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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. If I ever DL this Goku and find a stupid AI exploit, I'm going to laugh. A lot.
  2. Go ahead and do everything in life by just trying and giving minimal effort. Then come back and tell me if what I just said is really opinion. I'm pretty sure that job you're flaunting right now took you quite some effort to get and keep. You want to encourage people? How about encouraging people that are actually worth encouraging? Ax just said that he's content being the lowest common denominator. People like him that put zero effort and are content with whatever result they get have absolutely no potential to succeed. You can encourage a person like that all you want and they will get nowhere until they start getting a better mentality and begin doing actual effort. Again, please stop encouraging his kind of behavior. And Werewood left because he couldn't take the heat and couldn't get over his serious case of an inferiority complex. Good luck with that.
  3. Well, I have plenty to say to you, because it's obvious to me that you didn't understand such a simple concept. If your mentality is that trying is enough to get by in life, you're going to find yourself living under a bridge and begging people for money just to survive. You can try all you want, as much as you want, but if you do a shitty job then you will never be successful. just trying will get you nowhere. You see, this kind of mentality is cancerous to the community and cancerous to life period. By saying this, you're basically saying that you accept rush jobs, low quality work and lacking any amount of actual effort just because the creator at least tried. If more people had this mentality, I can assure you that Mugen would devolve into a mess of absolute crap creations with little work done simply because people wouldn't give a damn about actual good stuff made for it. This is why we make fun of places like you know where that NICE CHAR +1 everything that comes to their attention. I've already said what kind of person Ax is and I am not willing to repeat myself. You're wasting your time on him and I would GREATLY appreciate it, if you would be so kind as to stop encouraging his kind of behavior. It does not work in Mugen content creating. It does not work in life period.
  4. Meanwhile at a hotel room in Kalos city. The boss trio sit together as they discuss their next course of action. "I've been keeping my eye on Kusanagi all day and those clones haven't shown up." "I'm beginning to suspect that we may be doing this the wrong way. After all, we're not deal with an ordinary enemy." "Yea, our former megalomaniac tyrant with a god complex isn't exactly what one would call ordinary." "That's precisely the problem. Igniz knows us and it's fair to assume that he already knows we're involved." "In other words, he most likely knows what we're going to do before we actually do it." "But we know Igniz well ourselves, so that goes both ways, right?" "In theory, but Igniz probably has something up his sleeve to deal against us to catch us off guard." "So we'll just have to come up with something that will catch him off guard himself." "Indeed, we'll need an X-Factor of our own. You two should let me handle that and continue your missions for the moment."
  5. OH OK. Hey teacher, I couldn't finish my essay in time. In fact, I didn't write that much, BUT I TRIED. Hey boss, you know those reports you told me to file. I could only do a few, BUT I TRIED. Hey team, I know I couldn't contribute to our score nor really prevent our opponents from scoring, BUT I TRIED. Do you understand why your mentality is bad or do I need more examples?
  6. Ax demonstrating that he's one of those fools that don't give a damn about actual gameplay as long as his favorite character is made. Ax blatantly admitting that his game is crap, but saying people will like it because their favorite pokemon are in it as if anyone who is intelligent will ignore the blatantly obvious infinites just because it's pokemon. Ax once again trying to make someone else take responsibility for his garbage because he's too bloody lazy. I bet when he was talking about all that "Imma preach now" stuff, he didn't even TRY to go with it and just sat around looking for someone to preach for him. This better be a friggin joke.
  7. "Really now? You seem rather eager to prove that point. You should be careful what you wish for."
  8. "You sure? You don't believe these clowns, do you? They seem too incompetenet to solve any kind of incident especially one that would affect the universe."
  9. "How can we be sure they're telling the truth? They could be the one that cause the incidents. We should just dismantle them and take them to the kappa."
  10. "Do what you want with those robots. I would rather focus on the more important matter right now."
  11. "Your group is nothing but a bunch of clowns. It's rather hard to take clowns seriously." Well...
  12. "Surprisingly enough I can actually believe Yukari's shenanigans getting out of-" Meimu takes note of the new guest behind Hikari "Ok, this whole alteration of our timestream is getting ridiculous. Actually, can you shoot the robots first? They're getting on my nerves."
  13. Why is nothing more than an idea concept in the WIP section?
  14. Where and how are you putting the winquotes?
  15. Ecole must be doing pretty poorly if they're screwing their fans like that. Guess UNiB didn't do so well after all. Real shit timing too with NA UNiB release around the corner and if US fans decide to boycott it'll just tell them that there's no market here.
  16. "He'll need my help, huh? He better hope I get something out of it." Meimu looked over toward Hikari? "Hold it. You're going to have to tell me everything. Besides, how can I trust you're not the one trying to make that possibility a reality in this time?"
  17. "I knew I had forgotten an important detail." Meimu would poke her head out through a gap near Hikari. "I had hoped I would have been done with this already, but I seem to have forgotten about a troublesome "human". Once against spewing out nonsense as if a mere possibility is bound to be 100% true."
  18. The fairies got hit by the projectiles and proceeded to explode spectacularly. It doesn't seem like there were any more of them. "She's suddenly becoming more like Yu- ah crap..." Meimu held out her hand as she formed her Quadruple barrier spellcard to protect herself from the missiles. "Ok, this is rather excessive. It's not like I killed the guy. Besides he attacked ME first. You're going to leave anyway, so my work here is done."
  19. Hey, Yoyo. Watch out! Pfft, then I will use my blades instead. They are equally sharp. YOYO BLADE! *YoyoMan continously throws his sharp blades at the airbourn faries, while TrinitroMan keeps on spraying nitroglycerin on the faries* Some of the fairies get hit by the blades and lit on fire by the nitroglycerin and proceed to explode spectacularly. The remaining fairies switch from shooting danmaku to attempting to dive bomb toward the robot masters. "LET'S GET THEM! ONE MORE HIT SHOULD DO IT!" The two remaining fairies proceed to do their dive bomb strategy once again.
  20. Because it's working so well, the fairies continue to do dive bomb attack on them while shouting "BAAAAAAAAANZAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII" when doing it.
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