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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. I gotta try this out. I also know who the Marvel W.I.P is! I'm not gonna tell cuz' it'll spoil the surprise.
  2. I can't beleive I just realised that he's a sprite edit of Terry Bogard.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlHkSA0-o3s I AM PERFECT...
  4. Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors To back it up: http://www.spriters-resource.com/fullview/14500/
  5. I guess I'm convinced now. Downloading.
  6. I hope he does some more too.
  7. Anybody know where I can find them? The creator made some DBZ and Kirby characters and most links I've found are broken or have the characters in a wierd file format.
  8. Whelp, the author doesn't seem to live up to his/her name...
  9. Ganondorf: BaganSmashBros' version is your current best bet, despite using the DC template. Banjo and Kazooie: Aperson98 made the duo, unless you ment one that didn't use pre-rendered sprites. There are also at least four King K. Rools in MUGEN.
  10. I missed some! Wario (Warner) Vegeta (CHOUJIN) Luigi (Aperson98) Pikachu (Xedarts) Deadpool (Infinite) Venom (T.O.P.S) Spider-Man (Erradicator) Which version?
  11. Cell (CHOUJIN) Gotenks (Gladiacloud) Luigi (Shinryoga & NeOaNkH) Vegeta (Team Z2) Ken (DarkCipherLucius) Venom (Big Eli King) Luigi (Warner)
  12. Well, Veanko just made Carol Tea today. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bd848pznblg53c/Carol.rar?dl=0
  13. I'm gonna use the "One character per franchise" rule here. 1. Luigi (Super Smash Bros) 2. Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z fighting games) 3. Ken (Street Fighter) 4. Venom (Marvel vs. Capcom) 5. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
  14. Homer by Judgespear Mario and Luigi by ShinRyoga and NeOaNkH Ryu by POTS
  15. There are 3 good 3D Samus', but none play like SSBB. They are made by Varia31, BaganSmashBros, and Odb718.
  16. The funny part being that Freedom Planet was originaly going to be a Sonic fangame. I also tried out this character. It's pretty fun and simple, if not a little unorthodox.
  17. I'm especialy curious about the Obi-Wan in that picture.
  18. I was expecting that, but I heard it wasn't good.
  19. Anybody know anything about both the characters in the picture below? I'm sure that they aren't good, but I'm a bit of a star wars junkie. Also, sorry that the pic doesn't show.
  20. I think this might be a little too tedious for me, but thanks anyways!
  21. Is there anywhere I can find ripped voices from Marvel vs. Capcom 3?
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