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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. So being source inaccurate is pretty much the extent? That's all I've really heard, and I've yet to play the source... I did hear Terry had no palette on its initial release. Anyways, which creator do you despise the most? So being source inaccurate is pretty much the extent? That's all I've really heard, and I've yet to play the source... I did hear Terry had no palette on its initial release. Anyways, which creator do you despise the most?
  2. Big Green


    Anybody doing anything special for Cirno day?
  3. Ryo or Robert? What's the beef with Beppu's characters?
  4. Mugen Germany MUGEN CHARACTERS (Overlooked but popular)
  5. It was made by some indian guy... I'll pass. Certain MLP bootlegs can be some of the most cringeworthy stuff out there. It even uses FANART on the box at times.
  6. Has potential, but needs a lot of work. Still sticking to CHOUJIN's. Also, this glitch:
  7. I get it too, 'cuz I'm Canadian. Aside from the Pokemon anime, what's your favorite video game cartoon/anime?
  8. Unless I'm mistaken, that's the Osaka stadium from CvS2.
  9. Thanks for the note. Also, Wigglytuff isn't too bad either.
  10. What year did you start playing MUGEN? Favorite British sitcom? Is the cheesy smile your spirit animal?
  11. Is your real name Matt? Other than Pokemon, what Nintendo franchise (minus crossovers) is your favorite?
  12. I'm not too sure he likes DBZ. He is apparently working on some edits, doe.
  13. All but Android 18 came out in 2007. 18 came in 2008.
  14. Nettou Rugal by Ahuron - 1 Mech Hisui 404 by Sennou-Room - 2 Bardock by Wesley - 2 Yuri Sakazaki by Ohgaki - 1
  15. That's actually from a game called "Lion King 5". There were alternate screens for Timon and Pumba, who were actually playable. Timon buries himself alive, and Pumba jumps into a boiling pot.
  16. I'm guessing that the author is Jin, as if I can recall, he was the only one to convert Robert from that game.
  17. I tried out Raichu, and I think it's still somewhat playable. Still, there's FAR WORSE characters in this collection, like the aforementioned HS98 characters. Also, anybody know who Raichu was a spriteswap of?
  18. They also both inspired The_None's Magic Geese apparently.
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