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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. nice to see you back noctis :). Curious if you played Ouchi's agrias though it might have some stuff you could use.
  2. shes ridiculously op honestly lol I can't see how anyone could beat her. Unless they have like little to no hitboxes lol.
  3. yea uh don't do that again its pointless and unnecassary, you get a verbal warning.
  4. Laharl


    yea no. You are both horrible. I don't mind Hentai but not in mugen. Topless is where I draw the line.
  5. where did you get she Hulk is that Loganir and Verz's? Its not released yet. @Phantomblood YESSSSS My lifebars of choice once they are out Can't wait!
  6. Laharl


    Dude lay off I alredy called him out on how pointless it was no need to insult him it won't do any good.
  7. Laharl


    just don't use it and ignore it. Problem solved.
  8. I never thought I would be more confused with a post than I am now.. first off no idea wtf a "SJW" is. Secondly rice is the most levelheaded among the GM's hes the most unbiased person on this site. If HE bans you you did something wrong. Hes friends with sweetfire and still gave him a warning. He even contributed to having DF banned because of his actions and knew there was no changing them and they are good friends. Stop with your bs. We aren't going to show you a log its hidden to staff only for a reason, we aren't going to appeal your ban, we aren't going to allow you to disrupt threads like this anymore. Am I clear? stop this trini.
  9. Laharl


    oh I know full well I read that. Thats why I told him to stop trying.
  10. Laharl


    @trini When I tell you a person is banned they are banned I am staff too you do not need an admin to tell you that. I would not lie about a person being banned or not. Secondly there is no discussion to be had you don't get to appeal this you are banned the end theres no changing it period. I tried to warn you about your behavior before and as I expected you did not listen to me. Please stop trying to appeal this cause it won't happen and it just makes you look foolish ok?
  11. Laharl


    @trini You were permabanned cause you were on thin ice as it was. Neofire was only week banned cause he had never been banned before. Secondly Sweetfire got warned for his post. We are not taking sides here. You were given more warnings than even you should of been. when you break the rules you get punished. There was agreement with the whole staff before you were banned permanently not just rice deciding it. If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at yourself for not following the rules.
  12. what exactly kind of screenshot do you want here? the credit's get put into your account to buy from others with those credits no cash is involved aside from the $3.49 shipping.
  13. this site is awesome I sold a few games already and am at 100 dollars credit the way it works is like this. http://www.leaptrade.com/pages/how-it-works all you have to do is pay for the 3.49 shipping and the rest is taken care of. you can also of course buy from others with said credit. If any of you have games you want to sell but not get crap prices from gamestop go here! also please use this link if you decide to it helps me out. http://www.leaptrade.com/users/add/referrer:Laharl the games listed are based on of course people listing try it out and tell your friends and etc. Also if you sign up with my link and trade a game out let me know so I can thank you :). I debated where to post this but since its about videogames it seemed fitting to be here. Note: This service is only available in the US.
  14. I have a feeling he used the same announcer lol.
  15. RIP GT CANON. Finally people can stop trying to connect gt to being canon Akira practically just erased it with this new series.
  16. I don't understand why the creator's of these work's don't report to ecole themself.
  17. I personally never use a timer and monokuma will stay the rest yes I will totally listen about I might actually just revamp the whole thing when I can I got a few more ideas that to use the pink elsewhere not sure though. Those placeholders are not even close to done it will be a whole box under them so don't worry about that one.
  18. so this is why you removed all of your OMK stages you were updating them.
  19. This is nowhere near done I will name some things I have planned on this concept. 1. the backround is just there to see the colors easier so pay no attention to that 2. custom ports for the splotches ala P4A (Yes I know these are P4a's splotches but they fit pretty well imo 3. the "Ultimate" titles will go where you see the white and black bar part under the lifebars so that will be covered 4. Still deciding where names will be 5. Still deciding bar style itself this is nowhere near the final one just a basic concept to get started 6. Have not figured out what kind of power bar to use or what it will even look like I do know I want it near the top though because I hate power bars at the bottom. 7. I found a really nice gif for round animations I plan to use along with a an actual "Round start" thing or w/e heres the gif 8. I am open to ideas and would love some honestly this is the first time I have actually done a lifebar like this rather than just straight edit some colors and placement feel free to give feedback, examples or even help with these I would love it!
  20. yes he did give up and no I didn't keep them they had alot of bugs and such really bad ones.. hopefully someone has them for you.
  21. hey just an fyi USE SPOILER TAGS MANY PPL ARE UPSET WITH YOU NOW! This is directed at anyone spoiling this series.
  22. your pc sucks basically. I have some friends who have the same issue I run it fine but I guess lower video cards can't run it as well.
  23. Galvatron/Noobie has a tendency to be overly nice to anyone even if they don't deserve it to the point its kind of sickening... I digress though that had nothing to do with you. Welcome to MFFA Please read our rules and enjoy your stay.
  24. OH cool the VJ ones would be nice good to know :).
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