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CvS Decapre by chuchoryu released 6/23/14


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Man, do I need to bring the list? I will bring the list! I swear it, if you keep doing it I will bring the list!


Nah. Just ignore chucho chars. EVERYONE in the galaxy knows that he doesn't care. Don't waste your complaining. MMV is a proof that no matter what we say, MMV will make sure that any criticism pointed at chucho turns into just some "eVulZ Ske|Mi!" from the "Perfectionist Mugenazis".


If you see how the guys at MMV refer to us or the Guild you would be hulking out at this moment.

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shouldn't decapre be rather easy to make since its just cammy?


Decapre in USF4 plays much different from Cammy.

Man, do I need to bring the list? I will bring the list! I swear it, if you keep doing it I will bring the list!


Nah. Just ignore chucho chars. EVERYONE in the galaxy knows that he doesn't care. Don't waste your complaining. MMV is a proof that no matter what we say, MMV will make sure that any criticism pointed at chucho turns into just some "eVulZ Ske|Mi!" from the "Perfectionist Mugenazis".


If you see how the guys at MMV refer to us or the Guild you would be hulking out at this moment.

MMV is run by Volzilla. Nuff said,

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shouldn't decapre be rather easy to make since its just cammy?

Actually, she plays very different from Cammy (Besides some special changes and new Ultras; Cammy's the usual "Circle motions" char, while Decapre is a Charge char).



 MMV is run by Volzilla. Nuff said,

And from what I heard, it's also runned by both Ax (who I don't think shows up; unless if I'm wrong) and Chucho himself. But probably as mods or admins.



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Man, do I need to bring the list? I will bring the list! I swear it, if you keep doing it I will bring the list!


Nah. Just ignore chucho chars. EVERYONE in the galaxy knows that he doesn't care. Don't waste your complaining. MMV is a proof that no matter what we say, MMV will make sure that any criticism pointed at chucho turns into just some "eVulZ Ske|Mi!" from the "Perfectionist Mugenazis".


If you see how the guys at MMV refer to us or the Guild you would be hulking out at this moment.

Bring out that list, son! :troll:

I wouldn't have suspected MMV had hard feeling towards MFFA. The Guild however...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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oh then why are people complaining about decapre then if she's more original?

I'm guessing because capcom didn't even create a new model for Decapre and just reskinned Cammy, and it didn't help that the other characters and stages were from sfxt


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I think the only way to get a true Capcom Decapre for MUGEN is, to rip the 2.5D Decapre "sprites" and sounds from USSFIV, or to have some talented 2D spriters to edit/draw one..................(yeah, all mothers are women.......hehe-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862507)

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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oh then why are people complaining about decapre then if she's more original?

Because of what Capcom did. Capcom hyped the shittywinks out of that character pre-reveal, and people were expecting someone brand new or something, yet they were greeted with a Shadaloo doll with essentially the same character model as Cammy and a similar moveset (visually).


Everyone knows it should've been Zubaz :P

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Also, fun fact, Chucho is not so mild manered on MMV. I've seen various times where he was saying people only dislike his chars because they envy him.


I believe his mild behavior on MFG is mainly because the mods are on his ass all the time and he is afraid of being moderated/banned.


Also, to anyone wanting to know the list, it's just a list I compiled with every single time a Chuchoryu related news post on this forum diluted on a shit storm. It seems like most people have short term memory or lack patern recognition skills when the subject is Chucho. Guess how long it is?


I've been in this forum for quite some time now and everytime someone even mentions chucho's name, the topic explodes in a barrage of criticisms/defences that easily break the 15 replys mark.

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I'm guessing because capcom didn't even create a new model for Decapre and just reskinned Cammy, and it didn't help that the other characters and stages were from sfxt

I mean not really but Decapre's model is sort of different from Cammy's but you gotta really look at it closely to spot some differences.




And yeah Decapre is way different from Cammy gameplay wise it's really not right to call her "just another clone"


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Also, fun fact, Chucho is not so mild manered on MMV. I've seen various times where he was saying people only dislike his chars because they envy him.


