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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. As Hinamori and Flare traveled through the sewers, the latter received a notification on his phone. A link to a stream of the broadcast. "A broadcast from Slum Village?" Flare proceeded to watch the broadcast. "Something doesn't quite sit right with me with that broadcast(As amusing as it may be to see Light as a bad guy.). Miss, whatever is happening in the village probably just got worse with that speech. If you still want to keep going then I would recommend we at least pick up the pace. It could get worse the longer this is left alone."
  2. "One is expected to be available in a few minutes. However, only those that are registered with us are permitted to use it." Unfortunately for her, the mecha maid's equivalent of an eyesight was too precise to hide her actions. "I shall have the cost added to your registration fee..."
  3. "Please keep your weapons sheathed while not in a designated arena and please refrain from swearing." The Mecha maid returned to sweeping the lobby
  4. "There's a path through the sewers? Ok, that is one serious security risk to this city if it's easy to go anywhere in the city through the sewer."
  5. The mecha maid handed a card to Kirimuri. "You forgot your pass. Please don't lose it. As for reservations, please let me know for what time and I will verify its availability." "Unless you mean for now in which case I will have to ask you wait a few minutes as they are currently in use or under cleaning and mantainance."
  6. "Right. I'll accompany you until we get to your group, lead the way. Emilia, will you be all right?" "..." "Emilia?" "Hm? Oh...my apologies." "I'm having some trouble remembering recent moments. There was mention of a hangout? I believe I know the place, although I don't condone of a place that promotes violence, but given my circumstances..." "Everyone's a critic....and it's not meant to promote violence..."
  7. "Aside from a headache, I am fine. Thanks for your concern." "I would hold off on any other questions for now. I don't feel comfortable staying inside a broken down church for long. Might as well head back to my facility." Flare looked over at Hinamori. "Oh yes, you probably will want an escort back to where you were considering that idiot forgot that little detail when he brought you here."
  8. Female clerk: "That's right. It includes the first month and additional months are 15 each."
  9. Female clerk: Oh, this is for registration. You should ask one of the robot maids for arena reservation. Just make sure to have your pass ready.
  10. Flare began to get up from flying across the room. "Yea, I'm fine guys, thanks for asking. And can one of you kindly explain to her how I'm not a demon?"
  11. "Tch...we'll settle this later." ONE EXORCISM LATER "Interesting. I've never seen something like this before." He approached the nun once the ritual was done. "Oi lady, you back to your regular self?" The woman moved a bit as she slowly opened her eyes. Her first response to Flare's question was an ear piercing shriek. "BEGONE FOUL DEMON!" The nun proceeded to forcefully push Flare away with a light energy emitting from her hands with enough power to send Flare flying across the room. "Huh? What happened? Ugh, my head hurts..."
  12. "Over here." He points toward the unconscious nun in the corner "Hopefully this plan works out."
  13. "Oh, you're back?" Flare then proceeded to land a solid punch to Kirimuri's face. "THAT'S FOR ABANDONING US WITHOUT LETTING US KNOW TO BEGIN WITH!"
  14. "Got it. Let's hope they had one around here." Flare proceeded to gently drop the nun in a corner and help out in the search.
  15. (Why do I get the feeling that it wasn't a joke at all?) "Any idea how it looks like? I'm not familiar with magical or spiritual stuff."
  16. "I've got my share of questions, but I'll keep them to myself. Everyone's got their secrets and I don't like making it a habit of getting too much into private matters. As I said, I already deal with a psychopath on a regular basis. In fact, I've taken quite a share of risks over the years." "I know what I said, but as long as you don't try to kill me, someone I like or an innocent being I think we can get along. Even if you have nothing to lose in this world, you do have a lot to gain. Might be worth thinking about in case you're not able to return back." "Oi oi, creepy tendencies aren't really worth killing a guy over. Hurting him a lot is fine though. This is exactly what I meant earlier..."
  17. "Royalty, huh... I wonder how your people view you..."
  18. "Perhaps you should go back to your creator for mantainance. It seems you are overdue for an upgrade."
  19. "Did you even pay your registrations? It's 40 pompadillions each..."
  20. "First time I heard about divine beings attacking mortals. Despite everything this world has gone through I don't think that has happened. Unless you want to count pretenders." "The only gods I know of are just the kind that want to receive faith or just like to tease the mortals because they get bored. And if you ask me, those three seem to be busy in other matters to bother wiping us mortals off." "I just realized, I never quite caught your name."
  21. By the time, the unlimited force had responded, Flare had already left leaving a Mech Hisui nearby who was sweeping the lobby. "The registration process requires you all to be present in order for you to be properly registered."
  22. "Seraph? Far as I know he's looking for something. He showed up asking for information. Anything I find that resembles anything he's looking for I pass to him. In exchange, he takes care of a few bounties for me, granted he still gets the majority of them, all I get is a small cut as a referral fee. And before you ask, the information he's looking for is classified. Ask him about it." "By the way, I could tell by your expressions that him and you have some history. I won't force you to talk about it, but maybe it's best to keep anything that happened in your world to over there."
  23. "Wait, did he just left us? That bastard..." "Where haven't you looked yet? Might as well drag this chick along with me while I help out because I KNOW you're going to kill her if she wakes up on you." @Agni Blackheart
  24. If you don't want me to call you a psychopath, then don't talk or act like one. And Flare will suffice, I ain't the formal type."
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