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Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?


Keep Mugen Archive blacklisted?  

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"The MUGEN ARCHIVE does not sell or trade any user information to any third party. "


when you say they sell your info without proof, it's called defamation

and when covered by admins (who claim that asking for a proof = trolling = ban) , it's called organized crime

mffa is a criminal site


why do I bother tho, this post will be deleted to cover up the hate hive mind

why do I bother tho, no one ever turned into a well educated person upon being told they're little thugs

why do I bother tho, no one ever regained their sanity upon being told they're batshit craze


one thing bothers me tho, mugen archive is being way to soft ... their "haters gonna hate" or "don't fed the trollz" stance is way too soft, if not bollocks

you can't stop criminals with flowers, you've got to break their fucking bones to stop them

mugen archive ought to have loads of money and money is power, why they don't use that power to destroy you is beyond me

is it because they don't take you seriously ? I don't know but it's time to harden up


I've posted an article on the matter : www.reddit.com/r/mugenguild/comments/bu49vi/my_personal_thoughts_about_the_mugen_wars/

The main point is the internet is a lawless place when mental retards can get away with anything till they get someone killed. That's why I think mugen archive needs to harden up and break you once and for all because it's clear brutality is the only thing you could ever understand.


and I would hate being entirely off topic

this whole thread is a bad joke, banning mugen archive for adfly (which they don't even have) and yet adfly links are all over mffa, and yet you didn't blacklist yourself? go figure, just a big fucking joke for whoever is stupid enough to buy it

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47 minutes ago, sero said:

https://<BLACKLISTED URL>/eu-cookie/privacy.html

"The MUGEN ARCHIVE does not sell or trade any user information to any third party. "


when you say they sell your info without proof, it's called defamation

and when covered by admins (who claim that asking for a proof = trolling = ban) , it's called organized crime

mffa is a criminal site


why do I bother tho, this post will be deleted to cover up the hate hive mind

why do I bother tho, no one ever turned into a well educated person upon being told they're little thugs

why do I bother tho, no one ever regained their sanity upon being told they're batshit craze


one thing bothers me tho, mugen archive is being way to soft ... their "haters gonna hate" or "don't fed the trollz" stance is way too soft, if not bollocks

you can't stop criminals with flowers, you've got to break their fucking bones to stop them

mugen archive ought to have loads of money and money is power, why they don't use that power to destroy you is beyond me

is it because they don't take you seriously ? I don't know but it's time to harden up


I've posted an article on the matter : www.reddit.com/r/mugenguild/comments/bu49vi/my_personal_thoughts_about_the_mugen_wars/

The main point is the internet is a lawless place when mental retards can get away with anything till they get someone killed. That's why I think mugen archive needs to harden up and break you once and for all because it's clear brutality is the only thing you could ever understand.


and I would hate being entirely off topic

this whole thread is a bad joke, banning mugen archive for adfly (which they don't even have) and yet adfly links are all over mffa, and yet you didn't blacklist yourself? go figure, just a big fucking joke for whoever is stupid enough to buy it

You know... If you made an account just now for trying to Gaslight MFFA and White Knight for MA, you failed really horribly.

I do agree that, in normal cases I would just write this whole (Archive deal) off as a "Fuck you" and walk away because this really is a bunch of BS. But Dizzy has far too much power and far too much hunger for it, and he's feeding off innocent people to get it.

I think many people will agree that cannot slide. Dizzy gained superiority through dishonest means and continues to do so, and honestly he's the only one who cares about being superior. The rest of us just want to see this BS come to an end.


You wanna tell me about Crime? How about how the Archive issued a DDOS attack against MFFA? MA threw the first punches and we've been merely defending back, who else would DDOS other mugen sites?

Though I am going to tell you oh so shiny White Knight of the archive, that if they do take serious action. They're in for ALOT worse than they know from entities that involve.

Do you think SNK or Capcom would feel comfortable knowing their work is involved in this BS? I know I wouldn't.