I believe his mild behavior on MFG is mainly because the mods are on his ass all the time and he is afraid of being moderated/banned.


Also, to anyone wanting to know the list, it's just a list I compiled with every single time a Chuchoryu related news post on this forum diluted on a shit storm. It seems like most people have short term memory or lack patern recognition skills when the subject is Chucho. Guess how long it is?


I've been in this forum for quite some time now and everytime someone even mentions chucho's name, the topic explodes in a barrage of criticisms/defences that easily break the 15 replys mark.


** post reviewed and cleaned **

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Or it could be like this:

- the guy postes a release; everyone gives feedback;

- the guy ignores everything and releases another beta; everyone gives feedback, but they start to wonder if the guy actually listens;

- the guy ignores feedback and accepts "Nice char +1" posts; then he goes releasing another beta; there are a lot of errors like the other characters, so the people in "some mugen forums" tells him the best way to improve his coding ability; less people give feedback;


- the guy has already released his tenth character in a month or two months (I might have exaggerated here, but you get the gist of it); everyone is upset and disappointed because the guy doesn't listen to feedback (or if he does he says: "Yes, mi amigo" and does nothing) and mostly/only listens to "Nice char +1" posts, so they say that;

- some people are so angry that they offend the guy (and they get moderated);


(meanwhile he registers to a forum where all comments are "nice char + 1")


- the guy quits the forum because of a misunderstanding in the forum; since he can't speak proper English this was bound to happen sooner or later; but the post that he badly interpretated wasn't even flaming him; after a while the guy returns;

- in the Spanish topic he says his topics were locked or deleted, which is a big lie, no one has ever done that to him;


- the guy steals sprites without giving credit, and everyone tells him to credit the spriter of said sprites; this happened with two or three creations of his (so I could even copy paste this three times); after a lot of posts (and the drama) he seems to get it; good for him;


- the guy wants to make an Asuka with this spriters' sprites; the spriter says: "No, don't use them! Wait until I'm finished!"; the guy says in his broken English: " Ok, I will wait"; so the guy promised to not work on Asuka;

- everyone gets used (more or less) to this guy releasing half-assed betas with lots of errors, so they also refuse to comment on his character (he wanted it; also what use is talking to a wall?);


- the last episode, the guy releases Asuka and other two/three betas; but wait: didn't I say he and the spriter made a deal about that Asuka? What happened?

Boom! Drama and every post towards him for that matter, saying: "You shouldn't have done this" "On top of it all, the character is another f*cking beta!" and others I won't write;

- in his forum the guy lies to everyone saying they hate him and said mean comments to him, when in reality they're telling him the truth; oh well, I guess truth hurts, huh? So why not covering it with lies in a forum I administrate?

- the guy, since he doesn't understand English, reads the comments as: "I hate you!" "I hate you!" "I hate you!" "I hate you!", and doesn't even bother to understand what's going on in the topic; he later locked it; it means he saw there were a lot of comments but locked it because DRAMA.


Replace "the guy" or "this guy" with "Chuchoryu" and you have his post history. Maybe it isn't in chronological order, but hey, that's what I remember of "the guy".



7) then some forum mods intervened and began all the warnings and bannings (usually they target the victim newbie/oldie)


That can't be true.


And actually you listened to feedback at the time, maybe the users were harsher in that period. Now I bet there wouldn't be that much harshness as there was once.

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This is the usual trend in some MUGEN forums:

1) a newbie/oldie made a topic/reply which a portion of people disliked quite much and these impolite people began their flaming-happy behavior

2) the being-flamed newbie/oldie defending himself/herself/itself

3) more impolite people joining to flame the being-flamed and being-defending newbie/oldie

4) some of the fans of the being-flamed and being-defending newbie/oldie tried to white-knight the being-flamed and being-defending newbie/oldie

5) those impolite people trying to flame the white-knights

6) some watch-only audiences posted some random off-topic things

7) then some forum mods intervened and began all the warnings and bannings (usually they target the victim newbie/oldie)

8) the process keeps looping looping and looping............until the victim newbie/oldie rage-quitted


Congradulations. You just explained the internet in a nutshell.

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