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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. CHARACTERS -Added Lycanroc by LTD911. -Added Ghost? by おじぞうバッヂ (Ojizo Badge). STAGES -Added Grass by Kiro Himada.
  2. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!ANboppsIiINRa0U&id=6D7AC3205A85BEB5!237&cid=6D7AC3205A85BEB5
  3. CHARACTERS -Added Cpt. Falcon by Kamekaze. -Added C. Falcon by darkorey8.
  4. CHARACTERS -Added Venusaur and Charizard by KlingoftheCastle. -Added Charizard by Golde Briggs. And with that, every stage of all three Kanto starters has been represented.
  5. You're correct in saying you wouldn't be permitted to link to it here, but I found it regardless. Sounds like a pretty useful tool for less experienced people.
  6. Right, so in state 15000 (the Lifebar Helper), there's this block of code: [State 15000, AssertSpecial] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = nobardisplay ignorehitpause = 1 Since nobardisplay is the only flag, we can safely remove the entire block. Then yes, change the Power stat in Quilava.cns to something other than 0. Ultimately it doesn't matter since Quilava doesn't use Power, but -1 does effectively the same thing as 0 without causing MUGEN to crash. If you plan to use the character in simuls or whatever, it's probably best to set the Power stat to the default 3000 or remove the line entirely (it defaults to 3000 if omitted).
  7. OK good, it's not. Turns out MUGEN crashes if a character's Power stat is 0 when the lifebars are displayed. Setting it to -1 works fine.
  8. My apologies, I didn't even see your last posts. Since there's only one AssertSpecial flag, you can safely remove the entire AssertSpecial sctrl. However, it appears as though attempting to display the lifebars causes MUGEN to crash. I'm not entirely sure why this is at the moment.
  9. I edited my post regarding the lifebars not displaying. The character has an A.I. that functions just as it did in the original game, randomly picking one of its four moves. I don't know what else you'd want from it.
  10. The character was designed specifically for that game. I don't know if this "fixed" version you speak of adds all the required dependencies from the original game, but it really wasn't intended to be used in a regular MUGEN environment in any case. Lifebars are hidden due to active nobardisplay AssertSpecial flags. Search for any instances of these within the character and remove them.
  11. I'm not Ryou. The only collections I maintain are this one and F-Zero.
  12. That's the one, thanks! CHARACTERS -Added Charizard by darkorey8.
  13. Sorry to hear that. It happens pretty frequently, unfortunately.
  14. Definitely not from Doom Eternal since that's way too new, but then I don't believe there's one based on his 2016 appearance either. The only one I know of is a version based on the classic Doomguy.
  15. The site itself is safe, yes. The thing to keep in mind is that a lot of this site's content features links to other websites, and while it forbids linking to known malicious websites, there is no guarantee that a site that was safe at the time has not since become compromised. This is the same for any website, really.
  16. Precisely this, plus I'm not Ryou. The only collections I maintain are this one and F-Zero.
  17. Nah, it was a recent upload. It's an edit of the one you posted, made by darkorey8.
  18. The forum automatically embeds images if you paste the direct URL.
  19. Freaky. CHARACTERS -Added Pikachu by KlingoftheCastle. -Added Kingtsubora by Kururin. There's a Charizard on MA under the MvC Arrange section I can't get. A rehost would be much appreciated!
  20. Unlikely since a whole bunch of websites (including this one) use it.
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