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Everything posted by Mimir

  1. Only about 3 pages to backread? What a buncha slackers.
  2. Hey, guys Genki? Once again it is Kirby appeared! This time of the game is - I awesome. What? I want you to tell me what is amazing? Well, I explained from now! Google Translate is... interesting.
  3. I don't recall Avatar of the Pot ever being banned, due at least in part to the fact that it required a banned card for it to be used well. No point banning a card if the cards it relied on to be remotely good are already banned. There's also the fact that it's part of a multiple card combo with an unsearchable spell, so eh...
  4. And rightfully so. It gives you two cards for one, but with no restrictions whatsoever. Whoever drew it first was up a card over their opponent because they sacked a Pot. Thank goodness for the banlist... though it takes Konami far too long to hit cards. Unless it's an emergency banlist. But those are quite rare.
  5. It took me until now to realize we have a collection of meme emotes but no kappa.
  6. This thread is basically the same thing, if you squint hard enough.
  7. Will this new thread also feature title changes?
  8. Mimir


    Thread is no longer about trash collection.
  9. Mimir


    Is the Spamazoid really a Nigerian prince?
  10. Mimir


    I saw the word "spamming", so now I am responding to this thread. I come with gifts of spam.
  11. Mimir


    I now rate the thread name mold/taco. Take that as you wish.
  12. Mimir


    Title isn't particularly accurate anymore, seems most of the salt has faded.
  13. Mimir


    I've never even played Bayonetta but she still appears to be an interesting character to play as. People get upset over the silliest things at times.
  14. Mimir


    Cannibalism is generally illegal. At the very least, can you please have the courtesy to wait until I'm dead?
  15. Mimir


    This is true.
  16. Mimir


    Gimmicks in general are pretty great.
  17. Mimir


    I don't see how it's banworthy. You can ignore him, give him negrep/downvote his posts/whetever it's called here.
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