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MFFA's Off-topic Thread - Version 2.0


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Goodness me, stop giving so much of a damn about it. OK, fine, you're getting bothered by all the 'haters', but must you complain about it all the time?


And now for the junk you expect to see in this thread:


FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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On 28.8.2016 at 5:32 PM, GarchompMatt said:

Goodness me, stop giving so much of a damn about it. OK, fine, you're getting bothered by all the 'haters', but must you complain about it all the time?

I also get the feeling that all the "hate" he is talking about are legit complains.

I mean, the points Jessy does in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Dicussion thread at MFG do give out the feeling of "I hate what the majority likes just to be a hipster."

I mean, that in itself is not necesarily bad, but Jessy also needs to back up his claims with evidence proving some of his points instead of keeping the mentality I mentioned above. Just saying.

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