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What do you hate/don't like in a Mugen Char?

Mister Fael

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1: Sprites that are inconsistent or have a messy palette.
2: Repetitive sounds (GohanSSM2's Kid Goku was mentioned, though what comes to my mind are Pgrs111Magen's stuff and Actarus' characters)
3: Unreasonably high stats (Herobrine, Anything by Actarus, hell, anything by Gulthor or TOPS comes to mind)
4: Ridiculously good AI (Lots of Touhou edits, Baggy's characters in a nutshell, and anything by Pre-To)
5: OHKOs for no good reason.
5B: The Raging Demon in particular, unless on a certain few characters.
6: Speaking of the Raging Demon, overused moves (Proton Cannon, anyone?)
7: Bad Coding (Have seen this with quite a few characters)
7B: Cloning glitches (Whether the character clones itself or you...)
7C: The AI gets put in an invalid state...
7C2: Or puts you in an invalid state.
8: They can move before the fight starts.
8B: They can attack before the fight starts.
8B2: They kill you before the fight starts.
9: Auto-AI. God bless Laharl for having a removal service.
10: Characters that don't even work.

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1) The stagnancy in character movelists as of late. Quarter circles for everything. Nary will you see one repeated, let alone see other motions. Even otherwise good charcters are hampered by this. What ever became of charge motions, 360-degree rotations, button mashing, etc?

2) The SHEER AMOUNT of horrible cartoon characters. Especially preschool ones.

3) Characters who attack without any reason to do so when testing in Fighter Factory.

4) MSPaint sprites.

  • Sash Lilac: Progress 10% done (SFF compiled).
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1. Nude stuff.


2.Anything from series I hate.




4.Instakill characters.


5.Characters with disproportionate sprites.


6.Generic anime characters.


7.Only has less than 4 specials and 3 hypers.


8.KFM/Shoto edits where nothing change.


9.Very cheap characters.(Not the same as 4)


10.CHEAP PALETTES!!!!!!!!!!(Cloning, instakill, "impossible" to beat,etc.........)


11.Characters with really long intros, attacks, winposes, etc.......


12. Characters that only have less than three buttons.


13. Source accurate characters.


14. Characters that crash Mugen.


15. Characters with screamers.


16. Has any reference to any overused meme.


17. One button does multiple attacks.


18. Characters with no sounds.


19. Most girls. (Other examples: Schoolgirls, princessess, faries, etc......)


20. Has no winquote.


21. Attacks, etc....... cause lag.


22. Winmugen only characters.


Yeah, that's about it.............

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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6.Generic anime characters.


19. Most girls. (Other examples: Schoolgirls, princessess, faries, etc......)



We cant be friends then ):



Welll from me would be...

-The lack of Air combos and parry.

-Add Pal-Selector (which i like) with over 120 pals >:

-Opaque paletes like the old SNK coloring way from Rage of the Dragons.

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  • 1 year later...

One thing that bothers me is blurry/cut-out sprites that look like they were copied from another game and don't look right with the other chars, they're out of place, 

Spammy AI & Characters who grab you as you're about to do a special move. Also regeneration, and chars that recover HP when you attack them.

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I'm with you on this.


Also i don't like it when a char just stand there and kill it's opponent without moving, even before the announcer said "FIGHT!".... :bath:

OK, backwards I guess but, Dislikes: 1. badly coded anything - character / stage / whatever... (bad coding that causes crashing or hang ups or lags in gameplay) 2. Overpowered (I like a match to last more than 5 moves or 5 seconds) 3. AI, Only needed to possibly keep a character from going into a 'penalty' state if computer controlled or activating a short range attack when an opponent is out of range. Any well developed character should be balanced enough not to require much of an AI. I like to see a variety of different moves when computer controlled, not a repetition of the same overpowered and overdamaging moves. 4. Infinites, infinites, infinites... (able to do a move over and over again causing damage without rest). 5. Comboholics. Too many combos leads to #4 again doesn't it? Likes: 1. Originality - something different 2. Balanced. Able to be played as as well as played against which leads into #3... 3. Has none of the dislikes...

