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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. Meanwhile, that jirobu guy is a perfect example of a brainwashed archive punk who will immediately resort to personal insults whenever they read anything that goes against Archive's policies.
  2. An information thread? Looks like a drama thread to me and I know I'm not the only that believes so. Let's go even deeper, what the hell made you think anyone here even gave a damn about this? You're.not lookong to inform peopke, you're looking to recruit people to your cause.
  3. Point #1 - Yea, members that only register solely to download characters. Activity? If you count shitposting as activity, then yea you're right. Sorry kid, this one's a case of quantity vs. quality Point #2 - Resorting to petty insults, sticking to false infornation, putting a lmao in thetr. Damn kid, you're making this too easy. You've already put your credibility down the toilet. The only thing Guild did was warn people that Archive was using ad.fly links for their downloads and that said ad.fly links ran the risk of infecting your computer. A Mugen character is not worth risking losing your comouter over. As for Guild being isolated from good mugen sites. That's quite an amusing thought. I've seen plenty of sites link back to Guild including a few japanese ones. Old ass Guild is still goibg strong, still has plebty of activity on a daily basis and has shown no sign of slowing down yet. Sorry kid, you're grasping at straws here your arguments hold no weight to them and manipulated child? Yea, I bet you see one when you look in the mirror. Just a deluded Archive White Knight looking to stir up some drama.
  4. You're a goddamn fool. And that's putting it nicely. Archive being visited more means Guild is going to get killed? Definitely won't go to you for your analytical skills considering you lack them. As has been said, people only go to archive just to upload random shit for the sake of downloading a character they want. Truth is that the people you see in Mugen forums are in the minority among the community. The majority only care about downloading as many characters as they can and building a "collection". So naturally, archive would have more visitors. In terms of having an actual community, Guild has Archive beaten by miles. And the fact that you claim that Guild started the drama proves further that you lack analytical skills and that you're a white knight for Archive.
  5. Uncheck all the files and only click on the one you want.
  6. I was thinking XYZ. It's not something I think should be shared with other special commands.
  7. Unless I'm missing something, Shinto bombs do nothing now. The knockback effect might be better as a launcher instead to go with the groove's offense oriented intention although in that case any moves done after that bomb in the same combo would have to suffer a big damage proration. I have some doubts about making SCD and Custom Combo activated with QC motions.
  8. Way too many to list. Different characters are made by different authors. Try these.
  9. All right, I think a few things need to be carefully reconsidered. Shinto is possibly the best groove right now mainly because the bombs are gold bursts. You have to remember that in GG and P4A, Gold bursting used the Burst gauge which you only had one and it filled at a fairly slow pace. Not to mention that your super meter reset to 0 in the next round. I'm assuming meter carries over in I0, not to mention the fact that you can carry 3 bombs which gives you plenty of chances to gold burst. In fact, a viable strategy would be to land a bnb into gold burst, activate SCD mode, spam super and then land another bnb into burst when the mode ended. I would take a look at MB's Heat mode/UNIEL's Veil off to have an idea on how to properly do SCD mode Buddhism seems lacking to me. The only thing it provides are Alpha counters and Just defend. Just defend could be good if it also reduces block stun, but even then, I feel the other two grooves provide better tools. Taoism I feel has the problem that it's main gimmick of being able to Roman cancel will be too limited. Sure, RCs are really powerful but with only 2 bombs and no idea how fast they regenerate, you potentially run the risk of barely being able to RC much. Personally, I think the speed focus could be better represented with Custom Combos instead of RC. Atheist groove should totally be a thing.
  10. It probably has to do with the fact that you need to login to view this place and this is a way to get around it until a proper solution is made
  11. My point is that you really shouldn't consider AI to determine whether a character is good or bad. I've seen characters with "Good AI" only have it because they're exploiting the character's broken traits. Their AI would be easy if the character were made properly. At the same time, I've had fun with characters that lack AI but were made properly.
  12. Let's be honest, anyone that says a character is bad solely because of the AI, most likely never even plays as the characters and is only looking for characters to "use" on watch mode.
  13. I know a few that are playing it. Mine's 2844993765
  14. The only theory I have is that the new lifebar's custom hitsparks might be messing up character effects.
  15. Do you remember the last thing you did when this error happened?
  16. I know that Homer has issues but the AI is really easy. Besides, if you have trouble with those projectiles, you're going to really despise Cannon Musume's Dream Bison.
  17. It's just a regular projectile attack. You can jump over it.
  18. [Just as long as you remember that my opinions are not necessarily the same as my character's opinions.]
  19. [Actually, I'm here to keep your robots in check. Just like old times.]
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