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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. As the group scattered to go sightseeing, a small commotion was happening. A small group of knights were escorting someone. They covered the VIP rather well, making it near impossible to tell who it was. However, they seemed to be heading toward the Warrior's Hangout...
  2. "I don't think that will be a problem. Fortunately, despite the city's size you should have no problem locating it." She turned toward the southeast. "The large building over there is the Warrior's Hangout." She turned back toward the group. That said, I would advise you to stay in this side of the city. I'm afraid even this city has its share of problems particularly over in the Northwest. That side has become a slum area and is very dangerous. Otherwise, you're free to explore all you like as long as you remain within the laws of the city."
  3. "Understood. I shall inform Flare-sama of the matter and keep a look out." She bowed to the guards before heading inside.
  4. The mecha maid approached the guards. "I am Mecha Hisui Model 9DF, resident of Candor City. My master is Darkflare of the Warrior's Hangout.
  5. Hisui looked over to the group. "I suppose Candor city is bigger than your usual city. It's only natural that you would be surprised." The mecha maid proceeded to bow "This is where I part ways. I have completed my mission and must report back to Flare-sama."
  6. Hisui nodded to Light. "It's not too far. However, once we arrive I must head back to report to Flare-sama."
  7. "These flames....I would not discard the possibility that the creatures wouldn't have created these flames if they would risk burning their home. Regardless,I must agree with the young miss, we should move toward the city especially since we have injured."
  8. The mecha maid extended her right arm in an attempt to grab the living ball of fire she just created disregarding any burns she would obtain. If succesful, she would toss the creature airborne and fire missiles at it.
  9. "Move the injured away from them." The mecha maid proceeded to target the creature's lantern as she shot an eye beam at it.
  10. Before the Mecha maid could respond to Light's question, she activated her thrusters to head in front of Hinamori trying to get there in time to put up a barrier to protect her.
  11. The mecha maid looked toward Tommy noting the creature approaching him. She proceeded to target the lantern and she shot a laser beam from her eyes at it.
  12. The mecha maid finally arrived to the exit locking on to the creatures. "Targets locked. Engaging!" Her hands opened up as she fired missiles at the nearest one.
  13. "Understood. ...Hostile detected near the exit. Light-San, we need to move quickly and assist the others." The Mecha maid proceeded to head toward the exit and regroup with the others.
  14. "I'm certain Flare-Sama could arrange something. But for now we should hurry and exit the forest."
  15. "Flare-sama mentioned your unorthodox training methods before. I assumed from there, you were using the forest as your training grounds. My reasons for being here were to investigate the anomaly in the area as well as escort these people toward the city. Actually Light-San, could you assist me in escorting the group to Candor City?"
  16. "Light-san? This is quite a surprise. Ah, I see, you were using this forest as your training grounds. The anomaly must have interrupted your training session."
  17. "Understood. Please follow me." The mecha maid turned toward the Northeast and proceeded to lead the group toward the exit."
  18. Hisui proceeds to do another head count of the current group. "If my calculations are correct, there are still a few others remaining. I can take you to the exit and towards the path to Candor City. But I must return to search for the remaining still lost in the forest."
  19. "I understand your concerns, but I assure you I mean no harm." "Certainly. I have been programmed with a variety of massage techniques. I must warn that you may experience sone discomfort at the beginning though." The mecha maid proceeded to create a barrier to forcefully push Tommy off of her.
  20. The mecha maid continues further into the forest before spotting the trio of Kirimuri, Kiryu and Morrigan. She stops herself in front of the trio. "Additional targets found. Greetings, I have come to offer assistance."
  21. "It's possible. Once I've completed my mission, I must return to my post at the Warrior's Hangout. You are welcome to visit if you would like." She proceeded to bow before heading deeper into the forest to search for the others.
  22. ((Why do you jinx yourself?)) The mechanical maid looked over at the group making a quick head count. "I had hoped this was everyone, but there are still others in the forest. My apologies, but can I trust your group to head to the city on their own? There is a path not too far off that will take you to the city."
  23. "Just Hisui will suffice. It's Candor City located to the Northeast of our current location. You may have spotted it from your vantage spot earlier."
  24. "I am Mecha Hisui or Hisui for short. I was sent here to investigate the anomaly and escort you to the city."
  25. "It appears they all have been transported against their wills." "....Yukari?" "Negative. The anomaly does not match those of the boundary youkai." "At any rate, the forest isn't exactly the best place. If it's true that they all have been transported here, I think it's better if we direct them to the city." "Understood. Updating objectives." "Hisui, I've been looking over the data you sent me and it seems there's someone else here that wasn't teleported." "Understood. Proceeding with caution." Her orders received, the mecha maid activated the wheels on her feet and used them to dash toward the large group. Once she was at a visible distance, she stopped herself in front of the gathering. "Targets found. Please do not be alarmed. It appears you are in need of assistance."
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