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My Creations


  1. Been working on and off on this character, really. Ever since I saw this character I thought the concept was interesting, but the fact it was compatible with NSFW characters put me off. I once lazily removed the offending sprites and animations a LONG time ago, but this one's a true edit. You can get her here
  2. I made an April Fools Char again, this time its an Edit of an older Yuyuko I made, but yea, here she is. (She also has a Readme) DL LINK: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UFb3sITtz34XgNbRnXl37iOeZtmPABhA?usp=drive_link
  3. A custom reinterpretation and conversion to MUGEN of this giant tree image taken from the indie game "Sacrifire". The stage brings super jump, animation, looped BGM, 1.1 (zoom & no zoom) and 1.0 option files. STAGE DOWNLOAD
  4. Street WTFighter After 7 days of insane lulz... here is the official first release of *drum rolls* STREEEET WHATTHEFIGHTER!!! Inspired by the most weird unofficial version of Street Fighter 2 : Kouryu Edition, here is something even worse than the worse thing you ever experienced in character making, that breaks any rule of composition and tests the patience of the most virtuous and picky developer/player! This game feautures: - 13 characters, revised, overpowered, cheap and totally out-of-mind versions of classic Street Fighter 2 characters - 13 stages, with weird music, weird stuff and destabilizing graphics which will cause amnesia to the player - distorted music, politically uncorrectness, gross things and anything else that will test your patience and provoke your hate (lol, just kidding, but because of the dislikes, this has been appearently part of the trend, lol) - buggy characters, proudly spamming gameplay, flashing palettes, abudant graphic effects Someone would say this game can be enjoyed only with the use of drugs, but this game will SAVE you from the use of drugs, because its effects are worse than LSD (and I've honestly never tried it, while making this game in a totally sober state of mind). STREET WTFIGHTER! THE WORST WARRIOR! DOWNLOAD IT FROM : http://emanuelepepi.altervista.org/#logopixgallery Well, I had fun making this, now time to share the whole fun and start working (you know, I'm supposed to have a job) WARNING: use of this game is discouraged to people suffering of epylepsis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hyper-criticism, pickiness, moralism and asthma.
  5. Thanks largely to efforts of Kamekaze porting 1.6 TW Lua fixes to ZSS, TurtleWax is now Raspberry Pi 4 compliant! TurtleWax 2.0 released, along with an example edit of H"'s CvS2 Raiden for usage info. More examples including KFMz and RyuXIII coming soon. This addon is completely non-invasive and you must opt-in, so partial implementations (read: some chars with no buffering, others with their own, some using TW) are possible. TurtleWax 2.0 TW Cvs Raiden
  6. https://www.mediafire.com/file/uasn4al0uf46xir/FakePeppino.rar/file
  7. So, here's my edit of giygas that's a wip, I might make up a group for making this with other people later. Download link: https://mega.nz/file/RycXjDaA#orJ6RaclMESFNkqaXHu6b6LvIf2P_r4zEq20EDIMlKM Idk what else to put here.
