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Welcoming for New Staff!!!


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As of recently, MFFA has a few new staff members!  This is the thread to give them a welcome, say hi, or at least just let them know how badly you plan to torment them in the near future! 

             ~ News Staff ~                       ~ Vault Keeper ~                                

LpNCtFW.jpg         Y5mduo6.jpg                        8cuIDSn.jpg    

            gui0007              Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ                                Big Green                                 


As of now gui0007 and Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ will be running the MFFA Weekly News, and Big Green will be helping out around the collections thread.  The News Staff has moderator permissions on the News board, and the Vault Keeper has moderator permissions on the Collections board.  If you ever need to contact them, visit the Staff directory at the top of the main page.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Exciting news fellas, RodKnee and TheFclass97 have just joined MFFA staff!  
Next time you drop by the dojo, say hi, That place is pretty much their new playground :)  
They'll be running it, and they have full board mod permissions there, meaning they can edit,
remove, lock and hide posts, as well as give out warning points.  They'll be handling the 
leaderboard registrations and seasonal tourneys as well, which we're all really stoked for.

Welcome them here or at the dojo, and don't forget to let them know how much you're
lovin their Ikemen tourneys!

                      @RodKnee                                                         @TheFclass97
          iNPgVQe.jpg                                          OMeNkuK.jpg
                RodKnee                          TheFclass97
ak4UnnJ.png                                          ak4UnnJ.png



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  • 4 months later...

Wild NEW STAFF appeared!
Sir Ghostler used G-Mod!

IGPCaptainRussia and Navana wants to Social Media Specialist!
Darklight grew to level Collections Curator! 

Global Moderator 
 @Sir Ghostler
Sir Ghostler, is our new G-Mod so expect no mercy in the months... nay Years of random senseless verbal abuse to come!
May your glances be quick, your voices soft and your movements slow in his presence, lest ye be instantly fucking perma-banned!  

Without question or concern!  You know how we do here lol! ...And check out his wip cause dayum.


Social Media Specialists
@IDGCaptainRussia            @Navana    
    mY6wJvX.jpg           HTFJTYs.png
The brand spanking new Social Media Specialists team is Navana and IDGCaptainRussia!  So one day when you notice MFFA's tentacles
spreading invitingly across your favorite social networks, you know who to chat it up with.  Please like, share, subscribe, and submit :)
Look for these guys / MFFA on Facebook, Twitter, Steam, Twitch, YouTube (and YouTube Gaming), Google+, Evolve and Discord!


Collections Curator 

Also, don't fuck around in the collections section!  Fear for your account in proximity to the omniscient Darklight, who decided to descended from the
cosmic aether to grace us with his expert help curating the sites finest sanctuary; the Collections section.  Let us continue hoarding fervently
acquiring approximately all of the Mugen content, with continual gratitude for his awesome presence!

Welp, that's it, they're the new staff!  Welcome aboard fellas!
 Please feel free to give em your welcomings below!  

...I have to say too, I really wish we had more positions to fill.
Thanks to all for the awesome turn-out in applications.



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Crap I dont have the Evagelion Co gratulations Screen on Clipboard. But hey Congrats.

Art by BigDeadAlive

Add me at Super Mario Run not that I play: 5718-3273-0856

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8 hours ago, Celest said:

More staff, makes me think whatever happen to the ones before them. Probably Real life things


And Congratulations y'all 

They're not replacing anyone really, unless you mean people from back when Ryon was still the owner.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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