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Nep Heart

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Everything posted by Nep Heart

  1. I hardly notice that myself unless I observe closely on the AI put through watch mode (and probably because I hardly use watch mode for anything beyond that). That's a very interesting thing to point out and it helps me confirm that I'm not just seeing things. I don't really do AI coding, just character editing and (recently, character creation), but have any idea what's the common culprit for increased gravity guarding?
  2. Hey there. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Heh, I see that you've been doing MUGEN longer than me even though you've joined here later than I did.
  3. Actually, her Climax Arts haven't even been coded into the character yet in spite of the commands existing in the CMD. You can look into the statedefs that contain her supers and there is a state that does nothing.
  4. Oh, cool, I was waiting for a while to see her updated. I, too, hope she is completed in the near future as well. I personally am not a big fan of Waifu Beater, but Tomoka's an acception as far as her gameplay goes.
  5. Finally got her Burst to work. =D https://streamable.com/0fjei
  6. For the first time ever, I showcase my Sayaka Miki project in a few test matches.
  7. For the first time ever, I showcase my Sayaka Miki project in a few test matches.
  8. Despite having only 7 months of experience with MUGEN at the time this topic is first posted, I've decided to start my own character project roughly late May after expressing interest from tinkering with pre-existing characters in my MUGEN roster. While this character takes Otz-Kai's Sayaka Miki as a basis for most of her sprites, sounds and gameplay concepts, she is otherwise built from the ground up tailored to my own idea for a custom gameplay style. She's currently in late alpha stage as of this post date, but she'll likely be ready for beta in a month or two as she'll need a bit of cleaning and fixing before then. Teaser from about a week into making the character: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ledv3 The progress made about a month after the first teaser: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ohcme Showcasing Sayaka's supers: 1. Aria 2. Tempestoso 3. Grandioso 4. Affettuoso Some aesthetics: Cheap KO Affettuoso Finisher Sayaka's comeback gimmick: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6pcrad
  9. Showing off Sayaka's comeback gimmick.
  10. A recurring pattern that is surprisingly popular in MUGEN characters, but I cannot stand nonetheless are both AI related... - AIs that cheat in ways that are literally impossible for human players to achieve without heavily modifying a character to mimic said cheap AI's abilities. Stuff like being able to perform and spam attacks that are normally charge commands immediately, using attacks for free that normally require meter, combos that are impossible to do for the character normally (such as chaining light attacks from heavy attacks when a human player is not allowed to do that) and other bypass of certain character restrictions. - "Perfect Play" AIs. Ironically, in spite of the fact they don't actually cheat like the above, I usually find them worse than character breaking AIs. I don't consider them well-made in a gameplay sense and, as a matter of fact, a way to (over)compensate for actually competent AI coding skills. They're just not fun to deal with either even by a challenge-seeking standpoint.
  11. Made a lot of progress within the month and a half in working on Sayaka Miki. She should be ready for beta by next month or so.
  12. My current and first ever MUGEN project I've been working on since last week.
  13. A mysterious and powerful stranger comes to visit...
  14. Smol and kiwi vs hypermasculinity.
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