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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. his ip doesn't match weegee's garchomp just thought I would put that out there.
  2. it has to do with the fact we had an agreement privately that he would not rant anymore this includes his char files cause thats just a sort of loophole to still do it. I never wanted this to happen not at all.
  3. good lord this is the reaction we get? Seriously I give up man I have tried to help you over and over and this is how you end it? All I asked was stop including that sobstory in all your releases you are better than that. So now you leave to a new place. Yeah ok I tried to help you I give up man I am at my limit.
  4. Idc if he uses that word I care about the readme thing in all his releases YOU need to stop buddy.
  5. stop putting that story in your characters I know I told you to stop before.
  6. oh cool ohgaki made him this will be fun : )
  7. you just NOW found out about neptunia -_-? COME ON we talked about it all the time.
  8. you know I have to say that post while a joke is probably the worst time to make a joke about that I will have to ask you to think about jokes before posting them :/. This is a thread about an actor alot of us really liked and it seems disrespectful.
  9. you need to lose one round and he automatically enters berserk mode I believe.
  10. I asked Alexei and he told me to do it.
  11. ok so I read the readme and I do not fully understand how the gauge works on performing universal things could you go into more detail on that. also I noticed soujiro may have an infinite in the corner he looped it on me 4 times in a row and I was about dead he stopped but I feel he could of kept going if he felt like it. I will have to get back to you on what exactly the move was cause it was the ai doing it.
  12. oh boy werewood is it that hard to control yourself? I mean you were doing well theres also not really a need to announce this its not something you really announce. I have no comment on going over there though you are free to do as you wish.
  13. as said at guild I downloaded this and left some feedback on the guild thread on it. Its a great start for a beta but I don't understand a few things lol.
  14. ok so its clear ax says hes done with his past stuff. If he doesn't do it anymore there won't be anymore issues. I suppose I could of handled it a bit differently but it wasn't just me that decided this.
  15. I had other reasons actually ax has done this crap multiple times on our forum ume. This was not his first offense. it might as well be a rule on religion threads. Yeah Ryon does not want that on our forum I don't either. It just starts arguments. he made the thread to grab attention to himself it was not an update trust me on that one. I really don't know how best to explain this but Ax caused some real problems and it was locked to prevent a shitstorm from happening. there was more to it than just that one post he made trust me on that it was a staff agreement to lock it for the most part.
  16. do not do this here use requests. Or PM the person.
  18. not the kind of request you post a topic about. You cannot request collections be made.
  19. that would be the idea yeah then to show him the work that was done and ask if he would mind voicing off a script.
  20. I want to lock this but I need to talk to alexei or ryon about it first.
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