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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. Oh nice good to see you still doing lifebars Phantom :D. May I ask what of the Darkstalker ones?
  2. fixed them both seems felicity is down now? thats a shame.
  3. there was and I have work to do lets see if i can do that today...
  4. to clarify if you know of more than one thing you are wanting ask it all in one thread. However do not try to keep a thread forever thats not how we work. secondly marking this solved since you got it!
  5. looks like I have another one to add to the collection
  6. I unpinned this because I forgot to before for some reason.
  7. Oh its just a ryu edit... oh the WHOLE GANG IS THERE GEEZ.
  8. Laharl


    hey now they followed the rules in spoilering they are free to post whatever they wish. Personally I am more surprised to see jessica smoke return.
  9. yea um to anyone who took this seriously this was an april fools joke disregard all of it.
  10. MffA on phonw is horribleiasked darkflare todix it
  11. Due to recent events we have realized feedback is a horrible thing and is no longer allowed. Why you ask? It hurts peoples feelings. We as staff believe its time for this to stop. From now on only tell a creator they did a good job. Feedback only upsets ppl and we do not want that. So from now on keep problems with a creation to yourself and only tell them they did a good job. Failure to follow this will not be tolerated thank you. Edit this was a giant joke that I came up with due to some recent events happy late april fools.
  12. I don't know why so many hentai games spawn fighters but big bang beat is a really good one. going to try this out for sure race.
  13. if its in news its not made by the person posting its just us reporting news releases is for stuff made by the person posting.
  14. Please do not make posts like this thanks.
  15. I am pretty sure you won't be getting it for awhile thats exclusive to us that have both versions for awhile before it will be payed dlc.
  16. that being said if you want to Report a specific staff member for something they said please provide proof of said action we are not gonna play a game of "he said she said".
  17. Laharl


    please do not respond with one post gifs.
  18. did rice screenshot a helper bug cause thats kind of a bad first impression... not that this would give a good one anyway.
  19. Monomi would have to do that...
  20. plz do not ask about other chars in a news thread use request section.
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