Just accept that MA is being run by a tyrant, and their choices are the whole


You know why we're not going to delete this message or lock you out? It's because we're NOT a hugbox, we can take drama, and I think we all agree that the Archive itself isn't what's evil, just their leading admin who pulls all the strings.

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12 hours ago, IDGCaptainRussia said:

Not just the avatar, he's quite literally using the same name as well as that character. I am unsure if this is meant to intentional because of MUGEN, or he just really, really likes said character...

The original members of staff all have a Guilty Gear theme going on.


It's the same song and dance each time a new topic arises in this thread, though at least this time Captain Moron here revealed himself as dat-reddit-dud, which reminds me: who's the real toxic piece of shit here?


Because I'm thinking it's you @sero


I contributed positively to the MUGEN subreddit, yet you decided to pull this. For someone who likes to echo Dizzy words (hmm hmm) about providing evidence if you're going to accuse someone of something, you sure like to think it's OK to insult the ever-loving fuck out of me and accuse me of things I never did without proving I did them.

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4 hours ago, sero said:

mffa is a criminal site

4 hours ago, sero said:

you can't stop criminals with flowers, you've got to break their fucking bones to stop them

4 hours ago, sero said:

mugen archive ought to have loads of money and money is power, why they don't use that power to destroy you is beyond me

4 hours ago, sero said:

mental retards can get away with anything till they get someone killed. That's why I think mugen archive needs to harden up and break you once and for all because it's clear brutality is the only thing you could ever understand.


Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just ban you right now for flamebaiting & making threats of violence against members of the site. You have 24 hours, starting now.

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20 hours ago, RicePigeon said:

Someone brought up the phone verification thing in another discord a few days ago, so I'll sum up what I said then. [...]


As far as I can tell, the phone verification thing doesn't even have anything to do with the Mugen Archive's discord, although Dizzy's spam/DDOS campaign against MFFA back in April and you guys's response to it might have been where he got the idea. Spam actually isn't even half the problem on MA that Dizzy would like people to think it is, most spammers on MA are actually welcomed by him since they provide a constant stream of the MUGEN equivalent of clickbait to net MA more of that precious traffic. When I made that post bringing up the concern of Dizzy doing this phone verification thing to harvest data, I wasn't actually sure that was his aim, I just wanted to bring it up since it's one of those things that everyone in that thread was thinking but no one actually wanted to say out of fear of getting banned by Dizzy. I knew him losing his shit and banning me was a possibility, and the fact that he did tells me my gut instinct about his intentions was right. People don't freak out over bullshit accusations, they freak out when someone hits too close to home.


20 hours ago, Darkflare said:

You got banned from MA, didn't you?


Yup, I've been on Dizzy's shitlist since 2017 for calling him out on how he handled the Cesarsombra/Cesarshadow thing (his mods permabanned the guy for hate speech against myself and others, but Dizzy reversed it because Cesar donates a portion of his autismbux to MA every month). I've tried to give the dude the benefit of the doubt, even after the community weekends (a thing I'm mostly sure by now he does just to screw with his new users for the fun of it) and his driving off several of my good friends on that side. The dude's got obvious mental health issues and I tried to take that into account for the longest time, but after I did some digging and found out about his past and BladeArt and the scummy things he did under that name, I just completely lost any trace of anything even remotely resembling respect for the guy.


One thing that you and the other people who were burned by the Mugen Archive years ago can take comfort in: Dizzy is absolute and completely obsessed with you guys. Like, honest-to-god, malignant paranoid narcissist levels of obsessed. It's one of the first thing I noticed about him, he's talking about "his haters" constantly, I believe the phrase "living rent free in the head" was coined for people like him. It's even kinda funny in a sad way, he makes enemies for himself with his antisocial jackass behavior, then obsesses over those enemies and abuses his members because he thinks they're possible enemies/enemies in disguise, thereby creating more actual enemies for himself, and on and on it goes. The best thing that could happen to the Mugen Archive would be if the person actually keeping it afloat (Justice would be my guess) realized how toxic Dizzy is and kicked his useless ass to the curb. Everything else about the site runs like a top, it's just Dizzy himself that's the problem.


