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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. The mecha maid proceed to carefully get closer to the group. "Sending scan data..." "Wh-what? Hisui, you didn't scan some random animal, did you?" "Negative. I have refined the search to humanoid beings only." "That's a lot more people than I expected. This is easily the size of a small strike force." "Your orders?" "Proceed as planned. Try to find a spot to listen in but remain low. We still need to figure out what's going on." "Understood. Beginning surveillance."
  2. Not too far off, yet another was in the forest. She dashed deeper into the forest as if on skates. She then slowed herself down to a stop and began to communicate with her master. "I have arrived at the destination." "Good. Please repeat to me the mission parameters." "I am to search and locate the anomalies detected in the area if possible as well as investigate anyone that may have arrived due to the anomalies." "Right. Try not to give your presence away until we figure out their intentions. Don't engage except in self defense. Actually, it would be preferable to avoid combat altogether as your weaponry has a high risk of causing a forest fire. Otherwise, prioritize self preservation above all else. Once you have found out their intentions be sure to report to me. "Understood. Beginning scan for life signs in the area......life signs detected..... commencing mission."
  3. Are you seriously expecting to there be plenty of authors making Disney characters of all things? Mugen for the most part attracts people interested in fighting games meaning authors will most likely create a character from a fighting game they like before anything else and there are a lot of fighting game choices out there. Cartoons in general(Especially western cartoons) just aren't very high in the list of interest of characters to make for Mugen. Really, the ones who have the most interest for them happen to be kids that just half ass their way in creating them.
  4. You don't quit Mugen. Mugen quits you. You just take an extended break.
  5. I wouldn't use templates. They usually have questionable design choices. I would just take Kung Fu man and play around with his stuff in Fighter Factory to see what it does.
  6. Let's start from square 1. Judgespear. The most probable main reason for his popularity was because he was one of the first to use Warner's Homer in a Mugen video. Of course, the idea of Homer taking on the likes of Ryu and co. was silly, but it's the idea that people liked. JS would later make a group called Team SMRT to update that Homer(Spoilers: It wasn't that much better from the original version and the original version had it's share of serious flaws). They would later do the same for Warner's Peter and Giant chicken when they got released(Same results as Homer [There was also an edit to a Johnny Maximum but I think that was a solo JS thing]). People from this era will remember JS's Peter vs. Sakura video for appearing in G4TV's Attack of the show as a MvC1 hack with Peter Griffin. Did JS pioneer the way for Mugen videos on YT? Honestly no. There were others who also did Mugen videos at the time, he wasn't even the first. JS just happened to be the most noteworthy one of them all. Mugen teams The short version is that these were the a person's current rotation of characters that he would most likely use in a Mugen video. The long version is that people used these teams as a way to express their individuality and style. I don't know what the first Mugen team was but it certainly took off and you saw it very prominently among the YT Mugen community. It also made for another storytelling method as people would use them to tell their adventures as an excuse for certain Mugen fights. Nowadays, there are only very few of these teams left. Everyone hates, cheapie busters, etc. People hate broken shit. Simple as that. Criticism was much harsher back in the day. And their way was to...well....do this. It's not done so much anymore because we realized this was stupid. The criticism I look at that thread link you posted.and I don't see what it has to do with this. But I will mention that back in the day, accuracy to source was pretty much everything. But this was due to the stigma from most custom creations being really bad like......like current day PotS style. So really nothing has changed, it's just not as vocal. Uh no, a character being broken does in fact mean it isn't well made. As cool as Reu's evil duo looked, they were broken for the wrong reasons. His Dragon Claw is the only one I can consider well made if you treat him like a boss character. AI has nothing to do with it. I've seen well made characters with strong AI and poorly done ones with weak AI. The Drama Ah yes, drama. Let's be honest, no matter the era, there will always be drama. That Haruhi you mentioned did become busted in later updates adding unnecessary stuff and ultimately becoming a fetish character. I do remember a certain someone being offended when their Waifu got beaten, which was really stupid and made him an easy target to spite. Yea, the drama was ridiculous but when is drama not ridiculous? Honestly, JS says that's the reason he left, but I think it was because he got dragged into it and became part of the drama as well. The other reason could be that he was looking for a way out of Mugen to focus on his fan games and he found it this way. Conclusion The era shouldn't be forgotten. We can't pretend it didn't happen. It wasn't all bad, there were some good moments that came from it and some of the stuff is still used now. Heck, I dare say it also produced the best YT Mugen videos. There was more variety in character usage and it's just more exciting to see a human player overcome the odds. Most videos now are just cookie cutter Capcom and SNK characters in AI battles.
  7. There's quite a lot here. I can try and see if I remember things from this era.
  8. Looks like a lot of this was something you heard about in passing. A lot of things were different a decade ago and you have to remember that the YT Mugen community was just a sub community at most.
  9. Rival Schools lifebar. Forgot who made them though.
  10. And just how do you expect people to help if you don't even know where to start?
  11. Yes, she did. In a later update. The only character that debuted in that gane was Suika though.
  12. If you can make Tasofro style sprites of them, go nuts. Rice can take care of the coding.
  13. After giving it some thought I have to say that I'm not too fond of Kokoro's V-Skill unique skill be to change grooves religion on the fly like that. One of the reasons the player picks a particular groove is to compliment their playstyle. On paper, it sounds like the ability is used to switch up your style depending on the situation, but realistically I don't think you will want to switch grooves, unless you feel a particular special move or system trait is really worth it in which case, why not choose that groove in the first place. A suggestion I would make is instead of switching grooves, the U-Skill instead behaves something akin to Shulk's Monado arts in Smash 4 where her mask determines what Benefits/Penalties she will get. Ex. More attack power, but take more damage. Another could reduce damage taken and give some armor but reduce mobility and so on.
  14. (Using another filler to set myself up with another character while we wait for Agni or whatever Plan B you can come up with.)
  15. Nice try, but... - I have my own account in guild seperate from Iced's on account that I'm not Iced. - I don't make it a habit to talk about Guild in other forums nor do I blindly make accusations to make it look good. - Guild doesn't make any profit from what they do. There is no pie to take even among their staff which btw, I am not. That's cute trying to use my own words against me. All you did was prove me right that you're desperate.
  16. OOC: Nice to hear he's alive, but he clearly has way too much on his life going on. You'll have to take temporary control of his characters or find another way around it.
  17. Except that Guild doesn't give a shit about MFFA and vice versa. The two just happen to agree that adfly is dangerous and Mugen Archive should be ashamed for using it. Also, you calling us Guild lackeys? So what makes you not a lackey of Mugen Archive? All of your posts have been about rallying people for your cause to slander Guild and make Archive look good. Given your desperation, I would say either you're Dizzy, a dumb fanboy or expecting a piece of the Archive's pie for your dedication.
  18. I give him a week before he's banned again.
  19. Are you se- Virtua Fighter Akira
  20. There are better ways to balance a character to make them more viable against stronger characters. Infinites aren't fun.
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