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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. "Probably your subconscious telling you to get a girlfriend, but that's not important now."
  2. "Good grief. This little conversation was being amusing but then you had to go and say that." Flare approached the two as he resched inside his gi top, pulled out what seemed to be a box of pocky and took one from it before storing it back. "You're right, it's easy, especially if you disregard another life. It's fine to take it as long as it's not yours, right? Regardless of whether our friend's intentions involve going up her skirt or not, in the end the lady here is innocent. Killing her isn't saving her, if there's a way to actually save her, I would rather take that path instead." He proceeded to take a bite out of his pocky stick. "Already have to deal with a psychopath on a regular basis, I would rather not deal with another."
  3. "High on...? What the hell did you-...? Forget it, best if I don't know. Go search around, I'll watch over her for now."
  4. "This broken down church, huh. Well, I see our tied up nun. I assume you two already started to look for a way to get her unpossessed."
  5. "Lead the way. And don't get distracted until we get there."
  6. "HELL NO! You're coming with me! Besides, I need you to lead me to the church."
  7. "You did WHAT? Tied up? Shady loli? Ugh, I'm coming with. It's going to gnaw in my mind if I don't."
  8. "I believe I told you before that weapons were only allowed in the arena." "Aside from that, you mind explaining yourself? Hisui told me those wounds of yours were rather unusual, but I got a hunch there's more to it than that."
  9. "His wounds seem unusual. There's nothing in my databanks that can recognize the cause. Was that the reason he chose to seperate himself from the others? It does seem that a simple rest will suffice."
  10. "I would advise against pushing your luck given the circumstances."
  11. "I believe you need medical assistance more than a massage." "No kidding. You look like shit. Just take him up to the infirmary for now. I'll figure out what to do with him afterwards." The mecha maid bowed and began to carry him up to the infirmary.
  12. "Seraph." Flare proceeded to throw the money pouch from earlier back to Seraph. "You and your friends are going to need that money a lot more than I do especially since technically most of you are flat broke now. Sorry I can't do much, but my hands are tied. I'll try to keep tab of any information that I come across" Flare looks at Tommy. "Hey kid, if you see your photographer friend be sure to give this to him." He proceeds to throw a smaller pouch to him.
  13. "That's not at all what he said. He simply wants to know what to expect. It's been a long time so I may not be correct anymore. The King and Queen have presence so to say. You could say they have an aura on them that demanda you show them respect. This is obvious but try not to pick a fight with them. It was easy to tell that both of them were extremely powerful. The queen was a former guard and there's rumors that the king's power range from being absolutely merciless to his enemies to being able to heal diseases that were thought to be incurable. It's just a rumor but it's true that he's definitely more than capable of handling himself. With that said, your best bet is probably to be direct and never look like you're hiding anything. If at any time they suspect you could be a threat to their people, you would have wasted your time and everything will be harder from there. Remember that the people love them and for good reason. In the end, despite their great power and responsability, they're not that much different from you and I."
  14. "It's a long process. I had to go through it to get the permissions to build this facility. But your situation is different. You might have a chance to get one quickly considering what happened to you." "Boy, speak up! You got a working tongue, don't you?"
  15. That's easy, because it's in Slum Village. Hisui probably warned you not to go there, right? It's a dangerous area because all the scumbags tend to stick around there. Our government has been trying to fix that problem, but it's roots are pretty deep. Doesn't help that the rest of the city views it as a waste of resources even if at least their efforts have kept the scums from spreading further." "By the way, M'lady. You wouldn't happen to have a way to communicate with me when you're further away, would you? The hangout attracts people from all over and they tend to bring information every once in a while. Perhaps eventually there will be some that will know about what's going on." "And Light? Seriously? Slum Village? You ARE aware there are affordable places outside of Slum Village, do you?"
  16. "Any fighting here is strictly in the arena." "Fraid I know about as much as you in this matter, m'lady." "The only anomalies we've detected were those portals you guys came from. As to what caused them and why, I'm about as stumped as you are. So much crazy shit happens around this world that it's hard to be surprised by anything. We don't even know if other portals appeared and dragged more people here."
  17. "Oi oi, what's all this noise? Keep it down." Flare approached the group. "If you can't even trust each other, then the bad guys have already won. You people will end up destroying each other before they have a chance." He then pointed toward Kirimuri "Put your damn weapons away. You're only allowed to draw them in the arenas here."
  18. "She's the only one I've always cared about. She's much younger than me. I worry for her at times since she has trouble interacting with others that aren't me or our servants. Not many people I can trust to help me take care of her. Mother died when we were younger and father neglected us for that damn company of his. Of course, I later took everything from him." There was a chilling tone in her voice when said "everything" "Didn't you come in with that group that arrived earlier? Pretty sure they're going to need someone that lives on this world to help them around. I'll consider continuing to talk when you get back."
  19. "When we first met 2 years ago, I could have told you that I didn't, but now I'm not so sure. Being with these guys for so long, I can easily tell they trust each other especially the ones that have been around the longest. It spread to me as well, I find it much easier to suppress any desire to kill them at least. But honestly? I happen to quite enjoy being a monster, I don't think that will ever change. Still, I do hope my younger sister doesn't turn out like I did, she deserves to be normal."
  20. "A warrior? Is that how you see me? I don't hold the same values as your kind. For as long as I could remember, one could say I fit more an assassin than a warrior. Perhaps you could explain to me why you see me as such."
  21. "Hmph, still alive? I suppose I was stopped before I finished the job....and you look too well considering what we went through. Tch, I must be slipping... it's bad enough that everything hurts and I have a terrible headache. ...I should have that Hisui dismantled, but I can't even tell them apart."
  22. Flare responded by proceeding to land a solid punch toward Lightflare's face. "You damn idiot. I warned you about this for a good reason. Not just for your sake, but for hers as well." "Flare-sama, I must take some of the blame. I was the one that suggested him to fight Ren-sama as she was available." "Inform your sisters to not allow Ren into another spar without my approval. As for you, Light..." "Infirmary's on the top floor, get yourself patched up. And apologize to Ren, not to me. If you really care, the least you could do is comfort her."
  23. Despite his pleas, Ren didn't seem to respond at all. The Mecha Hisui was in between the two still trying to pull them apart without hurting them further but this proved to be difficult. "Hisui, knock her out!" The order received, the mecha maid grabbed Ren by her head. "My apologies, Ren-sama." She proceeded to deliver a headbutt toward Ren knocking her out cold as the mecha maid grabbed her before she fell over.
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