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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. Never knew that Beavis and Butthead were girls in Japan. Also:
  2. Sounds like a deal. The icons I made are rather simplistic compared to yours.
  3. There are also these bootleg Mario soccer toys at dollar stores in my area. I'll post once I get a picture.
  4. Regarding that character, it doesn't seem to be able to K.O opponents by knocking them off the screen (If I can recall), but makes up for it with countless infinites. Also, is it ok if I use the box icons for my upcoming Kirby collection?
  5. This is exactly what you think it is: Death Note Dubstep.
  6. Fixed with CharSffDtoW. I could do some other DOS characters if I feel it.
  7. Sonic vs. Burter Hey! Just who do you think you are? I'm Burter, the fastest in the universe! I thought I was the fastest in the universe! You have quite a mouth, kid. It's my title. EAT MY FIST! Well, no copyright law in the universe is going to stop me! HYAH!
  8. KOF XII(I) Robert. Seriously. It's been five years. On an even grander and more depressing scale, MVC2 War Machine. Kong took a dump all over his version, as usual, and MvC nuts have to suffer.
  9. MUGENX's Tekkaman Pikachu: http://www.mediafire.com/download/vb3bdky5yc5h8gc/tekkaman_pika.zip Thanks to Yemugen for the link!
  10. One beef I have is that the palette is glitchy, but what do you expect from a DOS character?
  11. I have that Perfect Cell HD on my MEGA. But back on topic. I wonder if this version is any good. I may test it myself, but I'm not too familiar with his other characters, other than Cell, Piccolo and Buttercup, so I don't know if it will set the bar high or low.
  12. Meh, I was more or less unmotivated. I'll try it out, but keep the original version. Just tried it out. There kinda seems to be a bit of a problem regarding the effects not coming out in the right place and possibly hitboxes being unoptimised. Plus, He is HUGE (Not as big as Ridley, though)!
  13. I would have gotten the Cell patch, but since it has an error, I won't bother fixing it to laziness. Besides, I like my arcade Cell sprites.
  14. Best: ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Worst: The sheer existence of Actarus' characters.
  15. One vote too many, Metal. Bison's already in, so choose somebody else.
  16. I'm just gonna one-up this... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/07/22/31/0722319e51793b99cc36d1e24e7536d4.jpg
  17. M. Bison by OMEGAPSYCHO - 3 Karin Kanzuki by Ryon - 1 Myon by Kohaku - 1 Mizoguchi by Kamekaze - 1
  18. When I found out about the concept, I was all like, OMG GUIZE THIS IS SO COOL! Only for me to not know how to download and implement characters. Later on, in late 2013, I learned how to download and implement characters, and I laughed like a mad scientist.
  19. Do you have to earn all of the trophies in order? (From Bronze to Platinum)
  20. Upon further inspection via youtube videos, this is an edit of AngryNoah's Spongebob, which used the same sprites.
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