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Nep Heart

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Everything posted by Nep Heart

  1. Notice how these varsets involve detecting P2's life values while in hit states to set their own variable values? They're there to allow the character keep track of how much life they lose from any hit P1 delivers to them. These variables are then used to call in explods, which are all in order so that specific animations can be used correctly (and note the animation numbers, those are the damage number graphics). Basically, depending on what value the var(29) is set will call in that exact animation number as an on-screen graphic. These are not all of them, only some of the varsets and explods I found while looking into Es, but I gave the courtesy of showing their coding block line numbers as well (which are in the 4000s).
  2. I decided to take a look at Es and it seems the variables that keep track of damage being dealt are var(28) and var(29). I would study all codes that apply these two variables and try to spot any expods that rely on them for triggers and calculations. In any explods that rely on these variables, you should be able to track down all animations that they call on.
  3. Not sure if I'm willing to actually take a look for myself, my suggestion is mostly based on experience with similar stuff like this as with my Akyuu that was released last month. I'm mostly busy with working on my own new character + updating three other characters in the time being, I apologize if I can't really help further beyond what I can do. In any case, you're already in the right track if you were able to locate the explods.
  4. That's what I normally do with Japanese made MUGEN characters, which isn't too hard once you figure out the pattern. Checking for animation groups and seeing which explods call them is a start. Once you identify the explods, look at the variable that they all share and their value in correlation to each animation as I've suggested earlier. Once you get an idea what conditions trigger those damage number graphics, you can copy the method from there. May take a while since damage values in MUGEN are in the hundreds to thousands.
  5. In that case, I would just study the code that triggers the explod conditions for those numbers to come up then. They should be attached to a variable whose values will determine each assigned explod of those specific damage numbers .
  6. It's actually a lot of work, but if you have at least moderate experience in coding, it shouldn't be too overly difficult, if albeit tedious otherwise. You need to set a variable where each value is equivalent to explods based on separate group of animations represented by specific values. An example is that if an var = 100, have it summon an explod with a "100" graphic" to represent 100 damage or if var = 500, have it be represented by a "500" graphic to display 500 damage. You'll definitely be needing a lot of sprites to do this. If you're new to coding, I'd suggest you keep practicing those two things until you're good enough to tackle that challenge since it's pretty hard for a beginner to take on.
  7. First look at Hotaru in battle.
  8. https://my.mixtape.moe/kddaww.mp4 This killed me with laughter...
  9. Hotaru's combo system is turning out great.
  10. Hard luck for the plot tumor.
  11. We soon gonna have wall teching, bois.
  12. I haven't posted here for a while, huh? Well, have yourself another OC line art then... This time for Baozhai Tianshi, princess of Zhong and totally not based on Uzume Tennouboshi. I was originally going to make her something like a sukeban, but I decided against it, although the many traits of one remains in the character... making her way different than the typical royalty character. I do contemplate on whether I should post character profiles for each OC I show off, but not sure where would be the appropriate place to post them (give me a heads up anyway if you're interested).
  13. Progress on the stance system has been going well, just need to iron out a few flaws.
  14. A non-custom sprited character this time? It's more likely than what you think. For my fourth project, I'll be doing lovely Hotaru Futaba! While she will retain the essence of her playstyle mostly from her NGBC and KoF XI incarnations, Hotaru will otherwise operate under my custom-made gameplay mechanics like my previous works. She will be given a few new moves inventions in the process that never existed in her source material that will help expand her concept a little further, but otherwise try to capture her character regardless. That also means the stance system will be implemented, although I have barely started on it. She's coming along smoothly otherwise. https://streamable.com/9rd7o https://streamable.com/stfn6 https://streamable.com/e07fx https://streamable.com/0t1t7 https://streamable.com/6or5z
  15. I knew I was forgetting something here... Here's Homura's trailer.
  16. "We dreamed of creating the world's strongest lasagna... and we have succeeded"
  17. The disillusioned magical girl of time is here to battle for her best friend at all costs, Homura Akemi is finally complete and ready for your MUGEN. Turns out this character was relatively easier to do compared to the complexity that was Akyuu and my first attempt that was Sayaka. As before, she operates under the same base gameplay mechanics as my previous characters, however, she focuses heavily on zoning and keepaway unlike the the other two. Get here here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DihnFereY4N0FvYRfx On a side note, Sayaka Miki and Hieda no Akyuu have been updated.
  18. Show off who you'll most likely consider playing the most you get access to the full release of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. https://apps.warchamp7.com/smash/rosterUlt/
  19. A buncha jabronis in metal ain't got a chance against Satan's daughter and that's the bottom line.
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