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Nep Heart

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Everything posted by Nep Heart

  1. https://streamable.com/5mqth Haruhi sure loves her cosplay. Also added a nice touch to her baseball special.
  2. https://streamable.com/wpmxq Finished Haruhi's Itsuki assist.
  3. I pretty much purged all the NSFW sprites before even getting started on the character. The most "NSFW" thing in her sprite set as of now is certain win poses/intros that show some skin (like the swimsuit one).
  4. https://streamable.com/hiqby https://streamable.com/zyt0f Two more supers complete.
  5. https://streamable.com/vdye4 https://streamable.com/2l397 https://streamable.com/jksc9 My fifth and possibly my second personally most anticipated MUGEN character project will reimagine the leader of the SOS Brigade under my own custom gameplay style. Her gimmick will heavily involve the use of her fellow SOS Brigade friends as assists to bolster Haruhi's neutral and combo game that will actually differ from the way Choiyer executed it as they will be limited by a gauge, but cost no power unless she is using them in the middle of attacking. I'm pretty excited in my own take at this character.
  6. Made a small update for Hotaru just now, fixing some frame data that otherwise lead to a strict, but otherwise doable infinite.
  7. Boy, is this sub-forum section barren... lemme fix that quickly. These pieces of code are what I came up with when I was working on a solution of making my own characters' be able to burst during custom states. It allows command usage while your character is in custom state and since I implemented them in all my characters, it should work in the majority of cases with exceptions like custom states that put the character in a non-hit state. First of all, in the character's CMD, put a triggerall for "!ishelper" so that the buffering doesn't clash with the helper that buffers the command. ---------------------------------------------- This goes under the character's statedef -2. What it does is call a helper whenever the character is put into a hitstate that is there to buffer the command of your choice. The "keyctrl = 1" part allows the helper to read from your own character's state files while in custom state since, normally, a character in custom state is forced to read from P2's state files (also why it's in -2 and not in -3). This is the helper state itself. It's necessary so that there can be something there to read commands from your character's own files. This also must be under statedef -2, your character will break out of the custom state that p2 placed them in and will successfully go into their own state of choice. There is likely some imperfections, but it should work as intended for most cases.
  8. The graceful and gentle Hotaru makes her way into MUGEN seeking to reunite her family, but this time in a completely custom gameplay style! However, she still retains the essence of her King of Fighters XI/Neo Geo Battle Colosseum incarnations right down to the intricate stance system. Hotaru may be a higher execution character compared to my previous characters relatively speaking, but that doesn't mean she isn't any fun to use either. This is my new year present to all of you MUGEN players. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DihnRWmPv0CiuUrA4j All previous characters made by me have been updated significantly, so, definitely get them now that they have all been noticeably improved. All characters - Improved jump buffering. - Improved Burst buffering, bursting should be made more reliable now compared to before where it would fail in many custom state instances. - All grounded normals can be canceled on hit against aerial opponents, making them safer to use and better for punishing. - Many aesthetic improvements for both FX and SFX. - All characters now can wall tech much like how they can air and ground tech. Sayaka Miki - Tweak damage scaling on Affetuoso, should do slightly more damage at the end of combos now. - Slightly increased her juggling. - Fixed a bug on 6y that caused MUGEN to randomly crash. - Now has a wall jump, increasing her mobility options. Hieda no Akyuui -A list long enough that it's just easier to say that most of the things pointed out by RicePigeon in her respective thread has been addressed. Homura Akemi - Decreased her juggling. - Tweaked damage scaling. - Fixed a bug for Rebellion that occasionally caused the cutscene to fail to play even on hit. - Slightly reduced her j.2z's OTG set-ups at higher combo hits.
  9. Last WIP showcase video before Hotaru is released for the New Year.
  10. Hotaru killed anime a little too hard.
  11. Hotaru's utility super. Also, merry Christmas to all of you!
  12. 1. Just checked. I think I forgot to turn persistent off for that. 2. That is intentional, yes. 3. I may be misremembering, but I think the original intention was to prevent overly long standing juggles at the corner. May have made it too high, so, I'll need to lower it. 4. I don't use IKEMEN, so, I wouldn't even know why that happens there. I mostly use 1.0 and 1.1 to test my stuff. In that case, what would you theorize (just for the record, all versions of Miare Missile are helper based)? 5. No, I may have messed up a trigger on that. It should only be canceled from normals if they make contact with the opponent. 6. I'm going to need to reduce the hittime on that by a few frames. 7. That's something I'm likely considering installing for a future update 8. I'll have to cut the guard damage in half most likely if it's still too high even at lower levels. 9. I mostly did it on the logic that Miare Setsugetsuka does damage to Akyuu if she whiffs and crashes into a wall. That, and Made into History is an unblockable that hits both grounded and aerial opponents. May have to buff Miare Cannon however if it's not as safe on block as it seems. 10. I might just consider making it so that it vanishes when Akyuu is hit on lower levels (maybe like anything before record level 2) so as to give further incentive to level up then. 11. I swear I had the hitstun lowered in an update after finding the infinite myself. I guess it's probably still an infinite, but stricter to do if that is that case. Going to have to lower the hittime on that too. 12. Okay, that's me forgetting to put fall.recover = 0. Not sure why I overlooked that, but that's at least an easy fix. 13. I just left it alone because I saw no purpose in messing with it (not even sure why MUGEN invented this though). Speaking of which, asides from custom stating, would you have other suggestions of bypassing fall.defence_up during combos since I've always struggled to find a way around it when testing combos. 14. That is most likely a bug, it's likely a wrong state change in this case.
  13. Just in case you may have missed it in the video, Hotaru can actually wall jump. Every character I made will be updated to do this if they tech against a wall at least, although Sayaka will end up getting a non-tech based wall jump on top of wall teching just like Hotaru.
  14. You wouldn't really have to make an entirely new CNS unless you want to make the statedef -2 occupy a completely separate file (I usually do this for organization and convenience). Just remember that the states have to be in exact order since MUGEN reads codes from top to bottom. Anyway, you'll need to have all the required animations and assign the first one as 21000 and every animation after that will logically count upwards by 1 (so, the second animation after 21000 is 21001, the third one after that in order will be 21002 and so on). Examples of this should already be in Es' .air file.
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