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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. I remember hearing in an old request thread that an Unkoman collection would be a good idea, as his characters are scattered around the 'net, so here you go! Characters marked with an asterix (*) are initially A.I only. Choose Your Character! Captain America Guraten's A.I patch Cyclops Hulk Iron Man Juggernaut Ken Konoah Nash Happa's A.I patch Sabretooth Guraten's A.I patch Sentinel* Spider-Man Venom
  2. You could PM Gladiacloud to Re-Upload the link.
  3. So do I. I also like the new look, other than the Genesis style MUGEN logo looking a little blurry.
  4. RSR's Reimu is offline again.
  5. He took a hitaus in 2007 and returned just now. He also has a new site, which is almost identical to the old one. This guy also made some of the first MvC2 characters.
  6. If a character is really poorly put together, fair enough. What I DON'T like is when I see *ahem* organs I shouldn't be seeing.
  7. Characters that combo quite well and are easy to pick up and play (See my sig for details).
  8. Has anybody ever converted the Bridge stage from Mortal Kombat 3?
  9. Sesame by The Magic Toaster - 2 Bangiras/Tyranitar by Minoo - 1 Gatchigoras/Tyrantrum by Minoo - 1 Kyosuke by Vs Style Debuts - 1
  10. Phew. I thought you were quitting or something. That could have been bad.
  11. Big Green


  12. Is that character even good at all?
  13. You said somewhere that that was one of the rarest characters in your opinion. Didn't you?
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