18 hours ago, IDGCaptainRussia said:

I would have to agree, at this point this isn't about blacklisting the site from sharing content. I think we can all agree that there's only 1 person pulling all the strings and using the archive's hosted content exclusivity as a means to enthrall users to serve Dizzy.


Please don't get the wrong impression from my post. Dizzy's not pulling any strings, he doesn't have the brains for it. He's more the figurehead of MA, a moron who gets the front-facing work while the real brains behind the site keep it running from the background. If you want an idea of what kind of brain trust you're dealing with in Dizzy, read this post about incompetent Amazon managers. Because that's all Dizzy is, an incompetent warehouse manager constantly throwing bad ideas at a wall to see if any of them stick. MA is successful despite Dizzy, not because of him (being the only warehousing game in town since the death of Mugen Infantry also helps).


2 hours ago, RicePigeon said:

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just ban you right now for flamebaiting & making threats of violence against members of the site. You have 24 hours, starting now.


I can give you one: this guy (who is either one of Dizzy's pet speds or yet another sock for Dizzy/BladeArt himself) is so nuts that he should absolutely be allowed to speak freely. Let this loon tell the world exactly the kind of mentality that supports Dizzy of the Mugen Archive. Go on, @sero, tell us more about how anyone who speaks out against your master should have their bones broken. Tell us all about what you and Dizzy would do to anyone who dares criticize the almighty jackass in chief of the Mugen Archive if only you and him had any actual power outside of his sad little Internet fiefdom.

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Respectfully corrected, very good points, I've mostly only been watching from the side lines and making rational judgement from what I've seen so what I say can't be taken with ut-most truth.

I am sorry for thinking Dizzy might have had more than 60 IQ, but pulling strings or not, he's still got power he can easily abuse.

Still, that power is not the same power running the archive, and is NOT the same as those leading it. And seeing as Dizzy values money gain and greed so dearly to unban paying users, it would make sense that the techies and the ones really pulling the strings behind the archive only put up with him because the operation pays out well enough.

As far as all of "those" people are concerned, it "works" and shouldn't changed as it benefits them; this is where the problems arise with all other parties involved.


 I've said it before and I'll say it again: The archive isn't bad in of itself, it's just as a power hungry narcissist at the helm of it all. If it wasn't for Dizzy and the archive had proper leadership, it could very well be one of MUGEN's largest boons to ever exist... Like it used to be years ago when it was first founded... We can only hope that won't be just a memory from a bygone era.


Clock is ticking @sero, try to be respectful and reasonable when you do explain, I mean we're all doing it for you when really, we shouldn't be... But we're better people than Dizzy.
And one thing we do is give the benefit of the doubt; an act of mercy on our part and chance of self-vindication on yours.

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5 hours ago, Milbury said:

if the person actually keeping it afloat (Justice would be my guess)

Justice is a bot. The webmaster is That Man.


Actually, as a followup to what I said earlier about the original members of staff having a Guilty Gear theme, I decided to see who the earliest members were and found something kinda interesting:

Member 1 is That Man, which is to be expected since he's the webmaster.

Member 2 is Justice.

Member 3 is Dizzy.

Member 4 is Ky, which doesn't seem like much of an active account.

Member 5 is Sol.

And then this theme continues all the way up until member 26, who seems to be the first actual member to sign up.


So basically, members 1 to 25 are all themed after Guilty Gear characters that (with the exception of That Man, Justice, Dizzy, and Sol) all have the Support Staff role; in addition, they were all created on the same day (18th April 2009) outside of That Man, who was created six days earlier. Perhaps they're generic placeholder accounts that Dizzy loans out to friends? Fun bit of trivia nonetheless.

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  • 2 months later...

Its totally up to you guys if you want to keep it blacklisted or not, if you think your ready you can lift it anytime you feel comfortable. Personally I would keep it blacklisted for now,  things still seem a little awkward there at the moment at MA especially for downloading purposes.

