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I call BS on your "I crawled out of a floor vent" statement because MFFA is a magical kingdom which floats on clouds (which have no floors, mind you) that move over the lands below thanks to our collective love for the community! expulsion-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286


In all seriousness, welcome to MFFA Silentdarkness12! Please do enjoy your stay as you find the many awesome treasures and people that await you here. Just remember to read and follow the rules (the general site rules and individual subforum rules), and we'll be all good! 



This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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It's cuz your panties are pulled over your eyes from that atomic wedgie you walk around with...

Sorry bro, old habits. Heh...


Welcome to the forum Silentdarkness! :hi:


old habits or not no need to fire shots at a person its clear you do not like. Stop it thank you.


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I'm new on this forum and I don't got a lot to say ..
Hum, I'm working (all alone) on a free fighting game for Android based on JUS (a DS game). The special thing about this game is that I want it to be as closed as the anime version of the characters and their skills. So, I'm basically here to check and see if there're might be some work that I can use for my project. I'm not a spriter so, unfornatly I can't draw all the game by myself. If someone would like to help this project, don't hesitate to contact me ^^


This is it. See ya on a thread

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old habits or not no need to fire shots at a person its clear you do not like. Stop it thank you.

I seriously was just joking. The joke isn't in what I said..but in the fact that I clowned him. Because as we all know, there was once a time when you I would have done it out of spite. But we're cool now.

We settled it in Smash...Naaaaah! Jk.

But I gave him a chance and although I still can't say I agree with him always we do share a common interest. Roleplaying...of ALL things. Heh. But you wouldn't know that. Which is why you should analyze the things before u speak on them. But it's all good Laura. It's all good...

...and thank YOU.

My apologies Silentdarkness.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Welcome to the forums!Just set the Magical Fluffy Cloud theme and you'll be golden.

Magical Heavenly White Default theme <3

Welcome to MFFA HQ enjoy your...waif if you are "Silent""darkness" wouldnt that means by logic you shouldnt be able to speak/post and your avatar/pictures should be Dark instead of white??



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I was only intervening in what looked like the start of a flame war carry on.

I get it. Just doing your job. It's my own fault that I can't even joke with Darkflare without the modz/admin swooping in. But I a sure you no flame war will ensue.

Again my apologies Silentdarkness.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Hey there. Welcome to the forums. Please read the rules and enjoy your stay. :)


Alexei bro, you say the same thing to every new member who posts an introduction. How about you try to vary your repertoire a bit every now and then huh? wink-emote-icone-3928-48.png


Anyway like one of the bosses has said, welcome to Mugen Free For All  Kunshomo! We're always glad with new members to join our ranks.


Since you said you are a character maker, have you made characters in the past before? Got any preview to show off your original character you are currently working on?


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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O meu nome é Rodrigo caldeira, tenho 29 anos, moro no Rio de janeiro, Brasil. sempre tive uma grande curiosidade de como criar seu proprio jogo, e descobri quando comecei a baixar jogos mugen no baixaki. em 2009, comecei a criar meu proprio mugen, baixando chars, stages, musicas pros stages e outros. em 2012, criei meu primeiro stage usando o programa Easy stage, chamado cinema abandonado. infelizmente em 2013 o pendrive na qual eu guardava o meu mugen que criei em 2009 parou de funcionar, e tive que recomeçar do zero, porem alguns chars que eu tinha estão dificeis de achar. to aqui para ajudar no que precisarem!

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