  8. Big Factory Preview: Download: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ai3CGGx1QpOnguFd53y31fbCx2rDcA?e=4cOp2K
  9. I didn't like the PSX sound quality he had so I used my rips I had lying around from SFA3 MAX and the PS2 collection to use. Get it at Trinity MUGEN Downloads→Addons→Sound packs
  10. Yo so I took Everything Vs Everything and I'm trying to create the ultimate Mugen character selection, using the everything vs everything as a base and vselect to upload new chars. There's plenty of stages too but I haven't got a fast way to add them yet so only ~20-30. I don't take credit for any of this, it's a mash up of many other people's work. It's currently sitting at 538 characters & ~20-30 stages. ---------------Featuring---------------------- Large Sonic The Hedgehog roster Very large Pokemon roster Very large Digimon roster (people seem to love making these chars) - Animated Roster: Warner Bros, Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, Nickelodeon, My Little Pony, South Park, Adventure Time & more *Lots* of Anime: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Kill La Kill, RWBY, My Hero Academia, One Punch, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh, Lots more - Dragonball Z roster Soul Calibur Gods/Mythology IRL roster - Lots of Marvel (more to come, I'm a big Marvel fan) Expansive DC roster Massive Disney/Pixar roster inc Star Wars - LOTR Big roster of Action / Sci-Fi, movie / TV chars Smash Bros roster irl WWE chars - Terraria roster inc. bosses Misc video game characters Food mascots CDI Zelda Memes ------------------------------------------ Still a WIP (as are all things Mugen) Constructive feedback is welcome ------------download link---------------------- https://drive.google.com/file/d/19hwDfi2uprcLSlozDU8feDvZpDkdNsuY/ Enjoy! - JSG x
  11. Scenario made in collaboration with MysticG for one of his personal games projects. The stage already had its release a few days ago, but I decided to add a MUGEN 1.0 option and a new looped tune. As always the background comes with super jump, animation, looped BGM, 1.1 (zoom & no zoom) and 1.0 option files. STAGE DOWNLOAD
  12. MK2 was always my favorite from the old era, and I think the same thing happens to most... So coming across this gem is great! This MUGEN build must be the best polished that can be found around. Also, in the near future, the game will apparently migrate to IKEMEN GO. If you like this, stay tuned for new developments. I'm showcasing here the latest MUGEN update; Revision1.1 - 2023. Download Game Official Release
  13. All credit for the original template belongs to Ryon, I just made this edit. Yeah, an edit of a template. I made this to compete with the edit by CrossoverLover98, but also because I found Ryon's original templete to be the best one out there. I just figured some things could be in my taste, but I mostly made some things accurate to MvC, as well as a few general fixes. Let me know if this needs to be moved. Changelog: [Download here]
  14. Gameplay Screenshots V - Chars Resized and some Edits too. '-c' +plus Asura Ai and More Stages. - Zelda 1,99Gb V
  15. SFA's Australian Outback stage already has several edits and some very good ones. So, after ripping the sprites, I decided to give it a weird twist. And without proposing it, I left with something like a medieval fantasy field. The stage has super jump, animation, looped BGM, 1.1 (zoom & no zoom) and 1.0 option files. STAGE DOWNLOAD
  16. * Important : [KOF Arrange style], my own KOF, is an "if character" different from the original. If you don't like damaging the original, I recommend not taking this character. This character only works with mugen 1.0 or higher. [Download] https://1drv.ms/f/s!AlorPNOPutQ_j2LLplwN_ac5ICqG original author = JFCT555 Editer = Ramkun(Anomi Polis) This character has had very few updates since the original version. So I had to pay a lot of attention to this character. And the basic system has been improved or added. In addition, many new skills of shingo have been added.
  17. Kapukon Yu Thanks to Rabanazo Download: Bath2022KL.rar
  18. Gameplay V (Fixed: Size, AI for Tiffany & k99-NAMELESS! and Sonson Anim) +Damn~boy was hard to put that stage for working in 1.0> Freezing Forest * Edits > The main Portraits is Complete, but I dont maked the Portraits for victory Screen! (so i taked it off~) Well if my Memory is not worng, stayed like the old Eve vs Eve but have boss as you can see heh. Something more! Some chars have special stages (scrlk = no filter). also i put kanna (EFZ) for my transition screen. New?> HaveTAG now, but is Coop with Ai.. pretty fun!, I put a SMAA Filter!! in case for lag just scrl! And I have to change some chars because that~ >Juri Akuma and Mai well thats all.. peace {,\_ n ( = p =V ZELDA 1,56 GB ( The Link Works + Final update TC-T Umu!)
