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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. is there anyway to get his Side - B special attack from smash implemented?
  2. I can't wait for both croc and morph espescially as well as Nightwing :D. I still use your bullseye to this day in my roster.
  3. AH right. glad to see you working on this again though. If you need any testers I would love to help out.
  4. OH HEY BetterHans welcome dude. I know you as the author of those sprites I believe?
  5. I remember that now and idk try and find out i havent ran it yet but i have it sitting in a folder. lol
  6. its a beta not an alpha so its an update derp.
  7. so nice to see you officially back. you never login skype anymore ;x
  8. we can't control what other people do all we can do is reprimand them for it. That being said lets not say you will leave if another person tries to start things. If someone provokes you for no reason and you don't do anything to deserve it report them and we will handle it.
  9. Loganir is pretty good actually he actually knows what he's doing for coding Comic characters unlike alot of others who do not.
  10. if I remember correctly I believe the ronald I uploaded on here a long time ago is english. http://www.mediafire.com/download/i3h5xxxz5xdq8tx/Ronald+Mcdonald.rar
  11. please use a request thread for that not this thread.
  12. That would require sprites lol. Would be nice but without a spriter not going to happen.
  13. in this case its eh not a big deal but he tends to do this often so its a general warning.
  14. as trini said its not allowed ask in requests please its a new rule put into place Scroogy. \ @trini please try not to sound so aggressive when you are not even a staff member. let us handle it.
  15. theres a new rule dude don't ask about that here go make a topic. Also I think your sig is a bit to large.
  16. author is sennou-room so its POTS. I am going to ask you to stop accusing/assuming people are certain people cause of really anything. Understand? It is pretty rude.
  17. if you know you are breaking the rules don't do it?
  18. then go try to request it but its a vnix shot so don't expect much sometimes he can give it though.
  19. not downloading this kula period to much waifu killing for my liking.
  20. added Hako Len P who was long overdue Have some others to add for the new section adding later today.
  21. no it is literally illegal for you to view this stuff you do know how the law works right? I personally don't care just trying to give you a tip you are breaking the law currently.
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