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Nep Heart

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Everything posted by Nep Heart

  1. Welcome, hope you enjoy your time with us. It's especially fun when you get into the coding aspect of the engine that opens up new perspectives that you'll probably find an enriching experience and we're here to help in that.
  2. https://streamable.com/33ian Doppel's actually a very fun grappler with straightforward controls... now, if only I can nail down the timing of her chain throws better.
  3. Showcasing Mio in battle for the first time.
  4. Enjoy some smol and mute action.
  5. This is something I've done while revising projectile reflectors in all my characters ever since Haruhi's release since I wasn't satisfied with what they worked previously. I'm frankly proud of this even if it's not perfect and is definitely a step above the generic variety. So, I feel like sharing it with people... credit would be nice for recognition for those who wish to use it. All this is for the entire projectile reflector helper itself. In statedef -2, you will be required to have an invisible projectile with no CLSNs summoned whenever the reflector is out so that the reflected helper projectile doesn't become unblockable as a result of the reflected projectile still technically being owned by the opponent, which would make it unblockable without this measure. Note: The main flaw for this reflector is that the reflected projectile will become invisible if the helper projectile in question uses an explod as an FX instead of its own animation, but that's not too common otherwise.
  6. Haruhi was a lot of work (and there are some things that need to be polished further in spite of her release status that will be fixed soon), so, I was sorta taking a small break from this project. Fret not, Mio's got some substantial progress with the inclusion of the Reinforce gimmick. Based heavily on the same exact mechanic from Eternal Fighter Zero, the specialized gauge right below the Mode Change icon indicates the amount of resource Mio can use to spend on Ex Specials. Ex Specials are basically enhanced versions of regular Specials with new properties and a hefty amount of i-frames on start-up. They replace the z version that are typically found in Specials for most of my previous characters and attempting to use them without Reinforce meter will give you the y version instead. However, a few of Mio's Specials do have a z version, but they have no Ex Special version as a result. Finally, the more Reinforce that Mio has, the slightly more her general mobility and frame data on Normals are enhanced. Unlike the source game the Reinforce gimmick is based on, you cannot Instant Charge mainly because I decided against it and would break Mio seeing otherwise seeing the mechanical diferences. Also, have a sample of a combo involving Mode Change shenanigans... yes, she can actually use Mode Change to cancel any normal that is not a grab on hit or block to give her extra safety or create neat combos as aforementioned. https://streamable.com/t9hkv Also, yes, that's a new Burst icon, everyone will receive it in a future update.
  7. Erika Wagner and Mika Returna don't even share the same family names, but they do work in the same organization however.
  8. Roy's sprites don't even look good, so, there isn't much to salvage from this character as a whole.
  9. Hiya there, nice to see you finally joined the actual forum itself.
  10. Whether the ride was rough for you before getting here, we welcome you here and hope you enjoy your time here. The activity is a little slow, but we're all friendly here.
  11. Seeing as Haruhi by Nep Heart has been released, I request to have her added to the collection. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DihxKgHzIQ9gNHYhGY
  12. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x72pf66 The SOS Brigade finally makes her dynamic entry into MUGEN with a brand new gameplay fighting style! This was probably the most challenging MUGEN character I have developed to date considering she was overall more complicated than even the likes of Akyuu to design and, being one of my most anticipated creations, I wanted to get her right. So, now that the wait is over, it's time to Save the world By Overloading it with fun Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade! Get her here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DihxKgHzIQ9gNHYhGY As for the previous character, they all have received the same update in which an invalid combo indicator has been added to them, allowing you to check the legitimacy of your juggles more accurately than ever before. ... Also, Homura Akemi, the only one who has received a character specific update simply had a bug fixed that causes her grenade projectile to do less damage than normal.
  13. As promised, I would post a demonstration of Mio's mode change this week. The colored bar next to the Burst bar indicates what mode that Mio is currently in. Blue is for her close range mode that focuses more on rush down and red is her long range mode that focuses on zoning. As you can also see, the modes also have impact on her mobility as they alter her air dashes for instance... in long range mode, Mio can even glide.
  14. Demonstrating more Haruhi in battle.
  15. Finally posted a video showing off Haruhi's capabilities in an actual match-up.
  16. Curiously familiar scenario here.
  17. Provided that the character actually has a power charge move, you go into the CMD and look for a changestate in statedef -1 that has a move with a name that matches or approximates to "Power Charge". If you know where to find the power charge state, you can look for the according stateno as well. An example of power charge would look like this (this is an example for demonstration, not all characters will have something identical to this)... Replace whatever command you find with command = "hold_start". After you do that, go to the "Commands" section of the CMD and add this line with the rest of the "Hold Button" category if it doesn't already exist.
  18. She may be mute, but don't let that fool you.
  19. While her gameplay is custom, it's always nice to be able to do some stuff from the source game.
  20. I need to make way more use of this thread tbh. Anyway... https://streamable.com/gwzzq Uguu~...
  21. I've been (mostly) working on this project unannounced a few weeks after starting Haruhi ever since getting back into Eternal Fighter Zero, giving me the inspiration and motivation to start this project in the middle of a pre-existing one. Turned out all that experience that I've accumulated has made this one rather smooth and easy enough to already have substantial progress done in only two weeks. I suppose having an established template that I've used pretty much for every character has really help make the load much easier nowadays. Don't worry, Haruhi will be released this month after my closed-door beta testers have been given enough time. Without further ado, I present... https://streamable.com/9lq6n https://streamable.com/er6re https://streamable.com/e9n47 https://streamable.com/oa37o https://streamable.com/ysp1k The mute and clutzy member of the drama club MIO KOUZUKI!
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