  19. 640,480 Localcoord (originally 800,600). Credit to Eternaga, Seantly, and AVPboy6754 for the Train Floor! This will not work with WinMUGEN, but it will if you remove localcoord and other stuff, and turn on HiRes = 1 but then the stage basically scrolls very slowly. You can find the original Stage here: https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/train-nowhere-177828.0.html Train to Nowhere, I liked the overall style, but the visuals weren't there. So with a bunch of thinking, I decided to overhaul the visuals, to make it a proper night stage. While also cleaning up the unused junk that remained from his previous works. -Removed most of the Anims in the Def file, unused with no sprites attached -Changed all Anims to Normal, as nothing was really animated, This allowed the city to scroll much better as a result. -Changed localcoord to 640,480, this means now you have a proper camera, and the stage is a more.. proper size. -Removed Zoom features, they weren't working properly for this stage at all, this also means 1.0 is supported as well. -Fixed delta values for various background pieces, they scrolled too fast for how far away they are meant to be -Replaced the original floor, with a much more fitting one. (Credit to Eternaga, Seantly, and AVPboy6754 for the Train Floor!) -Added music, Dreams of an Absolution - Silver The Hedgehog's Theme from Sonic 2006. It actually fits this stage very well now that it's night -Overhauled all the visuals to make a proper night stage -Added more city background elements -fixed tiling error with mountain elements (the closest mountain set, had a cut off.) -lowered all the mountain background elements, allowing the sky to be more present -added a bgmstartloop to the music, this means it never fades out then suddenly restarts https://www.mediafire.com/file/bc4b7dsx43c5kgq/Train+to+nowhere+luke+edit.zip/file
  20. This a 2 lifebar packs taken from Mugen AX2 exhibit edition screenpack by Juaniquillo555 (you can find the screenpack here), really cool lifebars and suit his other screenpack. this is an updated version by me, I did a few adjustments to the win icons and added small floor dust and power charge effects to the hitsparks and Fixed the number and position of win icons. If you found any problems, please tell me and I'll look to it. notes: 1. There is two packs: one is 640 x 480 and the other is 1280 x 720. 2. They need custom life ports, you can find some here made by Juaniquillo555 and I uploaded a pack for JoJo HFTF and Guilty Gear(More packs coming soon). 3. I included a template to create some custom life ports for yourself using Photoshop or GIMP. 4. I uploaded a video on youtube on how to create these portraits by yourself, check it out: How to fix the portraits that were made by Juaniquillo555: Screenshots (640x480): Screenshots (1280x720): [Update 3/4/2024] Fixed some scaling issues in the 1280x720 version.
  21. Just a rustic walkway in a natural, green, wooded setting overlooking a large waterfall. The stage comes with super jump, animation, looped BGM, 1.1 (zoom & no zoom) and 1.0 option files. STAGE DOWNLOAD
  22. Hopely that junction of unity is doing well, will be a amazing expanssion for the inifinity TvT Going to source now. that game is underrated for sure! /. ˘_( õ ‹3 ó)_/˘ Download: V
  23. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/folder/1ohdgwcm161l2/KOFEXUM-2021 INFO Here's the newest version of my edited KOFEX-UM, original project by 119way. The characters that had problems and issues with game system now were updated. Also new characters compatible with the game and new stages were added.
  24. An edit of Meta Gouki's Inuyasha, by me, jrm10071322 (Formerly SumirekoUsami.) I didn't aim for any drastic changes, I just wanted to add a few new things, as well as giving more comboability. However I seemed to have stray away from my goal in some ways. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Inuyasha can now combo between all of his Standing, Crouching, and Air Attacks. -New hit animations implemented, this is for more compatibility for 1.0/1.1 era characters, as some force older chars to use the new hit anims, which they don't have, thus making them invisible. -Midnight Bliss Compatability, using Midnight Bliss on Inuyasha, deforms him to Pure Human, thus rendering him powerless. -Special Kagome Intro, following the Anime, and Manga, Inuyasha promises to protect Kagome at all costs, If you try to have him fight Kagome, he will K.O. himself instead at Round Start. -Helper Debug Fix, the Super/Hyper Anim Helper was missing an anim, this has been fixed. -New Air Attack, Inuyasha will swipe his sword upward in the air, if hit, the opponent will fall to the ground. -Sound Swaps and Addons, Some attacks didn't sound very powerful at all, so their sounds were swapped out. -New Palettes and Icon, the Icon is an edited 25x25 Crop of Inuyasha's Team Select Sprite from the PS1 