I've been away from the mugen community for 3 years so I would not know what went down to lead to things the way they are now. Last time I was there was that surprise community weekend thing which restricts download to guest users who are not members or low ranked ones

, it was confusing to me but I was busy uploading stuff from the old geosite websites they were shutting down within that months span around the same time the adfly debate was going on. I don't know maybe Ill suggest in the MA forums to shorten that Community weekend to day maybe Saturday or Sunday if they take consideration  fine if not ok that's fine too at least I tried.

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  • 6 months later...

Hello I'm a long term supporter of mugen archive, and i'm here cause I got banned by that piece of ******* **** named Dizzy.  I was a long term supporter of mugen archive, and defender because I never ever had issues with anyone there or ever seen any issues. I upload chars and stages too.  But one time I saw this guy on the comments being a real bitch, he was telling another member that he shouldn't worry about respecting authors, that he has every right to do what he wants to any character and to not ask any author for permission.  And I said, "well i've been in this community for over 10 years and we always been about respecting one another and respecting the authors, especially if he is nice and respectable about his requests."  and then some guy named Dizzy says something like "fuck all that respect shit, im tired of it."     and then I told him "Look communities are about respecting, thats what a community is. and if you don't like it, you can gtfo of the mugen community"   and then I told the other member he was speaking to, to stay away from Dizzy because he has a long history of being highly controversal and starting lots of drama. So i suggest not letting that little devil speak into your ear."   and then I find out that heartless asshole is the mod lol then I get banned, even tho i add lots of content like stages and characters into the archive.. I honestly I think that Dizzy is a little prissy bitch, He is abusing his power as a moderator. I am now sad because Mugen is all I play, I don't play PS4, i dont play xbox.. I play Mugen.  and this ONE guy decides to cut all that away from my life. Now Its very difficult for me to find characters/stages 😞

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  • 3 months later...

I got purgatory'd either for saying I wish I could edit comments or for being a member of MFFA, not sure which because they haven't responded to my purgatory post in the almost 2 weeks since it happened so I'm pretty sure I'm gonezo. 

My confusion regarding the ban and the lack of answers landed me in this rabbit hole of everyone's history with MA and hoo boy what a journey that has been. For a group that supposedly wants people to stop painting them as the bad guy and hates other communities so much, they sure push a lot of people to them with such a hair trigger on the ban hammer.


On 4/16/2020 at 12:39 AM, uaguilar said:

Hello I'm a long term supporter of mugen archive, and i'm here cause I got banned by that piece of ******* **** named Dizzy.  I was a long term supporter of mugen archive, and defender because I never ever had issues with anyone there or ever seen any issues. I upload chars and stages too.  But one time I saw this guy on the comments being a real bitch, he was telling another member that he shouldn't worry about respecting authors, that he has every right to do what he wants to any character and to not ask any author for permission.  And I said, "well i've been in this community for over 10 years and we always been about respecting one another and respecting the authors, especially if he is nice and respectable about his requests."  and then some guy named Dizzy says something like "fuck all that respect shit, im tired of it."     and then I told him "Look communities are about respecting, thats what a community is. and if you don't like it, you can gtfo of the mugen community"   and then I told the other member he was speaking to, to stay away from Dizzy because he has a long history of being highly controversal and starting lots of drama. So i suggest not letting that little devil speak into your ear."   and then I find out that heartless asshole is the mod lol then I get banned, even tho i add lots of content like stages and characters into the archive.. I honestly I think that Dizzy is a little prissy bitch, He is abusing his power as a moderator. I am now sad because Mugen is all I play, I don't play PS4, i dont play xbox.. I play Mugen.  and this ONE guy decides to cut all that away from my life. Now Its very difficult for me to find characters/stages 😞


Long term supporter and defender of the site and you never knew the guy you didn't like for their "long history" of drama was the one who runs the place? That is a real solid oof. But now you know, and knowing is half the battle! (Inb4 this is misinterpreted as some statement regarding their "war" or whatever else more than simply a GI Joe reference.)


I'm looking into making a somewhat alternative archival platform using Google Forms and Google Sheets, though it would lack certain benefits like coming up in Google search results. But it'd be open to everyone, ad/monetization free, no registration (at least to download), and hopefully drama neutral. I think there'd be a lot less complaining about MUGEN Archive the more we can avoid MUGEN Archive.  Take this with a grain of salt though— I don't want to make any promises about anything until it's ready.


