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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. old one has been removed and I changed directory link to this nice job kai.
  2. don't take this the wrong way RMH but holy crap that select screen looks super messy 0_0.
  3. im going to guess its going to spin repeatedly more than it is on that animation.
  4. you are getting temp banned from the entire forum for this strike you have had to many warnings with no action taken. Come back in a week or 2
  5. well he currently isn't causing issues here. I cannot do anything till he does or if he does.
  6. I reccomend watching the anime shes from :).
  7. SOOOOO this was found in the games data. it's exactly who you think it is. Confirmed by Takahata101 on his twitter he voices Custom voice 8 for this game :D
  8. ooooo... gonna need alot of senzu for that one.
  9. if I were to judge this by its cover it looks ridiculous and silly... gameplay wise uh I will get back to you on that when I get a chance to try it.
  10. lets go with this. Pretend you were the one doing your motions ok? Like for instance that hilarious looking kick. would you jerk around like that during the action or would you kick like a normal person? Think of it that way when aligning motions. "Would a normal person look like this when attacking assuming they had these powers or w/e" if yes this motion is correct if no I need to fix this. what I said also applies to sprites in general if the motion looks natural then its fine if it looks all weird and jerky "aka ALL of your Sprite animating" then it needs a massive fix. as for my take on this and a few others I have shown all of these motions look absolutely ridiculous and hilarious you have turned Shredder into a laughing stalk. You have a talent for spriting SINGLE sprites but when you animate them it comes out looking REALLY bad.
  11. this goes in your releases so I am moving this :)
  12. a more fair comparison would be Undernight in birth vs MB and even then theres alot of differences.
  13. Hey this will not be tolerated this is your first warning don't attack people for not liking things you create/edit.
  14. I just tried its actually not too bad way better than I expected. I reccomend trying this out if you like black rock shooter. She has a weird bug that makes a giant clone of her or something and shes pretty op when fighting her. its better than I expected but its still pretty broken lol.
  15. thanks for that I like his reviews. about the topic at hand though. Don't insult a person based on his or her tastes lets leave it at that allow them to do as they wish and if you have no actual feedback or anything of the sort don't even post.
  16. he only gave credit AFTER when they spoke up about and asked him to stop he just ignored them.
  17. you stole Loganirs sprites and didn't even credit him? I understand using it and giving credit but yea. Credit is REQUIRED HERE so you might wanna fix that. I am well aware of what you have been doing lately. @ultra no he didn't give them credit.
  18. I have played a few kirby games but the main one I remember this guy in is in kirby 64. this will be fun.
  19. hey Cayne im going to give you a warning for this this is the second and or third time you have insulted ppl like this for no reason. Stop it please.
  20. he chose this cause its the only sprites in Dengeki lol. Still it looks great and I can't wait to try it out.
  21. that would be awesome :) its a good move for avoiding danger too since there's invul frames going through them.
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