Source Game - Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale - in Group 8999, you'll find Older Icons, as well as the one originally used on top of that, he has several new color sets, as well as the default now being more saturated, to be more like the Anime. (original is still present, being named InuyashaPS1.act) -Added Compatability for a few lifebars, such as Melty Blood, Alpha Storm, Miku, Vortex, Touhou 7.5, Touhou 10.5, Touhou 12.3 -the Stats for Life were changed to 1150 -and Stats for Defence were changed to 110 -Almost all Animations now labeled. -Some Hitbox tweaking, some seemed a bit too close. -Grab now uses an Explod to make a Hitspark when Inuyasha punches his target -All Self-KO coding as been moved to statedef-2.cns, as it is a much better method. -When using Palette 12, Inuyasha has a Life, and Power Boost, he's still beatable, but it will take a lot of time up -Disabled HIT_BOUNCE, and HIT_LIEDOWN's PlaySnd, and MakeGameAnim States, this is done to avoid clashing with Inuyasha's custom HIT_BOUNCE/HIT_LIEDOWN's States -Labled all of the Palettes, this is done due to several new palettes being made by me, so I didn't want it to just be inuyashax.act - x being the number -Cleaned up a few sprites -A new Air Light Punch Attack, now giving Inuyasha the ability to combo through 4 Air Attacks, but on a very short time frame. -Added Failsafe Animations for Electricution, Burnt, and Frozen - This is for Characters that might force him into Animations that wouldn't exist, thus turning him invisible. -Recreated Inuyasha's Alt Palette from the PS1 Source Game, it is named InuyashaPS1Alt.act -Inuyasha's Tessaiga Transformation Animations have been added, with the first one being an Explod over the Tessaiga -Added SIT Animations -Added a few Midnight Bliss Sprites -Added tons of Winquotes for 1.0/1.1b - he still works with WinMUGEN -Animation Hitboxes all tweaked to be the same style -Cleaned up the Portrait a bit -Projectile Guard Sparks repositioned forward as they were too far back -New Hyper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hijin Ketsou Triple - D, B, D, B, y - 1000 Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -All Files now assorted into seperate folders. -Character Folder is now named "InuyashaGouki", this is to give him a distinct name from all other Inuyashas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 4,1,2021 -Tweaked Hitboxes for Walking -Four Voiceclips Added, meant for Continue Screen -New Sprites added, for a New Lose Animation. -New Lose Animation -New Continue Animation -New Hyper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sankon Tetsou Max - D, F, D, F, y - 1000 Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Dizzy Sprites removed, the Rip used was discovered to be messy, due to this, Dizzy has been removed for cleanup reasons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 4,11,2021 -New Hit Sounds -More Tessaiga Transformation Frames -Improved Lose Game/Draw Game Animations -Improved Guarding Hitboxes -Cleaned up State Naming (all Statedefs now have Proper naming) -Changed PlaySnd Trigger for Attack 320 (Crouch Light Slash) Swoosh now plays at Time 9 -Several New Palettes -Decreased Defence, and Life back to Standard Values -All Basic Tessaiga Attacks have been sped up slightly to better the flow -Tweaked a few hitboxes -New Hyper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hijin Ketsou Triple (Air) - D, B, D, B, y - 1000 Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Can Only be done in the Air (if not obvious enough) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 4,21,2021 -Hyper Level 3 Sound Added (Finally) -All Hyper/Superpause Times have been lowered to 96. -Kongosoha has been upgraded to Hyper Level 2, and will now use 2000 Power as a Result. -New Sprites made for the Kenatsu Hyper -New Animations made for the Kenatsu Hyper -New Midnight Bliss Sprite -Animation, and State Numbers for Light, and Medium Air Punch, have been swapped (Light = 400 | Medium = 405) -All Standing Attacks, and Grab have been tweaked to play way smoother. -Landing Sound now plays for Sankon Tetsou -Grab Bind Pos is now: 42, -23 -All three Hyper Helper States, have now been moved to hypers.cns -Cleaned up a bunch of Sprites -Fixed Self-K.O. Loophole - Inuyasha's Control is revoked entirely now. -Repositioned the Tessaiga for Inuyasha's Grab Sprites -Grab now uses Playerpush = 0 -New Hyper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tessaiga Slash - Kenatsu Hyper - D, F, D, F, x - 1000 Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 5,2,2021 - This one is the smallest. -Added new Grab Sprites -Changed Grab Animation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 5,15,2021 -Realigned Kaze No Kizu, left foot now stays in the same position. -All clips are now 44100, being freshly recorded from the PS1 Game, and then cropped. -Win State 182 is now using the