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[WiiU/3DS] Who you voted for being the next Character DLC for SSB WiiU/3DS? (Final Opinions)


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uhm.. color me confused but I don't understand your post, Matt.

LOL! well what Matt was saying (in a funny way) that the Leak Dhillon521 was posting about was confirmed fake days ago after the news about the Shovel-knight Amiibo came up. but like i said before all leaks at this point are fake that s@#! it just getting old now.




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Why can't someone make a leak of shadow

You can.  All you need is some photoshop skills judging from the quality of previous "leaks".

ALLRIGHT!!!! Im getting tired of people talking about Leaks If yall want to post anything that is none-Official SSB leaks/Fakes or anything like that you can use this topic I made:



Seriously lets just talk about possible DLC for stages and Characters for here on end alright.  >:-(






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[topic bump]

...another crazy thought for DLC:


Besides Pichu it be so funny if we get this Pikachu for DLC considering it would have a different move set then the Pikachu in the game already.

'B': Spark

'foward B': Wild charge

'up B': Flying press

'down B': Low sweep or Volt switch

Final Smash: Volt-Tackle (but in a different Style)


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No... just no...

Don't worry I believe it won't happen but it be crazy as hell if it did. LOL! XD


Now thier is one more rpg-character I totally forgot about that could make the cut as well [even though it won't happen but] :


I can imagine this guy have moves to troll over the Sword fighters in SSB besides being a light-wight but he can be very fast and swift on the battlefield. 


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Laharl would shit his pants if that were to happen...... Also he would be my new punching bag(old one being captain falcon) because of how annoying he is....

Hey, Captain Falcon is NOT annoying! >:[

LOL! I wouldn't say he annoying but starting to get to overrated...


Well i'm officially out of ideas for other possible character DLC. any body else has any more considerations?

because i can only think about are possible DLC stages at this point. :-P



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If Captain Falcon would have been so overrated like you claim, then we would have had a new F-Zero game already...OH WAIT!

Im talking about him in SSB series in particular. Not saying he a bad character or anything however we really do need another rep for F-zero in the game so Captain Falcon won't be the only one from that series.


Another stage I like to see come back from Melee as DLC:

Even though i know Fourside is a cliff-hanger stage but if Sakurai and his crew can update it by adding acouple of platforms and edges on the side of the buildings then this stage can be more likable


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Echoing that statement, Fourside's theme isn't in Smash 4, which can either mean we'll get Fourside eventually, or...


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Hmm.. that could be possible to

i forgot about New Pork city:




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Echoing that statement, Fourside's theme isn't in Smash 4, which can either mean we'll get Fourside eventually, or...


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Yeah no. New Pork City's theme (Porky's Theme) is already in Smash 4 (if I remember correctly, that is), so New Pork City is definitely out.
But are you sure Fourside's Theme is not in Smash 4? If I remember correctly, then it's at least in the Wii U version (although not in the 3DS version).
Then again, I rarely do "My Music", so maybe I remember incorrectly...

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Fourside's theme is definitely not in Smash 4, similar to how Fountain of Dreams wasn't prior to the inclusion of Dream Land 64.

Good point....

It a good chance Fourside stage should be DLC. Im hoping Sakurai tweaks to be better. (then we do have the omega mode to count on that.)

...Also I thought the Fountain of dreams was available on the WiiU version already... guess not. :-P


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because people like leaking stuff or making fake leaks idk

when the leak is real it makes sakurai sad or something


No its just spoils the surprise and piss some people off!! (like me) >:-(

@TrinitroMan: you might want to start putting images like that in "Spoiler" at this point on. Unless they are curious about it.


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Okay, I'm surprised that people actually praise the return of the Pirate Ship, even though more interesting stages like Fourside are left out. :|

Also, this actually is the mysterious Stage #4, so it's also a bit of a hype-killer for me. But at least there's still Super Mario Maker!

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