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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. Darkflare


    Citation needed
  2. Darkflare


    Citation needed
  3. Darkflare


    Citation needed
  4. Darkflare


    Citation Needed
  5. Darkflare


    Citation needed
  6. Darkflare


    Citation needed
  7. Your friend needs to stop using that counter cause he's clearly gotten too predictable with it.
  8. "I'm staying to wait for the other group as well." "What?" "I intended to try and save Igniz from this foolish ambition of his. If nothing else, I would like to be one of the first to know his fate." "Still loyal to that god complex former boss of us, huh?" "Perhaps, I'm a fool." "Zero, I won't hold it against you if you think he can still redeem himself after all this crap he pulled out on us. But after all this recent shit he just pulled, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that would agree with you. At any rate, just make sure you're back with the rest of us no matter what." "Krizalid, thank you for putting up with me." "You're a good man, Zero. One of the few honest ones NESTS ever had. Honestly, you did seem rather out of place." "Heh." "Zhe prime. Everything NESTS has done to you can never be forgiven. But know that NESTS's shackles no longer bound you. You are free to pursue whatever you wish. The same goes for your friend. ...I'm sure Isolde would have been wanted that for you."
  9. Have you been hiding under a rock? KI got a new game for XBONE.
  10. Darkflare


    Would you prefer being a yandere instead?
  11. Zero takes his clone's hand and shook it letting go only when he could feel his friend's life fade away. He takes one last look at his fallen comrade before facing the others. "....we're done here...but." "How the hell do we get out of here?"
  12. Darkflare


    Haha no. Mod's job is to enforce rules. If you have no self control to stop before you do something stupid, that's on you, not the staff.
  13. "Do not be so hard on yourself. In the same situation, I would have perhaps done the same. That said, your first ambitious action to betray NESTS so you could rule had put quite a strain in our friendship. When we all regrouped for the second time, that had led us to be wary of your actions. Of course, during that time we all had to learn to trust each other once again. Perhaps at that time, we had become more than just associates. I only hope that you find peace, my clone...my friend."
  14. Darkflare


    *kick to the face* Stop being so bloody easy to make fun of.
  15. "I hope he's down for good. What a pain in the ass." "That leaves Igniz, but I have a feeling the other group has taken cared of it."
  16. I hope you're playing decent people at least. I've played a bit and I think I'll stick to Beginner's Marth Lucina, Dr. Mario and Little Mac. Duck Hunt is pretty annoying if you can set up his moves just right.
  17. Darkflare


    Never heard of it. Probably.
  18. Darkflare


    And where exactly is he asking for feedback?
  20. (An opportunity!) Kojuro, Krizalid and Zero once again strike at Clone Zero trying to take advantage of the momentary opening they were just given.
  21. Darkflare


    Go ahead and report me cause I'm not giving you money.
  22. Darkflare


    Not if the NO FUN POLICE have anything to say about it!
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