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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. there is a public version of some kind out though genesis I have seen it but I don't for the life of me know where it is.
  2. finally got around to grabbing this my fc is - 2707-2747-5079
  3. what a translation. Also Darkflare you are aware we do not have necro rules right? Aside from news and releases.
  4. what he said ^ yes do not ask about chars in releases unless its the char in question.
  5. I don't have a problem with you I Just agreed with what he said about mentalities. did you watch dissidia's video?
  6. the amount of effort is irrelevant (this didn't have much actually) when the product is bad at release.
  7. um what. this is atrocious he just said its full of infinites how is this GOOD? at all?
  8. so it was a buncha fake shit like I suspected from the start I must admit even I was fooled when multiple places went down guess they were that determined huh?
  9. OH is that kisa's new site? that may be true ryoucchi.
  10. that is not surprising -_- fucking typemoon give me a sec.
  11. good thing I made that LEN collection when I did it needs some updating sure, but thats a good chunk of em.
  12. the next victim of the big Ecole Takedown.
  13. they are only going after the japanese community, They can't touch the USA community apparently.
  14. Tohno and I are good friends my phone broke and I lost it and with it contact with him for the most part so yeah.
  15. Even then UNIB would just be for now till its older then they shouldn't care. Yeah its strange and I didn't believe it at all with how old it is but it's actually happening.
  16. YEAH I recently was made aware of this. it sucks massively.
  17. AH the res is the problem ok thanks. Yeah it was the Pixelation.
  18. did you scale the characters? Why exactly do they look horrible in that shot?
  19. Changed link you can get her now.
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