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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. And you're not going to get a respond from him here.
  2. You're asking to crap on tried and true controls for the sake of having some "epic moment".There's a reason why SF2 had significantly improved controls over it's prequel. There's a reason why SF4 simplified some commands. There's a reason why SNK has been avoiding stupid complex commands in recent games. There's a reason why you don't see stupid pretzel commands outside of Geese Howard(and select few SNK characters) It's bad game design. It's unnecessary and it only serves to frustrate the player. You give that example about a move failing to come out because you were under pressure. Well, how about when I'm NOT under pressure? I want the command to fail because I flubbed it due to letting the pressure get to me, not because the game "decided" that I didn't get it. If I did the motion right, I expect that move to come out, pressure or no pressure. NOT just Marvel. - Hitting him out of certain moves creates a clone of him. - Terrible hitboxes. - Lack of cooldown and startup in normals. - Lack of damage dampening and with the above, you can easily expect to lose a quarter of your lifebar if Sinestro mashes his normal right. Typical Multiverse thrash, as expected from a community that doesn't play fighting games.
  3. Yea, I'm sure the fact that the post was made over a year ago has nothing to do with it. But here's a link anyway
  4. After seeing this character in action myself, allow me to personally state that I want to punch all of you in the face right now. This complaint is silly. Would you rather have the ridiculous pretzel motions SNK uses?Quarter circle and DP motions are standard fare for ANY 2D fighter you play. The number of appearance the character has had in fighting games is irrelevant.
  5. Kojuro proceeds to quickly stand up, dash toward the Robo-tempkin and slash his back, the strike temporily stunning the robot. "No soul. Hmph, these "machines" are no real threat to us." He holds out his blade in front of him holding it with his two hands as he fires a beam of lightning toward the robot he just slashed. "Like Potemkin said, just strike these robots with your strongest moves. Use their size to your advantage if you can." "That's fine by me!" Krizalid fires a slashing wind move toward another Robo-tempkin. Zero proceeds to attack the nearest Robo-tempkin with the blades of his armor
  6. Bah, the bonus round is easy. The beginning of the round can be troublesome since you have no boost abilities, but you get your Boost jump and dodge back after a while and the zombies become easy to dodge.
  7. It's because people no longer play shooters for the story. Guess what I spent all day unlocking?
  8. Right, just as long as he doesn't use autism as an excuse for anything really dumb.
  9. Oh boy, you better find someone to host Riot for you at this point. It takes a loooooooong time to unlock. Been thinking it may be faster to intentionally fail early. Like do 5 rounds and then quit and do over since early rounds are easy and fast.
  10. Kojuro simply approached the Robotempkins. "Their design is similar to our own robotic ally. I assume this Crow is the one that also built him. In that case, I doubt these fakes will have the same combat abilities as our giant friend." Kojuro then proceeds to crouch on his knees in a meditative pose seemingly leaving himself open. However, should any of them attempt to attack Kojuro, he would quickly get up, get behind them and slash them from behind in the blink of an eye. "What the hell are yo-" Krizalid was cut short by Zero who signaled him to wait. "Gentlemen, these robots are not our only enemies here. We musn't ignore the clones in this room as well even if they are incomplete."
  11. Hahaha Ghosts. Ghosts was awful. Terrible maps, terrible balance, feels like you die way too quickly. Complete step back from the other COD games. My bro was given this game when one of his friends stopped playing it when he asked for it. Tried to give it a chance multiple times, but it really is that bad. If you want an earlier Call of Duty, I would go with any of Treyarch's COD games(Although World at War has hacked servers in online Multiplayer, which is a shame because WaW is so damn good.) No surprise that Titanfall feels like a ripoff of COD with mechs considering the guys that made Titanfall are the original COD guys.
  12. PS4 COD is more traditional FPS than Gears. It's going to feel a lot different. Yea, it shifts between fine and laggy too much. Fortunately, it's not a big issue on Survival mode. Been thinking of grinding up the rounds cleared in Survival to get Riot once I hit level 50 in Multiplayer.
  13. Going back to the topic at hand, I managed to find a group of randoms to finish all 25 rounds of Survival. Too bad we were all burnt out to bother going through the "flipped" rounds. Seriously, it took an hour to do that and there's actually an achievement for beating the "flipped" rounds as well? Been reading up that a lot of people have some lag issues and I have to agree, most matches I see the ping value in the red. Could be everyone playing at once the first few days or an actual issue. I'm expecting a patch for it either way.
  14. I'll just recheck later. I think I may have an outdated version or something.
  15. Various characters. Actually, did you give the AI any advantages?
  16. "He likely used Krizalid's data from when he gathered it for the clones the first time." "The control room. As you can imagine, it's in pretty deep." "I doubt a man like Igniz would simply have the clones as the only resistance between us and him." "You would be right. I would expect my clone to also face us at some point." "You have a clone as well?" "Indeed. We wanted to clone some of our strongest members to strengthen our army. Mine was the first one made and we would have made more for other members had my clone not betrayed us and forced us to rethink our cloning process." "At this point, I'm glad that was the case. Zero's clone is already just as powerful as Zero himself and we're assuming Igniz hasn't been able to improve him.
  17. It's unblockable on my end. Probably has a time = 0 somewhere not letting me block.
  18. For a guy that said he was going to leave the thread, you sure like to come back to it.
  19. Not innovative when the exo movement is the biggest most obvious change ever made. They're comparing it to Titanfall for a reason and even then there's the whole started development at roughly the same time thing. Campaign's pretty standard fare. Nothing stands out and the only "new" change to it is that you can get upgrades in between missions. Then again, nobody plays COD for the story. I'm still reserving opinion since I'm waiting for the new game effect to wear off. Besides, we still don't know what the stupid OP weapon is yet.
  20. As a matter of fact... 2/10 Even Trini can troll better than you.
  21. Yea, hating on COD for no reason other than to blindly follow the sheep and be part of the "cool kids crowd". Please leave as your blatant blind anti-fanboyism is not welcomed here.
  22. Well, the exo movement is definitely a welcome change for multiplayer and the maps were designed with it in mind. But at the same time, it's made them pretty open so sniping is a viable option.
  23. That's not saying much given the standards they have.
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