I Agree.


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  • 2 weeks later...

7.Only has less than 4 specials and 3 hypers.

13. Source accurate characters.

wow. just wow.


outside of the typical "bad sprites/code"

something that pisses me off is when a character claims to be in a style but doesn't follow the rules of that style.

Like say, a CVS character with Chain coding (by default, as it COULD be done with an ex groove in that game.) or ex moves.

Or an MVC character that can't attack unlimited times after a superjump.


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  • 3 weeks later...

-Ridiculously OP characters with a few exceptions.

-Characters with their own bars and such, usually out of place with my theme and low res.

-Characters that have regenerating health.

-Characters that deal damage with the damage formula based upon the opponent's health.

-Characters that look too silly.

-Characters that don't work with the latest version of MUGEN.

-Characters with ridiculously flashy idle animations and such. I can't see anything!

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Ok here's my list

- OP characters with high HP, I understand if it was a boss character or something (which I still prefer boss characters to not be too OP) but if it's a regular character then why make it like that?

- I don't like infinites, they're just cheap and unfair.

- I despise characters with good sprites but bad coding.

- I hate characters with AI that spams the same move over and over again.

- I like hard AI but not to the point that I can't even make a move without getting slaughtered.

- I hate when a character sprites look good but in a couple of animations they're just sloppy or just not enough sprites.

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I agree with Luis, first time I've ever seen a post like this that shared my opinion. +1

           Things I like .....

1.Hard A.I. (A challenging fight is a fun fight)

2.Extra Sounds detailing (It makes a big difference in a creation's fighting experience)

3.Extra FXs detailing (Little extra detail like dashing sparks enhance the fighting experience)

4.Creativity (Doing things in new alternative ways that enhance the experience or improve the execution)

5.Unique Sprites (Something new rather than ripped)


          Things I don't like......

1.Non-Backwards compatible (New mugen engines don't work on older computers)

2.Clone characters (Palette swaps with identical moves, re-released versions of the same character by different authors)

3.Comment removed by Moderator (We dont tolerate hate speech here ~Ricepigeon) Can we at least know what it was about Ricepigeon

4.Sex/Porn (Isn't this supposed to be a fighting engine?)

5.Non-matching FXs (Capcom styled characters using SNK styled sparks)



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People, people, let's keep it civil in here. 

As for my hate list:

Poorly done sprites/animations

Low quality sound FX



Confusing Gameplay

Health/Special regneration

Oh, and Ax... don't bash the female gender as a whole. What you said is a lot different than what Spri Yar Zon has said.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let's see...

-Overpowered AI (Along with cheap AI as well... might as well bundle the two as the same)

-Badly coded characters

-Rush jobs (case in point, the Armadon that made not too long ago... yeah, the guy who made it didn't even bother to make a move list for him)

-False advertising (If your character is based off of MvC, then I expect that... don't sell me something that isn't what you said it was)

-Jackasses (This is for those jerks at IMT. No wonder people hate your site)

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Did I mention the terror that is KFM's default sounds on a character that shouldn't have them?

I agree with that... it screams laziness. I remember Omega Supreme's Transformer characters. There has to be sound clips of the characters screaming to use for a death sound, right?

Seadragon77: Home to the Seadragon Universe

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ANYTHING with an "Earth Slam" attack. It's becoming about as cliched as the Raging Demon by this point.

In fact, I just did a quick check and found 3 characters sharing this same generic attack, and that's just on the first page or two...

The attack isn't bad, per se, it's just the execution of most of them ends up amounting to "I did this attack, so I get a free hit on you no matter what you do", which to say the least is just annoying if they spam it a lot.

To live is to fight against death. To exist is to fight against inexistence. No matter how peaceful your life, remember that there is a fighting spirit in you.

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