original line once again! (which was "Is that all you got?!") -Lots of clips are now replaced with higher quality versions -All Unused Clips Removed -Few More Sprites Realigned -More Palettes Added -Four Special Palettes added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (PS1/Anime)DXModeNoneNS - NS = Normal Skin (PS1/Anime)DXModeNone - Full Recreation of Inuyasha being used in WinMUGEN when the DXmode is set to None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Inuyasha now has Special Win clips for his friends. (and enemies) -All SFX related to Inuyasha's Main Attacks are now in Group 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 8,24,2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Added a new palette. -the Supers that deal more damage now take more time to execute, and no longer have the same frametimes -A few new anims for the supers -new Portrait for 9000,999 -fixed winquote error -added swoosh for all Tessaiga Supers/Hypers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 10,22,2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -English Dub voicepack, done by Laharl added, english cns files also created. -English cns files -fixed taunt, I can't believe I never saw it cut off for that long... dang -cleaned up sff -cleaned up grab animation -added air grab -readded the new dizzy animation, clean rip found with the the help of Laharl. -added Parry Animation support for Alexei Roschak's Miroku and Sango -sped up a few animations, as they were a bit slow -changed some of the Lifebar Portraits -added StopSnd state that's hooked to the Hitstates, to cancel out voice clips -fixed a bug leftover from the unedited Inuyasha where the Air Dash would allow Inuyasha to go below ground -fixed all leftover color inconsistency issues with sprites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 11,8,2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Hijin Kesso Triple, and Sankon Tetsou Hypers can no longer be comboed into, as it did way too much damage. -Damage values for Sankon Tetsou and Kenatsu Hyper swapped, to be more accurate with Manga and Anime. -Added Frozen Sprite, as well as animations -Lowered Damage for Hijin Kesso Triple -Added Air Back Dash (States for it already existed in earlier versions of the edit, but it was broken, now it's functional.) -Replaced Crouch Stab with a Crouch Slash (at the moment is unused, and sprites might get revised later.) -Smoothed out the Hit Animations -Added Electrocution Sprites, as well as the animation (done in Eternal Fighter Zero style, so no skeleton) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 11,19,2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Smoothed out the Hit Anims a slight bit more -Added missing Jump Land Frames (the Unedited Inuyasha reused crouching sprites.) -Added Idle State if you do nothing for exactly 1,500 seconds. -Redid existing hitboxes for Attacks (the Hitbox for his head was a bit too small) -Added compatability with Eternal Fighter Zero - UNKNOWN's Barrel -Added in missing turn sprite to turn animation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 11,21,2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Smoothed out Backlash Wave Anim -Backlash Wave state now ends once the opponent is getting up from being knocked down. -Organized the snd file -Intro, and Win, now use multiple clips rather than the same one constantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 12,8,2021 - I wanted to wait till' Character of the Month was over ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Lengethed the Second State for Sankon Tetsou Hyper (meaning he can't do a 2 hit combo right after to deal 330 Damage) -Added in missing frame for Air Jump Anims -Refined a few hitboxes for general anims -Cleaned up a few sprites -Hijin Ketsou Triple now has raised hit time, and now takes more time to exit -Fixed an issue where certain Hypers would give Inuyasha power -A cling now plays out when Wind Scar is used -Wind Scar Projectile is now activated at AnimElem 10, instead of 9, meaning it's activated when Tessaiga hits the ground now -Wind Scar Anims are a tad bit faster to compensate for this change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update - 12,30,2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Inuyasha's Jump Height has been raised to -8.9 -Width has been set to his own proportions and not Kung Fu Man's. -Ground Slam sound/explode are now tied to the common1.cns, meaning they won't play again if hit when downed. -Increased Inuyasha's movement speeds. -Special Thanks to Rumiko Takahashi, for making Inuyasha | Viz Media, Sunrise, for the Anime | Bandi/Dimps for Inuyasha's Sprites | Kappei Yamaguchi, for voicing Inuyasha, Richard Cox for dubbing Inuyasha's lines Laharl for making the English Voicepack and cns files and Meta Gouki, for making this.. decent out of the box Inuyasha
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