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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. Fixed Hime Lens link since the authors site appears to be down for some reason. Also figure this is as good a time as any. I NEED YOUR HELP Help me update this collection as I have not been keeping up with the latest Len releases. So if anyone has any not listed here plz upload them and so on Please and thank you.
  2. OH I linked to his website I see the problem lemme see if I still have it on hand to upload and change the link in the collection.
  3. no fuck you no not at all I have matured quite a bit as a moderator. Also where the hell have you been I need your phone number again lol.
  4. No problem this will probably happen when you use backgrounds from cut scenes from these.
  5. the perspective on this one is kind of fucked up excahm. like this is not the right angle for a stage lol. I made the same mistake with my 2 terrible stages.
  6. are they allowed privately? Cause I believe the reasoning was offensive mii possibilities. If its allowed with friends thats good then.
  7. I hope you guys are aware and have been keeping up with the news but Mii's are for LOCAL PLAY ONLY. You can't use them online.
  8. hurray :). Good to see this is finally made.
  9. @noob the reason for Tales of Vesperia's New version being Japan only is not cause of that. Microsoft paid off namco to keep the game exclusive to Xbox however it didn't sell well cause you know Xbox isn't really the best console for RPG fanbase. So they didn't care about the new one. in short its all microsofts fault. Maybe one day they can work out something to release it on vita or something like that.
  10. its not gender bending you fool he's a real character and he's always been a man
  11. hes probably talking about the AI? At least I hope thats the case? It better be the case...
  12. Laharl


    Brock kind of broke a rule by dissing another forum as well as not showing the best example of being a mod. On top of that his policy is "remove drama instead of resolving it" which is not how things should be run at all.
  13. Laharl


    Well my "jokes" got me demodded in the past so yeah. Just please knock it off.
  14. he touched priere.... oh god no I am just plz no.
  15. good update I will check it later and see if I notice anything else.
  16. I Just realized its in the wrong place moving this.
  17. did you fix what I told you to by chance?
  18. what the hell does "Source it" mean then huh?
  19. actually I took care of it.
  20. consider this the last time someone should have to tell you this is not what mugen requests are for. DO NOT REQUEST PEOPLE MAKE ANYTHING FOR YOU OK? if you keep this up we are going to have some issues.
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