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*reappears behind Lightflare*

"You've underestimated me for the last time..."


Of course, even this wouldn't be enough to finish Lightflare. This was not the time for rest as the battle continued with every second becoming more intense. Blows were exchanged and both of them were relentless to each other. But as time passed, it soon became more apparent in every passing second...

....this match seems that it will end in a stalemate.

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Wanna have a fight?! Then come, FIGHT ME!!!

Well one problem with that. I can't leave Ingrid's place until I learn all the basic tomes and make my own sword. I gotta go now, but next time you see DarkFlare, tell him that Ingrid wants to have lunch with him at "that" restaurant.

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On 7/20/2014 at 5:28 AM, Darkflare said:
akuma-scrapped.png*reappears behind Lightflare*"You've underestimated me for the last time..."
akuma-bigsmile.gifhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR4iaKkXR00Of course, even this wouldn't be enough to finish Lightflare. This was not the time for rest as the battle continued with every second becoming more intense. Blows were exchanged and both of them were relentless to each other. But as time passed, it soon became more apparent in every passing second.......this match seems that it will end in a stalemate.




It looks as if we are too evenly matched. But looks...can be deceiving...



Don't worry! You're not dead YET!







*LightFlare delivers a decisive blow...yet deep down he knows Darkflare is not finished. But that was never his intention. LightFlare reverts back to his original form*



Stand tall my worthy adversary. You have proven what I've always known. Even if I did not want to always admit it. You are no worse than me. I am no better than you. Not since ShiniGami have I seen such a worthy opponent. Although TrinitroMan is most definitely close.

*helps Darkflare up*

I once thought that this battle as determine which better. Light...or dark. But I soon realized that it wasn't about that. It was about inner strength. Not seeing who's inner strength is strongest. But merly are willing to push yourself....as an individual. Thank you Darkflare. I've learned a valuable lesson because of you.

You said you were fighting for a different cause. May I ask what that is?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Day 5

Day 4's entry log was corrupt and had to be thrown out. There was a huge presence of dark aura that could be felt even in Ingrid's domain. Even TimeWeaver could feel that, meaning he was becoming more aware of his surroundings. Impressed, Ingrid introduced him to a legendary blacksmith: Vulcan, god of the forge. They had a brief conversation, with Vulcan telling Time to meet him after he finished his training with Ingrid. That's all that happened yesterday.

Today, TimeWeaver was dozing off during his hand-to-hand combat spar with Ingrid, but he was evading (narrowly, I might add) some of her attacks. However, he fell asleep standing up...which was kind of weird, but Ingrid the winner by default. Once Time finally woke up, he explained that he had been reading the tomes overnight. Wanting to see his progress, Ingrid brought out three targets, telling him to attack each using his tomes. He executed each with such skill, even Robin would be proud. There was a fire burning in his eyes, and we could tell that he was determined

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Well one problem with that. I can't leave Ingrid's place until I learn all the basic tomes and make my own sword. I gotta go now, but next time you see DarkFlare, tell him that Ingrid wants to have lunch with him at "that" restaurant.


Shut the hell up! We're having a fight now! And there is no way out of it!

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"My cause? It is quite sample. I merely wish for others to be at their potential using whatever methods I see fit. If I say they are weak, I want them to prove me wrong,"


"A cursed cause with no end. One that I choose to follow until I die. But if you've learned a lesson from me, then I have done my job."

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"My cause? It is quite sample. I merely wish for others to be at their potential using whatever methods I see fit. If I say they are weak, I want them to prove me wrong,"akuma-nx1.gif

"A cursed cause with no end. One that I choose to follow until I die. But if you've learned a lesson from me, then I have done my job."


I understand now. Your methods may be harsh...but it truly is a noble cause. One might misunderstand by thinking that you want others to use thebmethods you see fit. But that's not necessarily the case. You simply mean that YOU will use whatever method that you see fit...to ensure that others reach their full potential.

Looks like I fell for it as well...

What will you do now? Continue on your never-ending quest, I suppose.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Ingrid, is there some sort of phone or method of communication?


I'm honestly not sure myself, but in need to ask LightFlare something before I ask for your consent.

"Why can't I deal with it?" *walks outside and sees Trinitro, eager for a fight* "Oh. Yeah, hold on. I'll just establish a psychic link between you two." *takes only a few seconds* "Ok go ahead."

Hey LightFlare, it's been a while. Quick question, I was making progress here with Ingrid, and now Trinitro is here, wanting to fight me. Should i face him unprepared or test out what I've learned so far? As a tactician, I would just wait but I was just seeking your opinion.

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Ingrid, is there some sort of phone or method of communication?


I'm honestly not sure myself, but in need to ask LightFlare something before I ask for your consent.

"Why can't I deal with it?" *walks outside and sees Trinitro, eager for a fight* "Oh. Yeah, hold on. I'll just establish a psychic link between you two." *takes only a few seconds* "Ok go ahead."

Hey LightFlare, it's been a while. Quick question, I was making progress here with Ingrid, and now Trinitro is here, wanting to fight me. Should i face him unprepared or test out what I've learned so far? As a tactician, I would just wait but I was just seeking your opinion.


TimeWeaver? Where are you? And how can I hear you? Wait...you can use Telepathy? Hmm...intriguing. To answer your question. I'd say only you know the real answer. TrinitroMan is strong...but I think you can do it.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Ok, thanks for the support. *the telepathic call ends.* And thank you, Ingrid.

"So, are you sure you want to do this? You haven't even learned how to use your sword yet."

It shouldn't be a problem. After all, I am taught by the best, aren't I?

*Ingrid blushes at that statement* "I know you're just trying to butter me up, but...thanks. And if you two are going to battle, then the front yard isn't going to be demolished because of it. *with a snap of her fingers, they are teleported to a battlefield.* "All right have fun you two. I'll just watch from the sidelines."

*grips his tome*

Now let's begin. You can make the first move

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