off of mechanical chair, pushes a button on it which causes the chair to self fold itself into a large toolbox*
  9. He's not wrong, although that means his AI is predictable.
  10. So next update should have Meimu ditching the Hakurei Amulets altogether and remembering she's a gap youkai that shouldn't even have had access to those amulets in the first place.
  11. Up repping your own posts? You're going to have a bad time.
  12. Darkflare


    That's cause HM style and Hi-res style look pretty different to begin with. It would be the same with nearly every character.
  13. Darkflare


    I want to punch you in the face even harder now.
  14. Darkflare


    They're both the same character. You dolt. Mod edit: Don't needlessly insult other users
  15. Ryon pls I like Shock Troopers Second Squad too, but I don't think Angel would be fitting for a Mugen forum banner.
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