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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. scar len crashes so I can't even test her. Also Sirius is winmugen only but from research she fits the "Op as fuck lens" so I don't want them here. This collection is for Len edits that are actually interesting new takes on gameplay. Not just Oh your dead crap. I know that's your thing but its not mine nor is it this threads purpose. Sorry thanks for trying to help but only give me Lens that are actually fun not op as crap things like that.
  2. going to add gyaos Len and Michael's Lens when I wake up I also might finally make that Len's that don't use her sprites but are still Len.
  3. Laharl

    Call of Duty AW

    Verbal Warning Orange do not go into a topic just to troll it that is NOT ok.
  4. Farengeit was not an original member of MMV I had his Sketch Turner when it was just on a russian site. It has its share of issues but its actually decent. I don't consider him a part of their "team". This char isn't that bad hopefully its fixed up.
  5. LOL at the KFM rename. That's pretty clever ryo lol. Also the Tsundere Part Pure gold this post is amazing.
  6. chucho is not a member here telling him nice work here won't help lol.
  7. I never heard of that in Japanese Class or any name pronouncing that's strange.
  8. the name says Hubuki but you said Fubuki lol. Confused me for a second.
  9. Added Big Hako-Len, Seya-Len, and Donaiya-Ren to the collection thanks to winmugen for giving them to me. now then NEED MORE PEOPLE I know there are more lens out there help me out here I have hunted and not found them.
  10. thank you will check them out.
  11. this is not how you share things please read the rules.
  12. Im locking it then good lord I missed the date. I was so tired when I posted that I apologize.
  13. this guy stole coding from alexei straight up copy pasted in other chars for the NZC naruto chars hes just a thief not a real author. So yes people are allowed to say what they want. No credit at all to ppl credited from. Thats not a rule anywhere but I mean he just basically reuploaded this char with barely any changes to it at all so I think its warranted he gets whatever is thrown at him. SECONDLY do not insult a person cause they called out an obvious point of theft. Verbal warning I removed your insult to kai.
  14. it is NOT confirmed to be them they would not use a yahoo mail Sennou room basically proved its not them.
  15. https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Katsuhiro_Harada_DirectorProducer_at_Bandai_Namco_Remaster_the_Xenosaga_Trilogy_for_Global_Release/?ahMdEcb let me say this is not just a fan thing this is from the namco company by harada who got us Project X Zone he asked for anyone interested in this to sign it. I signed anyone else please sign this who is interested.
  16. yeah photobucket imgur imageshack w/e you prefer as long as an image is posted on the thread so ppl can see what it is you released.
  17. this belongs in releases also you are required to post a preview of the release.
  18. Brawler is better imo they are freaking amazing when you get the right moveset.
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