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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. he has voiced in others fan projects so he might do it.
  2. this is obviously an attention seeking post I don't buy your story in anyway shape or form. Lets go with the real reason this all happened 1. You made alot of mugen shit that people hated 2. you ignored it for awhile 3. you got to the point you could not ignore it any longer so you decided to come up with a story and try to quit. 4. You realized you were bored and wanted to come back to it to get your mindless praise elsewhere so you try to come up with ANOTHER bogus story. I am tired of your attention seeking posts if you wanted negative attention you got it.
  3. feel free to make videos about this though with you fighting it or showing its issues.
  4. that gameplay style isn't good at all was the point I was trying to make it won't happen lol.
  5. yeah no that would be horrible we would rather him just be custom with alot of references to his skits.
  6. I am sorry to hear that hope you are able to return later. Good luck.
  7. I don't even like mvc on blazblue its bleh. but he even somehow has lower quality sprites than is out there idk how he accomplished that.
  8. k moving this to your creations edits thank you.
  9. could I get some details did you use anything as a base for this or what I need to know so I know which area to move this to.
  10. He has no internet of his own currently I am not sure how he has logged in thus far he hasn't said I don't think.
  11. I removed it because of it so yeah.
  12. Your image made my anti virus freak out.
  13. thats not what this place is for.
  14. that miku is a work of art I have tried it rofl.
  15. bah I must of missed one fix yeah according to cvs artist shes a girl I attempted to work with her in the past but Didn't like the workflow or the time spent on sprites so we kind of split.
  16. lets not do that anymore don't slander Gay People for no reason.
  17. HEY YOU I was about to do that. @Lord M we have a rule now not to do that use the request section.
  18. thats quite rude but since its cvs artist I wish she spent more time on her stuff. she could do so much better than she is.
  19. the fact I am a G mod again shows theres a new me. SOOOO yeah I am not as assholey as I used to be.
  20. that just makes me sound like a terrible person yes the old me did ban him.
  21. I haven't tried this yet but All I can say is all of Lifeend's work just seems bland like theres no reason to really want these chars to me.
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