Edit (7/31): My new ghetto warehousing system alternative to MA is complete. I won't link it here, mainly because i don't want to co-opt this thread to shill for my own thing. But if there's a good place to post it somewhere on MFFA, I will. 

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Ahem...Excuse Me All of You Gentlemen. By the Way. M.A. Is Back. And I Got Many Uploads & Patches Already Since! Without Being Troubled about Hacking Up that Crazy Chinese BAIDU Site Of Course.....Not to Mention Being Stuck up In A Few Lots of "SHUT DOWNED & EXPIRED LINKED" MugenSites & Uploading Sites. In any Case if Anybody had, Ahem, ...Observed In Here.😑😉


Most Links That I Actually Got From Here, Even Directed to that Awful BAIDU Site, Without Any Hope of Uploading Anything From There...Unless If You Are China Born with A Home In there! Now, NOT Everyone Can Live Or Be In China oR Hong Kong Now...Can They? Especially with that COVID Going Around There..... AS IF Any of Those *Private Mugen Authors Could Understand Anything About That... or About *MUGEN SHARING Communities?! ....😑


I Do Not Care About My Status Here. But I DO CARE About The MUGEN Community! Not About The Sites In Particular. I Just Find The M.A. The Best Convenient "SUPERMARKET" Store to Get What We Really are Looking For Our Mugen Creativity! Especially For My two 18 year & 17 Old Nephews here with Me. We Ain`t Living in China Or Whatever Either.

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On 4/16/2020 at 3:39 AM, uaguilar said:

. I am now sad because Mugen is all I play, I don't play PS4, i dont play xbox.. I play Mugen.  and this ONE guy decides to cut all that away from my life. Now Its very difficult for me to find characters/stages 😞

No, it's not. Been playing for over a decade and I could find stuff just fine without Archive. Stuff gets released almost daily and they're often announced in various Mugen forums. MFFA here has a collection you can use to look for stuff. Various Mugen forums have a request board to ask if something specific exists. You're better off looking for stuff this way because you usually get what you're looking for straight from the author's source and the latest version. Because Archive rarely updates the creations they have stored.

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Now Its very difficult for me to find characters/stages 😞


honestly, it's only as difficult as you make it out to be. learn how to use repositories. take your time to browse around. have friends / connections who can access sites that are otherwise unreachable for most people. ask for help at the request board if you need to. you've got all of these resources at your disposal, don't just expect everything to be handed out to you in silver platter.

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Archive is filled with awful works, out of date characters, spriteswaps, stolen chars, literal virus chars at one point I believe, but it had a really bad cheapie at one point, etc.


the mods are probably the main reason why the site has been blacklisted.


the site actively restricts unregistered members, and members of the lowest level with their Community Event.


they will ban anyone who dares step foot onto a different site.


from the two and half years I was there, I can say this. The Site just isn't worth your time, it's outdated, it's clunky, and they are making money of off people's hard work

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  • 2 weeks later...

MA or Error 404 Archive will be still staying Blacklisted cause it seems VERY AWFUL too see a load of Spriteswaps, Bad edits and such.... also seeing comments from Cheapie creators which also you get banned without a proper reason without violating their ToS, it seems kind of nosense to see bad stuff there.


I only reupload some "good" chars from that site to MediaFire or something else, also the mods are acting rare times like a drama llama trough any stupid reason.


Even that i upload those... i only lurk rather summoning their drama llama-like toxicity.

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  • 6 months later...

I would say lift the ban, but not to a full extent.

since the limitation of not being able to download files that exceed 10MB in size without registration is still in play, links to said downloads should still be blacklisted.

After all, what's the point of linking to download pages that you can't download anything from?

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Why lift it if most people here were probably IP Banned from Archive, myself included.


Anyone who dares register for a site besides Archive gets IP Banned on the spot, I can confirm these, as well as many others, lifting the ban means they are getting attention they DO NOT deserve.

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